I am just learning about FET and have no questions yet. However I briefly brought up my recent discovery of this shocking-has-to-be-fake theory on another forum, and was getting attacked by a new critic who signed up just to argue with me, even though I told him I do not like to argue and I don't know enough anyway, and then "job" entered the discussion, from here I think. Which I was very thankful for because the critic was making me tired. But "job' very soon got the boot, unceremoniously banned, implicated with being some other individual whom he is not - that is, another of our
previously-banned forum members, who allegedly keeps coming back under assumed names. Doesn't' sound like a very friendly forum, does it? Well sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. Anyway, we were in the midst of conversation when he was ejected, and now I wonder how to contact job. Job, if you are here please say hello*. Pretty quick, too, because Lent begins Tuesday at Midnight and then I go offline for Lent. God bless you, you wild and crazy flat-earthers!
(Who might actually be right.
No. Can't be....)
*And please tell me the name of your FET youtube channel you mentioned you have. Because one thing I
do do during Lent is watch some TV if I am on my stationary bike at the same time, and my TV does youtube pretty well. Thanks.