So Tom,
I take it from reading your website, and the fact that you updated that site a couple of weeks ago, and post regularly on this forum, that your electricity has been re-connected? No mention of that on the website?
I also get a sense (please correct me if I'm wrong) that you blame the council for the constant vandalism to your home? Would you not be better served to direct more blame towards the punk kids who commited the vandalism?
Also one other thing, what makes you think that employment is a service? As far as I can see, the only one that can deny you the "service" of employment (as a whole) is yourself.
Hey rick, you are about to step on dangerous ground, and I would implore you to seriously look at the thread starting post before opening mouth and inserting your foot.
If we are dealing with a mental disability, then none of us are qualified to help him or her through this problem. Creating a conflict against him or her is not a good thing to do for him, in fact it can do more harm, than satisfy any sadistic craving that people have against her.
Thanks jaybbird - I did read beast's post, I then went and had a look at the websites he spoke of and made my own opinion (that's allowed, right?
I didn't see anything in the pages I viewed about Tom having a mental illness - it was about lack of aid from his council regarding vandalism and other problems including lack of health support.
If I missed a very important page that delved into Tom having mental health issues, then I apologise. But from what I could see, that was beast's opinion, not something he found evidence of.
Moving on to my post, I posed a few questions I had regarding the sites that Tom created and evidently maintains. Surely he would not have created multiple websites with some fairly serious claims and intense amounts of postal exchanges, without knowing it would attract the attention eventually of someone who (if not disagreed completely) had some questions, and didn't accept everything on face value.
I notice he hasn't responded, but has responded to other threads since I made that post. I guess we can't draw too many conclusions from non-respondance, but the longer he doesn't respond, the more I wonder of the truth behind those pages. I would imagine, if they were truthful, that he would be able to answer the above questions fairly easily.