I did, and it was after watching Mark Sragents videos on you tube, and I think I can help solve this puzzle with a few theories I've been going over in my head an on scratch paper, they make sense in my head but the math is a bit more complicated to do to make it work however, I've been able to debunk quite a bit on my own of the globe model with my training that I received in construction. One theory is the speed of the sun an how it couldn't work on the globe model, I believe the sun moves between 60-80 mph, I have based this on what I have learned in my new career as a truck driver, ever been asked how long it will take you if you are goin 70mph in 70 miles the correct answer is not 1 hour if we want to deal with actuality the correct answer is 58 min and 33 sec close enough to an hour but what if it was 80mph in 80 miles the correct answer would be 53 minutes and 33 seconds give or take.