Here's Rayzor/PsychedelicShill/etc deliberately misinterpreting the Free Expansion diagram I posted:
Anyhoo; all anyone needs to understand to be sure I am correct in my position is what this diagram represents:

It is a thought experiment, based upon the theoretical implications of Free Expansion & shows clearly what would happen to a gas whilst expanding into an infinite vacuum.
The answer is: NOTHING.
B-b-b-but - I thought the rocket gases were being forced out into a VACUUM? This diagramme shows them pushing against a solid object. So, it's not expanding into an infinite vacuum.
Will he ever apologise for Lying like this?
Will any of the Clown Derf Borg Hive-Mind ever point out he is Lying?
Lol no!
That will NEVER happen...
I wonder why?
B-b-b-but Poppa - where did I lie?
I though you said the diagramme showed what happened while the gas expanded into an infinite vacuum?
It is a thought experiment, based upon the theoretical implications of Free Expansion & shows clearly what would happen to a gas whilst expanding into an infinite vacuum.
You DID! You DID say it shows what happens when the gas expands into an infinite vacuum!
I simply pointed out what we see in the diagrammes - the gases are not forced out into an infinite vacuum. The gas molecules are contained by a border that presumably denotes a solid object? Ergo the diagrammes cannot possibly denote an infinite vacuum?
Before - gases are pushing on the walls of the object.
During - Gases are pushing on 3 sides of the solid object, and also expanding into a
finite vacuum, created by moving the imaginary piston quicker than the molecules can theoretically travel.
After - gases are pushing on the walls of the object, after expanding into the now defunct finite vacuum.
Now, since we know you do not lie or ever, ever make misteaks (sic) about Fhysics, a logical assumption to make is that someone hacked the wiki page you got the image from. Or, maybe you mis-typed and said infinite vacuum, when you really meant finite vacuum. Now, I don't think you make silly mistakes, so maybe you were having a little joke with us all to make sure we were paying attention? A Proppa Leg-pull maybe? (See what I did there?)
That got me thinking... maybe you're having a Proppa Leg-Pull when you said that thrust can ONLY be created in the exit of the nozzle and NOWHERE else, due to force-pairing between an exhaust gas molecule and a molecule of atmosphere?
Can you explain using first principles exactly how that would cause a rocket to lift off from good old planet Earth, according to Poppa Physics, please Poppa?
Cuddles etc, PsychopathicShill.
PS Please don't keep accusing me of being Geoff, Rayzor et al. The nurses have just about got me believing I'm not Napoleon and Elvis, and that took some pretty far out medical procedures I don't want to have to go through again.