New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society

  • 50 Replies
Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2016, 08:14:15 AM »
This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

You mean: 'Official Flat Earth Society Map', right?
Because I think we all know it's not a True World Map.

To fall into the belief of a flat Earth is to deny YOUR OWN cognizance.



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2016, 08:43:26 AM »
This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2016, 09:35:04 AM »
This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

I could have predicted this exact response.

To fall into the belief of a flat Earth is to deny YOUR OWN cognizance.



  • 6758
Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2016, 10:36:46 AM »
This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

When/where is said lecture?



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2016, 10:49:50 AM »
This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

When/where is said lecture?
I'm looking at using it for one in Knoxville, TN in May of this year. I'm not sure the exact date is set, its with a group of presenters that meet monthly. I've done a presentation for them in the past on indoor wayfinding.

To those who can't make it, I have already secured someone to record the entire thing for online distribution.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2016, 10:52:55 AM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2016, 10:57:01 AM »

It's just too bad that those that live in the Southern Hemisphere do know a few things about the Southern Hemisphere continents.

I for one KNOW that Australia is NOT the shape shown on that map. We don't have an accurate copy of that map to measure distances, but the shapes of the Southern Hemisphere continents seem the same as on "Gleason's Map", so for the present I will demonstrate what I mean on that. If there is an alternate map I would be glad to use that.

To see what I mean about the E-W distances being grossly stretched on the Gleason's Map just look at these two maps of Australia.  The one on the left is from Gleason's and the one on the right on Google Earth.  I used the Google Earth as a quick way to get the shape right, but the measurement shown are from my Garmin Navigator map. I have checked this numerous times, both with map (surveyed) distances between towns and the car oddometer, which I know  is not more than 1% out (not all cars are that close - maybe Landcruisers are not that bad!).
Australia on Gleason's Map
Australia on Google Earth
Gleason'sGarmin Nav
West-East 30° Lat   
8,700 km3,700 km
Cape Yk-Wils Prom   
3,200 km3,200 km
As you can see the shape of Australia is grossly distorted, with the East-West distance on the Gleason Map 8,700 km compared to a more accurate distance of 3,700 km. The distances from the Gleason Map are estimated by comparing the lengths with the Equator to North Pole taken as 10,000 km.  (Close to the 6,000 miles used in many FE calculations)
The North-South distances agree very well. (All the distances have been rounded to the nearest 100 km), but E-W distances are grossly in error.

Again I know the map I used is not the one you picture, but show me a copy of that I can measure distances from and I will use that.

While we are talking about the Southern Hemisphere, please note that we do see the stars rotate about the South Celestial Pole. Just how does that fit with that fit this map that denies a South Pole!

It is also too bad that some people might recognize the map as just  a copy of the Unipolar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection made from the globe with its distortions south of the equator.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 11:02:16 AM by Googleotomy »
Stick close , very close , to your P.C.and never go to sea
And you all may be Rulers of The Flat Earth Society

Look out your window , see what you shall see
And you all may be Rulers of The Flat Earth Society

Yes ! Never, never, never,  ever go to sea !



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2016, 11:00:46 AM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
Science functions better when you have multiple modular worldviews competing.  As such, I will only say that this is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members.
So long and thanks for all the fish



  • 6758
Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2016, 11:11:01 AM »
To those who can't make it, I have already secured someone to record the entire thing for online distribution.




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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2016, 12:25:53 PM »
^ zing  ;D

the THEORY of gravity is just that, a THEORY.

and a THEORY full of plot holes at that.

It sure is.

Quote from: Wikipedia
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method and repeatedly tested and confirmed through observation and experimentation.
It also is completely unfounded within method. I'll just leave this here.

You might as well be telling me only gray geese exist!
I wouldn't say that because there is evidence of other colours of geese existing.
Now if you never use induction, you might as well tell me dragons and unicorns exist, since you can't disprove their existence without induction.
No. You can't disprove it at all, ever. Its proving a negative.
Now can you explain to be how the universe accelerator work, I don't mean explain as in explain what it does and how it acts, I mean what you consider explaining a theory, the one that suffers from this,
I'm not sure what you are asking here. Sorry.

So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2016, 01:33:35 PM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
Science functions better when you have multiple modular worldviews competing.  As such, I will only say that this is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members.

Thanks. It's good to know there is an official map. I'm noting this so it can be referred to when "there's no official flat-earth map" comes up.

There's nothing like good old argumentum ad populum[nb]jroa: that's Latin for "appeal to the people". It refers to a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it.[/nb] to settle which is true.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2016, 01:59:52 PM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
Science functions better when you have multiple modular worldviews competing.  As such, I will only say that this is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members.

Thanks. It's good to know there is an official map. I'm noting this so it can be referred to when "there's no official flat-earth map" comes up.

There's nothing like good old argumentum ad populum[nb]jroa: that's Latin for "appeal to the people". It refers to a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it.[/nb] to settle which is true.
Except nobody made that argument, except you. Also, we don't need you to translate commonly known latin phrases, thank you very much.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2016, 02:22:06 PM »

Now can you explain to be how the universe accelerator work, I don't mean explain as in explain what it does and how it acts, I mean what you consider explaining a theory, the one that suffers from this,
I'm not sure what you are asking here. Sorry.

