OMG I'm in space

  • 68 Replies


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Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2015, 09:19:10 AM »
Cry me a River,

Mr. Blither,

Cos nobody cares what you think.

You said this:

I'd also highly recommend you play the game Kerbal Space Program. It effectively illustrates, using real physics, how space travel works, and is possible.

Thus proving, beyond any doubt, that you are unable to tell the difference between Fantasy & Reality.

Here's your 'Reality': 01001011001100100111001010100110100101100101001001101001...

If you weren't such a thoroughly disturbed & unpleasant personality - as your vile posts on 'angry ranting' showed - I would pity you.

As it is, I am simply waiting for the mods whom you troll & spam so robotically to ban you...

Until then, toodle-pip, Loser!

Please, don't be an idiot. Programming isn't ones and zeros. Only a true retard like yourself would think this.
Quā ratiōne nōn redimus ad senectēs societātēs sapientium patrum? Quā ratiōne relinquimus eārum sapientiam?

Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2015, 09:21:25 AM »
Cry me a River,

Mr. Blither,

Cos nobody cares what you think.

You said this:

I'd also highly recommend you play the game Kerbal Space Program. It effectively illustrates, using real physics, how space travel works, and is possible.

Thus proving, beyond any doubt, that you are unable to tell the difference between Fantasy & Reality.

Here's your 'Reality': 01001011001100100111001010100110100101100101001001101001...

If you weren't such a thoroughly disturbed & unpleasant personality - as your vile posts on 'angry ranting' showed - I would pity you.

As it is, I am simply waiting for the mods whom you troll & spam so robotically to ban you...

Until then, toodle-pip, Loser!

Please, don't be an idiot. Programming isn't ones and zeros. Only a true retard like yourself would think this.

Careful there. When you write a high level program you need a compiler to turn into a file that can be read by the computer, that is, a logic built completely of zero's and one's. So programming in the end is zero's and one's. I could be wrong on that.

Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #62 on: December 16, 2015, 09:29:33 AM »
No. Gravity attracts you and causes you to accelerate.

Into an orbit? Those funny circles (impossible) drawn by the artists of this science fiction? :D

If you simply accelerate faster away from the Earth than the Earth would accelerate you back towards it.

"The Earth would accelerate me back?" What kind of physical language is that? :D

Is this a hard concept for you to understand? Most people with a basic knowledge of physics would know this, but you clearly don't.

If these concepts were easy we wouldn't talk about them. You believe some crazy physically impossible story. I wouldn't want to dare imagine the enormous gravitational forces of Earth, Moon and Sun and the ultra-complex interplay between them.

And as that level of complexity is not taken into account in the NASA stories, they fail to help me further too.

No, you've simply reached a point where you can escape Earths sphere of influence.

My little sister Selene, a small celestial body compared to me but still some 10^19+ times heavier than your average space toy, is held in the inescapable gravitational dance.

Every day my aura is penetrated by 1000s of meteors, attracted by my gravity.

How again you thought you could escape those unimaginably large natural forces, you mere human? By "spending some dV and saving some at other moments"?

No wonder you have Star Trek as avatar. Stick to those fantasies and leave physics alone, it's really better.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 09:31:22 AM by Gaia_Redonda »
I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses - Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)


Papa Legba

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Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2015, 09:32:03 AM »
We should not pity them, I very much agree.


Laughing at them, however, is another matter altogether; to borrow a sci-fi cliche, it is their Kryptonite...

They REALLY hate it!

Ignoring them is fun too; watch how very frantic & foot-stampingly-angry they get when you do so...

Ahh, good times!

Here: let's enjoy some more 'proof' of spayzhe-travel before we move on: 0100101101001011001100110100101101010011100100101000...


i yam naow on teh munn adn munn iss orl shinny & stuf munn munn munn!!11!11!1
I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 867
  • who fucking cares what shape the earth is lol
Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #64 on: December 16, 2015, 09:54:52 AM »
Cry me a River,

Mr. Blither,

Cos nobody cares what you think.

