Seriously? You think that even the mainstream explanation of stellar and planetary formation are 100% accurate?
Scientists look at the things they can look at, and make educated guesses based on that.
Again, though, jroa had a good question.
Why are we held to a different standard?
And if it is indeed the tendency of gravity to pull massive things together into a spheroid, why are many galaxies flattish?
If you looked back and read what I replied you would see that I changed my wording because I realized that it wasn't a fair question. I just asked what is your theory on how stars and planets formed/stay together. Our educated guesses could be just as good as yours, but all of our math works and shows that stars could form in this way. I just want to know how the FEer's think the stars were formed and how they stayed together. For example how did the sun form within the dome on the flat earth?
The flat (e.g., spiral) galaxies tend do be rotating, whereas the less flat ones (e.g., ellipticals) tend not to be. Conservation of angular momentum lets the rotating ones collapse along the direction of the rotation axis but not the other directions.
I'm sure I could just fabricate a formula and make math work as well, but I haven't the time right now.
So, if the Earth allegedly rotates, how is it a ball? The Earth is much less massive than the galaxy.
I thought gravity was based on mass.
There are problems with even the RE model of how everything happened.
Come up with an answer to Carl Sagan's faint young Sun paradox.
Also, the Earth is not a dome. Not sure where you people keep getting that.
This is just
pure deflection. I ask questions on the debate forum and hope to find an answer and discuss what you and I have found. Instead you brush off my questions and act as if you "don't have the time" or completely ignore the question altogether. You then proceed to turn around and question me on topics that have nothing to do with the original topic of discussion (which I answered anyways). I'm assuming you will keep on asking me questions until I get sick of answering them, while you act like you have answered my questions and won the debate.
The faint young sun paradox cannot be fully answered at the moment due to not having enough information of the world at previous times. However at the university of Colorado a doctoral student has gone through a computer simulation saying that life at the time could be possible with the data that we have. I highly suggest you read on it for answers.
The earth is caught in the gravity of the sun which constantly pulls the earth Into the sun. But the earth moves too fast for it to be pulled all the way into the sun, thus it constantly orbits the sun. It also rotates, this can be proven with a perfect pendulum, because the perfect pendulum is on a rotating planet it shows the characteristics such as a rotation you would expect to see on a rotating planet. simplest way to do it is to build a long pendulum with a heavy mass, and tie it off at a small but significant (5-10 degree) angle. Leave it overnight. In the morning, come in and mark its position, and then burn the string you used to tie it off.
Why burn it? Because this way, you won’t accidentally introduce any angular momentum; the pendulum will simply swing back-and-forth in a straight line.