Is there anyone that agrees with you?
Clearly, butthurt little inquisi-bot.
If there wasn't, I wouldn't have a posse of proven Liars like you desperately trying to claim the opposite, would I?
The simple fact that you are prepared to Lie about this issue shows that I have a point.
Because if teh silly fake ISS were exactly what you claim there would be no reason whatsoever for you to Lie about it, would there?
Yet anyone reading through this thread will see numerous occasions where you have openly Lied.
So you must be covering something up.
Really; this is pretty obvious stuff; any detective could tell you that Lying is a sign of Guilt...
Which is why I say you are all shit at your jobs & would last about two minutes under interrogation IRL before being dragged out & shot in the head.
Glad to know you have come around to believing the X-15 is real
Wtf are you talking about?
Teh silly fake ISS behaves no differently to any other other high-subsonic, high-altitude plane.
Compare them & see.
Well, as you are a proven Liar I know you won't...
But others may, & they will see that I am correct.
It's just a Gulfstream with a spotlight stuck to it.