Good work, PsychedelicShill/Rayzor; drunk as a Lord as usual & making your side look worse & worse with every twisted post.
Who's Rayzor? I though I was Geoff!
If you cannot understand how the Momentum of a gas that is Expanding, Freely, into Nothing, without hitting anything on the way, or doing any Work whatsoever, is Conserved, then God help you.
But, if it's expanding freely, how does it ONLY know to expand into nothing? What happens when it expands in the direction of, say, the inside of the combustion chamber? Or the inside of the nozzle? Does the sargeant major particle stop and say "That's it, boys, no further from here. We remain PUT. Under NO circumstances is a SINGLE MOLECULE to step out of line and touch that nozzle! You hear me? Stay still! If we bump into that there nozzle, why, the nozzle would have to move a teeny weeny bit in order to conserve momentum, and that ain't happening, cos we're in a vacuum, and this puppy is sailing nowhere fast!"
Is that right? If not, please illuminate me with Poppa-logic.
Oops, I shoulda said 'Lucifer help you'!
Who's Lucifer? Will he tell me who Geoff really is?
The results of the Free Expansion experiment are clear as day to anyone with a brain.
Was that the free expansion into a system with a boundary, with no net work done on the enclosing boundary? Please explain for us mere simpletons!
As is the Fact that the force-pairing responsible for the thrust of a rocket is created at the Exit of the nozzle & Nowhere Else.
GOTTIT! I'm with you all the way, Poppy Legman! Force-pairing acts on a hole! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can a gas molecule impart a force on an actual object - it imparts a force on, quite literally, fresh air! Or a vacuum, depending on what's in the hole.
To reiterate for the hard of thinking:
In an atmosphere:- the exhaust gas molecule/particle hits a molecule of atmosphere, creating a force-pairing whereby the atmospheric molecule is whooshed in one direction, and the exhaust molecule is whooshed in the other. As Poopa says, the force-pairing occurs at the exit of the nozzle and NOWHERE ELSE. So the whooshed exhaust molecule whooshes somewhere (exactly where isn't relevant and only muddies the argument), and this mutual whooshing then causes the 1000 tonne rocket to raise into the air - WITHOUT any force being imparted on it (remember the truthful mantra - thrust is created at the nozzle exit - nowhere else - and the exit is just that - an empty gap). Makes sense to Fysics people like me and my Legman.
In a vacuum:- the exhaust gas molecule/particle NEVER hits the inside of the combustion chamber, or the nozzle. It just knows the way out of the nozzle, automatically, because Poppa-physics. On reaching the nozzle exit, the molecule says "What, no atmosphere for me to push on? How the hell am I going to get back into the rocket engine, so I can do some more non-pushing and get this baby shifted? Well, I just think I'll mosey on out and see what the atmosphere's like in this party."
No Ambient Pressure to create that Force-Pairing with = No Thrust.
Goddit! And expained it above for the hard of thunking among us.
Veeeery Simple stuff...
I know! How has this thread been dragged out over 80-odd pages?
But not simple enough for you.
Poppa, you've done a brilliant job of toasting these lame-wits and spaghetti-dicks. And I'm talking Alphabetti spaghetti, not that long, linguine stuff.
Even 'You Cannot Push On Nothing' isn't simple enough for you, mind...
I know! Especially at the exit of a nozzle, where the exhaust molecule MUST push on an atmospheric molecule, so that a force-pairing between those two particles occurs, and it's the force-pairing between two molecules in ACTUAL EXIT of the nozzle that causes the rocket to move, without a molecule EVER touching the nozzle, because Poppa-physics!
Toodle-pip, Simpleton!
I love you, Poppa. And I think I always will.