The Earth is absolutely stationary.
I am the only one who has been answering the following essential questions:
Where is our Universe actually located?
What is the scale of our Universe?
The UA have to rely, of all things possible, on TWO RE ARGUMENTS: general relativity and dark energy.
But there is no such thing as dark energy: no such thing as the theory of relativity: we have just seen today, the RE have managed to score yet another win, by pointing out the discrepancy between the official Jupiter angular size/diameter and the data offered by the UAFE: just like the RE, the UAFE also have to assume that the refractive index is THE SAME, from Earth to Jupiter.
ONLY by taking into account the correct FET, the one that is wholly and totally based on aether/ether theory, can we point out that given the refractive index of the aether, the official angular size/diameter data on Jupiter is definitely wrong.
I have just explained why the UA and the ether are mutually exclusive:
The ether = terrestrial gravity is a force of pressure, this ether/aether is enclosed in a Dome; no need to assume the Earth is moving upwards, it makes the entire UA theory absolutely superfluous.
The UA was invented and hastily put forward in order to explain terrestrial gravity: for the past eight years, it has failed to do so, each and every time, but the UAFE just won't let go.