what do u believe 1st

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what do u believe 1st
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:13:27 PM »
i believe in god 1st and then i believe that the earth is flat 2nd  :P
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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2016, 01:59:27 PM »
I believe in truth first, and the flat earth second.
"You are a very reasonable man John." - D1

"The lunatic, the lover, and the poet. Are of imagination all compact" - The Bard



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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2016, 01:46:26 AM »
I believe in God first, and the second is what God said. Flat or not, this is not my problem. I follow what God said.
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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2016, 10:54:10 AM »
I believe in FET first, and God never.
I'm just concerned with truth, cutting out all unnecessary assumptions, and focusing only what it is reasonable to believe.
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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2016, 07:21:21 PM »
I believe God first. For he created the flat earth.
God is real.                                         



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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2016, 02:42:08 PM »
I came to believe in God, because I developed an open mind.  I developed an open mind, because I relentlessly started pursuing the truth and came to the conclusion that I'd been lied to about a lot of things in school and the media.  So, it wasn't hard for me to accept that we'd been lied to about the earth spinning, but flat earth was very hard to accept.  I think that was because I thought it was crazy.   :P
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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2017, 09:21:38 PM »
I relentlessly started pursuing the truth and came to the conclusion that I'd been lied to about a lot of things in school and the media.

I aggressively began collecting books specifically about this media phenomenon and systematic propagation of falsehood in the twentieth century.  Now that I've assessed some of these books, I would say the  media in nineteenth century America was very different in a good way: it was less monopolised and ownership more distributed. Worthy of mention is a 1936 non-fiction book by Upton Sinclair entitled the 'Brass Check' that tells the sad story of how the newspapers and journalism (the media) became monopolised.
What is newsworthy and what is to be believed in as truth by the majority in America is decided by the rich and those who depend upon them for a livelihood.

The consensus of nineteenth century writers was that flat earth belief has a common history with early Christians up to the time that Islam resuscitated pagan globe earth philosophy. Nowadays, writers uncritically accept Jeffrey Burton Russell's contention that flat earth belief was rare among early Christians, and it is an unsubstantiated lie.

I've heard self professed Christians argue that Josephus never wrote that Christ was resurrected in spite of the fact that he clearly wrote exactly that in his book 'Antiquities of the Jews' and many ancient writers also quoted him as writing that. Why would someone wanting to follow Christ make such an argument against his own interest? It's because the propaganda has been successful here.

This reminds me of beautiful recent conversation I had with a 75 year Vietnam veteran (a leftist who realised at that time that the Americans were actually the bad guys) whose been a prison security guard all his life and nearing retirement. He told me most of his younger co-workers vote against their own interests. By and large, more often than not, they vote and argue for what the rich want. 

I told him that compared to his generation, and even more so in comparison with the WWII, that the generation today is by comparison politically further to the right and also more stupid. He looked down kind of sad and shrugged saying "It's true."


17 November

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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2017, 09:45:08 PM »
Of course, I believe God. I also believe that man is created by God consisting of two parts: body and soul, the earth into which God breathed. Since I believe man was created in the image of God who is one nature that transcends a Trinity, the soul of man is a Trinity.

Plato was correct when he spoke of a triune soul: intellect, emotion, and ethos (the conscience).

For me personally, to ascertain the truth about religion is necessary with a view to security for eternity and perhaps just out of love for God.

The flat earth is true, but it is not necessary for salvation. To insist that  the earth is flat may have it's place, but to insist that such a truth is more important than God seems obtuse. I think it's wise to be sober enough to recognise the level and place of application some truths. As Solomon wrote to everything there is a season and purpose under heaven.


17 November

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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2017, 09:59:54 PM »
To insist that  the earth is flat may have it's place, but to insist that such a truth is more important than God seems obtuse.

Out of prudence, I want to clarify one point. I dare not say nor think of anyone as obtuse. That's not my call. I do believe that the thought itself of anything being as  important as God is a foolish thought.

I do not believe in judging people, but I often consider it good and correct to evaluate and judge ideas.



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Re: what do u believe 1st
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2017, 06:56:08 PM »
I believe in truth first, and the flat earth second.
"You are a very reasonable man John." - D1

"The lunatic, the lover, and the poet. Are of imagination all compact" - The Bard