Wow! You lot REALLY don't want to talk about trackable NEOs, do you?
VERY interesting!
Let's examine the evidence again:
Here's what your 'ISS' is, possibly backed up by a fast-moving high-altitude plane fitted with a spotlight as needed:
Anyone wanting to know what these lights in the sky we're told are satellites etc. really are should look up 'Operation Moonwatch'.
Basically, NASA conned a bunch of amateur astronomers into tracking all the naturally-occurring NEO's for them, under the pretext of tracking rocket launches, so they could later re-assign the NEOs as 'satellites' or what-have-you.
It was part of the 'International Geophysical Year', 1957-58, another large part of which was Antarctic exploration...
Interestingly, 'Sputnik' was launched (& was allegedly visible from the ground with the naked eye, lol!) in late 1957 & the Antarctic Treaty was signed in 1959.
Can you see what they did there?
Cos Legba sees what they did there!
Near-Earth-Objects, or NEO's have been known about for centuries; they used to call them 'wandering stars'.
Now they call them 'satellites'.
Plus, of course, if these 'satellites' etc. were just trackable NEOs it'd explain why they're visible from 100s of miles away too, as they're basically big lumps of rock that've been heated white-hot in the thermosphere...
No need for holograms; just re-name things that've always been there, after getting a bunch of mugs to do the hard work of tracking their orbits for you in the first place...
Simplest & cheapest solution imaginable.
Any of you raown derfers care to argue otherwise?
Or is reporting every post I make, no matter how factual & logical, now your preferred method of 'debate'?