Does that help?
It helps me laugh at you; cheers!
Anyhoo; so, if the man is the fuel & the ground is the rocket, how come the ground doesn't move when the man jumps?
& how is the ground/rocket to keep on being not-moved once the man/fuel has left it?
There doesn't seem to be much rocket-like behaviour in your example, does there?
Of course, if you just accepted what I suggested below as being correct, we could begin to make sense of your spazzed-out analogy:
Now let us look at a rocket on its launch pad, with its fuel stored inside.
Is it fair to say that this, too, is ONE object, in the same way that a man, his leg-bones, muscles, stored energy etc, are ONE object?
Answer Yes or No, thank you please!
But your senile dementia seems to have left you sadly unable to process new information...
It truly is a tragic condition.
Seriously, after all this time people in this century have trouble understanding the simple concept of action and reaction? All the trolling I have read here is "I don't get how a rocket's fuel can be object B, therefore it's a lie".
Oh, look - markjo at least still remembers how to control his sock-puppet army.
It's the oldest habits that fade last with Alzheimers, so I expect many more interruptions from his little sock-horde before the lights finally go out...
Toodle-pip, markjo & 'friends'; don't forget to book a consultation at the Memory Clinic!