He is asking what keeps everything on the ground. Why is the Earth accelerating 'upwards'? (according to FET)

I really hope that you can answer this question fully, and directly. There is a near abundance of information on how gravity works and is observed available to the average person via the internet. However, there is not such information to be found on flat Earth theory.

I agree with you that having a view askew to current science can potentially be very advantageous to scientific advancement in the long run (look at almost every great scientist to exist). I must say though, that I am lost as to what possible positive outcome could occur through assuming the Earth is flat and ignoring the laws of physics that suggest the Earth is not flat.

To fall into the belief of a flat Earth is to deny YOUR OWN cognizance.

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2016, 03:52:49 PM »
The reason I gave a link to infinite regression is that it means there will always be a part of a scientific theory that has no explanation, because if you find a explanation for the part of the theory that had no explanation, then that new part of the theory will now be the part with no explanation, unless you find another explanation, but I think you see the problem.

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #44 on: March 15, 2016, 06:26:17 PM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
Science functions better when you have multiple modular worldviews competing.  As such, I will only say that this is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members.

Thanks. It's good to know there is an official map. I'm noting this so it can be referred to when "there's no official flat-earth map" comes up.

There's nothing like good old argumentum ad populum[nb]jroa: that's Latin for "appeal to the people". It refers to a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it.[/nb] to settle which is true.
Except nobody made that argument, except you.

Which argument? That the polar azimuthal equidistant projection (the one depicted on the poster) "is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members." That was you.

Also, we don't need you to translate commonly known latin phrases, thank you very much.

According to your moderator, we do.

The deference to jroa was a result of this conversation last month:


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

This is an English speaking board.  Please, pay attention to the rules.

I never did find that rule, and, as administrator, I presume your decisions about what the rules are overrule his. so thanks, again, for conformation of that.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2016, 04:26:54 AM »
I think the maps are meant to be treated as: "If the world were flat, then the map would look something like this."
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2016, 11:39:00 AM »
I think the maps are meant to be treated as: "If the world were flat, then the map would look something like this."

The headline says "Representation of the True World Map", and prominently features a map with figures next to it that would represent the daily motion of the sub-solar point at different times of year on that map.

Other flat-earth representations we've seen, like the bi-polar and the dual-earth versions, look considerably different, so this couldn't be considered a representation of those, nor would the path of the Sun be that set of circles on either of them.

If what you say is correct and they were being honest, wouldn't it say "One Possible Representation of a True World Map" or something like that? That loses some impact, though, and makes them sound unsure of what the world looks like. After all, if they don't know what the world looks like, why believe they know what its shape is?
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2016, 01:00:23 PM »
they were being honest

, wouldn't it say "One Possible Representation of a True World Map" or something like that?
"One Impossible Representation of a True World Map"  might be more accurate.

After all, if they don't know what the world looks like, why believe they know what its shape is?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2016, 08:12:26 AM »
The reason I gave a link to infinite regression is that it means there will always be a part of a scientific theory that has no explanation, because if you find a explanation for the part of the theory that had no explanation, then that new part of the theory will now be the part with no explanation, unless you find another explanation, but I think you see the problem.
Yes, but the part that requires no explanation is almost always delegated to the axiomatic / philosophical level. You don't need turtles all the way down until you start trying to justify induction and its ilk. Or completely formalizing a theory. However you are right, to a certain degree - its turtles all the way down. Whether the Earth is flat or round.
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2016, 08:14:09 AM »
Was this:

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

A response to this question?

This is for a lecture discussing the model depicted.

Is that the True World Map or not?

If so, I presume you must mean it's not the True World Map even though it says otherwise. If you thought it was the True World Map, it seems like you would have said 'yes'.

Oh, well. So much for hoping there is suddenly some clarity about what a flat earth is supposed to look like.
Science functions better when you have multiple modular worldviews competing.  As such, I will only say that this is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members.

Thanks. It's good to know there is an official map. I'm noting this so it can be referred to when "there's no official flat-earth map" comes up.

There's nothing like good old argumentum ad populum[nb]jroa: that's Latin for "appeal to the people". It refers to a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition is true because many or most people believe it.[/nb] to settle which is true.
Except nobody made that argument, except you.

Which argument? That the polar azimuthal equidistant projection (the one depicted on the poster) "is the current official map of the American Flat Earth Society as it represents the beliefs of the majority of our members." That was you.
No. An argumentum ad populum would be: This is true because many people believe it. I did not say that. I said it was the official map due to it representing the beliefs of our members. You drew the connection between it being the official map due to numbers and truth by saying it was an argument ad populum.

I can only imagine jroa told you to speak in english because it had become a repeated problem. I could also be unaware of a rule - I am an administrator and not a moderator after all. I stand by his decisions. Apologies for the curt reply in reference to your use of latin.
So long and thanks for all the fish

Re: New Poster by the American Flat Earth Society
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2016, 08:42:09 AM »
No. An argumentum ad populum would be: This is true because many people believe it. I did not say that. I said it was the official map due to it representing the beliefs of our members. You drew the connection between it being the official map due to numbers and truth by saying it was an argument ad populum.

The poster itself says "the True World Map".

I can only imagine jroa told you to speak in english because it had become a repeated problem.

Nope. I almost never do that. Certainly less than you and many others.

I could also be unaware of a rule - I am an administrator and not a moderator after all. I stand by his decisions.

As far as I can tell he just made that one up on the spot. When asked to cite it he fell silent.

Apologies for the curt reply in reference to your use of latin.

No problem.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan