There are very few "real" conclusions made by what Kuhn calls "normal" science (method outside of revolution.) The majority of what you see is either engineering or curve fitting in disguise. As he calls it - "Puzzle solving." Finding how your empirical data fits within your already existing context and theoretical framework.
Its book keeping.
You already have your context in place, and its not likely or probable you are going to overturn it. Consider how hard it is to convince a flat Earther that the earth is round or vice versa. Consider Copernicus or Galileo. Now thoroughly entrench this with hundreds of years of axioms and the lifetime work of every scientist dealing with your field. Its no wonder most revolutionary science isn't recognized and integrated (or reformed into a new language) until far after its discovery. Science isn't falsifiable. It waits around until it gains enough paradoxical holes in it that it requires a new language to explains these holes.
It takes a revolution and a change in language (and consequently a lowering of empirical content) to really accomplish anything meaningful as far as truth from method is concerned.
Physicists are usually one of two types Theoretical or Experimental.
Suppose you wish to measure how fast things fall, conventional wisdom says that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects, you design an experiment and measure the results, in this case we are talking about Galileo dropping things off the leaning tower of Pisa, did Galileo have a theory as to why heavy and light objects fell at the same rate? ( I think it was actually an inclined plane, but the publicity people thought the leaning tower need a boost in tourism )
It wasn't until Newton many years later that the mathematics was formulated that described the empirical results. But Newton had no more of an idea as to what gravity was than Galileo, then hundreds of years pass before the next clue.
Einstein explains that gravity is the effect of mass causing space-time to be curved. Gravity doesn't exist. Does that invalidate Galileo or Newton, no.
Does that mean we can't use Newtonian Gravity to calculate satellite orbits, or predict loads on bridges and buildings. No.
Whatever the revolution that comes next, it won't invalidate the empirical results.
Any theory which is counter to empirical results and experiment would not survive.