Ok, I'll throw this out there, if Yendor or feuk has ANY evidence that the moon landings were faked, now is the time to back up your assertions.
Show me something... I've yet to see anything that convinces me the Apollo program was faked.
I lived through that era, I remember the 30 odd hour continuous telecasts, the Apollo missions prior to Apollo 11, 17 Apollo missions in total, all the Russian unmanned probes that sent back pictures, all the Surveyor Missions, all the Ranger Missions. The LRO missions.
I remember the public getting bored with moon missions, it was becoming so passe, that it was ho-hum, the anti-vietnam war movement, and general protest movement was in full swing, and the public mood shifted away from space exploration, the Kennedy Assassination earlier, No-one could ever forget Watergate, the Nixon tapes, and later impeachment, there were no longer any votes in funding NASA, and the real impetus was the cold war imperative to beat the Russians had gone. The race was over. The USA had won the space race, it cost the efforts of an entire nation and billions of dollars.
Where is the evidence that any of the hundreds of moon missions were faked?
.... crickets ....