Flight times, Earth rotation and Continental layout all proven in one Experiment

  • 26 Replies
I think an interesting experiment would be to time a direct flight from Sydney to Capetown compared with Sydney to Santiago. Flight distances look very similar on my globe model but one way is with rotation of the earth, the other way against it, or if the earth is flat, the distances still look fairly similar but the major difference is that on the Capetown flight you would be flying over land all the way once you passed SE Asia, very different to the globe flight over the Indian ocean. This would reveal everything (If flat earth map is close to reality) My hope is that the flat earth movement becomes so large that the world demands such experiments to be done with trusted observers present of course.
The complete opposite of the way we are living is much closer to the True nature of life on this earth. About Face!

My hope is that the flat earth movement becomes so large that the world demands such experiments to be done with trusted observers present of course.

When the world has daily pictures of the earth, as seen here http://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/, there won't be a demand for experiments.

When you can convince everyone to distrust their neighbors then you will be on the right path.
Quote from: Heiwa
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  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Too many people are asleep and too many people, such as flatorange are here to make sure that people remain asleep by desperately trying to keep the absolute bullshit globe and all it's bullshit science , as fact, when any normal person can clearly see it's anything but fact.
Anyone who's spent a short amount of time looking into it all, should be under no illusions as to what garbage this so called global Earth is.

Too many people are asleep and too many people, such as flatorange are here to make sure that people remain asleep by desperately trying to keep the absolute bullshit globe and all it's bullshit science , as fact, when any normal person can clearly see it's anything but fact.
Anyone who's spent a short amount of time looking into it all, should be under no illusions as to what garbage this so called global Earth is.

Despite overwhelming evidence that round earth is perfectly true and flat earth cannot possibly work...........
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Too many people are asleep and too many people, such as flatorange are here to make sure that people remain asleep by desperately trying to keep the absolute bullshit globe and all it's bullshit science , as fact, when any normal person can clearly see it's anything but fact.
Anyone who's spent a short amount of time looking into it all, should be under no illusions as to what garbage this so called global Earth is.

Despite overwhelming evidence that round earth is perfectly true and flat earth cannot possibly work...........
There's overwhelming evidence  that Harry Stamper landed on an asteroid and blew it up to save the Earth. Now do you believe it or do you think there is some cheating going on?

Flat Earth theory must reach the mainstream media before demands will be made to verify the round earth and i'm sure there's plenty of people guarding against that ever happening. The sheep maybe asleep but they do wake up when enough noise is made. Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.
The complete opposite of the way we are living is much closer to the True nature of life on this earth. About Face!

Too many people are asleep and too many people, such as flatorange are here to make sure that people remain asleep by desperately trying to keep the absolute bullshit globe and all it's bullshit science , as fact, when any normal person can clearly see it's anything but fact.
Anyone who's spent a short amount of time looking into it all, should be under no illusions as to what garbage this so called global Earth is.

Despite overwhelming evidence that round earth is perfectly true and flat earth cannot possibly work...........
There's overwhelming evidence  that Harry Stamper landed on an asteroid and blew it up to save the Earth. Now do you believe it or do you think there is some cheating going on?

There's overwhelming evidence that a fictional film about Harry Stamper blowing up an asteroid happened. Fortunately, most of us are able to discern fact and fiction and are actually able to apply scientific fact to reality. Given you're still incapable of understanding gases and their properties I don't think you're in a position to criticise the evidence supporting a round earth.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

When I say mainstream media I include social media, which is our best shot.
The complete opposite of the way we are living is much closer to the True nature of life on this earth. About Face!

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.
The complete opposite of the way we are living is much closer to the True nature of life on this earth. About Face!

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

If the earth is flat then all footage from space is faked, like a hollywood blockbuster, so unless nasa wants to take a flatearther into space (I nominate Jroa) to check that it's a ball, then we need to find means using aircraft such as my opening statement.
The complete opposite of the way we are living is much closer to the True nature of life on this earth. About Face!

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

This one won't get old but... Citation needed.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

Evidence of fluid space please.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 09:45:51 AM by Mainframes »
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • At least 3 words, please.
  • 4696
  • It's SCIENCE!
I think an interesting experiment would be to time a direct flight from Sydney to Capetown compared with Sydney to Santiago. Flight distances look very similar on my globe model but one way is with rotation of the earth, the other way against it, or if the earth is flat, the distances still look fairly similar but the major difference is that on the Capetown flight you would be flying over land all the way once you passed SE Asia, very different to the globe flight over the Indian ocean. This would reveal everything (If flat earth map is close to reality) My hope is that the flat earth movement becomes so large that the world demands such experiments to be done with trusted observers present of course.
Can you reference the "flat earth map" you're referring to? To my knowledge, there isn't one.