You said this:

I'd also highly recommend you play the game Kerbal Space Program. It effectively illustrates, using real physics, how space travel works, and is possible.

Thus proving, beyond any doubt, that you are unable to tell the difference between Fantasy & Reality.

Here's your 'Reality': 01001011001100100111001010100110100101100101001001101001...

If you weren't such a thoroughly disturbed & unpleasant personality - as your vile posts on 'angry ranting' showed - I would pity you.

As it is, I am simply waiting for the mods whom you troll & spam so robotically to ban you...

Until then, toodle-pip, Loser!

Please, don't be an idiot. Programming isn't ones and zeros. Only a true retard like yourself would think this.

Careful there. When you write a high level program you need a compiler to turn into a file that can be read by the computer, that is, a logic built completely of zero's and one's. So programming in the end is zero's and one's. I could be wrong on that.

You are right, but almost all programmers write in high-level, or intermediate languages, which are then compiled to binary executables. Ones and zeros essentially represent the state of an electric current. One is on, and zero is off.
Quā ratiōne nōn redimus ad senectēs societātēs sapientium patrum? Quā ratiōne relinquimus eārum sapientiam?


Son of Orospu

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Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #65 on: December 16, 2015, 03:28:57 PM »
To leave the Earth completely and to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth is what I said.

Pssh, that's easy. Just exceed Earth's escape velocity of about 40,000 km/h. Really, all you have to do is strap on a booster powerful enough to a payload and accelerate to that speed to get past Earth's gravitational influence.

You should really learn how space travel works before trying to disprove it and making yourself look like a fool.

Astronuts in "orbit" are not claimed to have escaped Earth's gravitational pull.  In fact, only slightly less "gravity" is supposed to be affecting the astronuts on the the ISS as affecting you on the ground.  Perhaps you should make an effort to actually learn RET before you make yourself look even more foolish?   



  • 867
  • who fucking cares what shape the earth is lol
Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #66 on: December 16, 2015, 03:33:00 PM »
To leave the Earth completely and to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth is what I said.

Pssh, that's easy. Just exceed Earth's escape velocity of about 40,000 km/h. Really, all you have to do is strap on a booster powerful enough to a payload and accelerate to that speed to get past Earth's gravitational influence.

You should really learn how space travel works before trying to disprove it and making yourself look like a fool.

Astronuts in "orbit" are not claimed to have escaped Earth's gravitational pull.  In fact, only slightly less "gravity" is supposed to be affecting the astronuts on the the ISS as affecting you on the ground.  Perhaps you should make an effort to actually learn RET before you make yourself look even more foolish?

Astronauts in orbit and the gravity they experience aren't relevant to what I said. Perhaps you should shut your mouth and read before you make yourself look like a tool.
Quā ratiōne nōn redimus ad senectēs societātēs sapientium patrum? Quā ratiōne relinquimus eārum sapientiam?



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Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #67 on: December 16, 2015, 09:06:00 PM »
Neither the two of you was wrong in their statement. Your point of view was relative so could be confused.
At 400km above the surface there is still most of the 9.8m/s/s acceleration left. Jroa statement is correct.
At orbital velocity your outward centrifugal force is exactly the same as your inward gravitational acceleration resulting in a feeling of 0G TheEarthIsRound is correct too.
Why cant people be nice to each other?

And Saturday is a huge Space event!
Another attempted 1st stage landing of the Falcon 9 after it delivers its payload.
It is quite possible that it would land on ground and not on the barge like in the previous attempts, but will only know of Saturday.
The start of "cheap" space flights might start soon.
If you move fast enough, everything appears flat



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Re: OMG I'm in space
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2015, 12:54:28 AM »
To leave the Earth completely and to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth is what I said.

Pssh, that's easy. Just exceed Earth's escape velocity of about 40,000 km/h. Really, all you have to do is strap on a booster powerful enough to a payload and accelerate to that speed to get past Earth's gravitational influence.

You should really learn how space travel works before trying to disprove it and making yourself look like a fool.
How come your booster works in space when papa's can't find any air to push on!  Maybe you just got a little boost from "force = rate of change of momentum".