That sounds an awful lot like work,
It would if any energy was lost during the process.
But it isn't so it's not.
but of course we all know that work can't happen during free expansion.
Are you saying it does?
I hope not, as it would be untrue.
'The fact that there is no change in the total energy when a gas expands into a vacuum shows there is no repulsive force between the molecules.': Peter Fireman,writing in the Journal of Physical Chemistry.
Note that the above statement also smashes your 'clinking clanking billiard ball molecules bouncing round the nozzle' bullshit false analogy.
It's all very simple: a rocket, like every other thing that moves, does so by creating friction upon the medium through which it moves.
In the case of a rocket, this is the atmosphere.
Remove that medium & motion becomes impossible.
Newton & Free Expansion both agree with me on this.
If only you lot could come up with ONE Law of Physics that supports your case...
That would be nice!
But no; all you have is gish-galloping, gaslighting & gang stalking...
Which is 'scientific' in a way; just the wrong one.
Toodle-pip, JREF-ugees!