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

Evidence of fluid space please.

Fluidic space is a very simple conclusion. A medium must exist for light to pass through, as it is a wave, A medium must exist for gravity waves to affect the Earth. A medium must exist for sounds (vibrations: heat) to pass through. It has to be a fluid.
Sometimes you can even see the ripples.

Pretty weak try to troll ...

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

Evidence of fluid space please.

Fluidic space is a very simple conclusion. A medium must exist for light to pass through, as it is a wave, A medium must exist for gravity waves to affect the Earth. A medium must exist for sounds (vibrations: heat) to pass through. It has to be a fluid.
Sometimes you can even see the ripples.

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium as they are self propagating.

Sound cannot travel through space therefore no medium.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • 151
Just jumping in to say that after a four year absence from these boards I do not recall ever hearing space being said to have the properties of a fluid back then. It's possible I wasn't look hard enough back in 2011. In any case, I'm excited to see reputable sources of this claim posted here.

Also, it's good to be back! This place was missing from my life and nothing could fill the hole it left.



  • At least 3 words, please.
  • 4696
  • It's SCIENCE!
Just jumping in to say that after a four year absence from these boards I do not recall ever hearing space being said to have the properties of a fluid back then. It's possible I wasn't look hard enough back in 2011. In any case, I'm excited to see reputable sources of this claim posted here.

Also, it's good to be back! This place was missing from my life and nothing could fill the hole it left.
Good to have you.
Space can be argued to have fluidic properties, to a certain extent.
Even Einstein admitted that aether probably does exist.

Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.

By this, I take it that it is not a fluidic medium.
I don't necessarily agree with such a notion.
The flat earth theory is still being built, and people have many different interpretations as to how it works and what exactly is involved.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 12:42:34 PM by th3rm0m3t3r0 »

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.



  • 151
Good to have you.
Space can be argued to have fluidic properties, to a certain extent.
Even Einstein admitted that aether probably does exist.

Can you point me to sources, please?



  • At least 3 words, please.
  • 4696
  • It's SCIENCE!
Good to have you.
Space can be argued to have fluidic properties, to a certain extent.
Even Einstein admitted that aether probably does exist.

Can you point me to sources, please?
I updated my post. The quote was taken from a lecture Einstein gave called "Ether and the Theory of Relativity", or something along those lines.

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.

Something I posted a while ago as an answer to an out of context Einstein quote ...

Einstein wrote a few obscure articles and letters in which he tried to redefine the term "aether" in an effort to gently reconcile the outdated views of one of his aged mentors with his new theory of relativity - but the term aether had lost so much credibility already that not even Einstein could get the scientific community to follow him on this path and the term, rightfully, disappeared in obscurity. At no point did Einstein agree with the original view on aether - for example, here is another quote from that writing ... "no state of motion can be attributed to that new aether". Does that sound like a replacement for gravity?

BTW, I always find it hilarious when people that deny gravity, believe the earth is flat and think the universe is an illusion projected on a dome quote Einstein, who famously said ... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."



  • At least 3 words, please.
  • 4696
  • It's SCIENCE!
Something I posted a while ago as an answer to an out of context Einstein quote ...

Einstein wrote a few obscure articles and letters in which he tried to redefine the term "aether" in an effort to gently reconcile the outdated views of one of his aged mentors with his new theory of relativity - but the term aether had lost so much credibility already that not even Einstein could get the scientific community to follow him on this path and the term, rightfully, disappeared in obscurity. At no point did Einstein agree with the original view on aether - for example, here is another quote from that writing ... "no state of motion can be attributed to that new aether". Does that sound like a replacement for gravity?

BTW, I always find it hilarious when people that deny gravity, believe the earth is flat and think the universe is an illusion projected on a dome quote Einstein, who famously said ... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
I don't think Ether replaces gravity. I accept Einstein's definition. Not all people believe the same things here. Only one thing is pretty consistent and that is the fact that the earth is flat. I don't think the universe is an illusion projected onto a dome.

I don't profess to be correct.
Quote from: sceptimatic
I am correct.

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

Evidence of fluid space please.

Fluidic space is a very simple conclusion. A medium must exist for light to pass through, as it is a wave, A medium must exist for gravity waves to affect the Earth. A medium must exist for sounds (vibrations: heat) to pass through. It has to be a fluid.
Sometimes you can even see the ripples.

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium as they are self propagating.

Sound cannot travel through space therefore no medium.

A convenient excuse for electromagnetic waves, and a falsified assertion for the latter. We observe vibrations (sound) caused by the Sun.

Looks like fluidic space to me.