Thank you for starting this thread.
Now, please state what your belief is concerning Flat Earth, Sun, Moon, planets and stars so people can discuss it HERE instead of in every other post.
A summation is below.
I believe God's word as revealed in the Bible, and say that all who pray with an open mind and an open heart may verify this for themselves, for He will send His Holy Spirit to you and confirm it. I believe God is honest, and the Bible is an accurate depiction.
I believe the Earth is flat, as stated explicitly in Isaiah 40:22, and as implied in Matthew 4:8 and Daniel 4:11, which reference all the world being visible from just one point. I believe Creation as stated in Genesis, and that the world is six thousand years old, approximately, due to Genesis referring to literal days (made clear by referencing the day/night cycle) and the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam, as given in Luke 3:23-38.
I believe the Sun is God's light, as defined in Genesis 1:3-5, where the light that governs the day exists before anything save God's light does. I believe the greater and lesser lights referred to in Genesis 1:16 simply formalized (in God's non-linear fashion, made clear in the relationship between the first two chapters) that there was more light (the Sun) during day, and less (the stars) during the night.
I believe the moon is the Star of Bethlehem: a celestial object luminous, whose appearance 2000 years ago was immediately notable, and as the only celestial object whose motion is obvious and may be followed.
Day is when God shines over us: night is His test for us, where He looks away. Christ provides us more light now, but not always.
The stars are angels: in Revelation 12:4, one third of them are struck to Earth, which only makes sense if they are not gas or natural objects. Instead, they are the servants of God: or rather, the fallen servants of God. Fallen angels, or demons, who seek to deceive man with false signs. Following the stars, such as with astrology, is blasphemy, as stated in Isaiah 47:12-14. Beyond this, demons also exist on Earth, to possess and deceive man, and draw us away from God: both with deception, and claimed discoveries that prove Genesis is not true, or that the world is not flat, as God tells us.
Lucifer is well-known as Sirius, the Morning Star.
The planets are the Archangels. There are seven bright shiners, and seven archangels: they were given blasphemous Pagan names by those loyal to demons. 'Mercury' is Raguel, the friend of God. 'Venus' is Ramiel, who once fell but was redeemed at the Atonement. 'Mars' is Sariel, 'Jupiter' is Gabriel the greatest who is 'set over all the powers'. 'Saturn' is Michael, the rings being the Holy Prepuce which ascended to shield him for when he will lead the angels into battle. 'Uranus' is Uriel, and 'Neptune' is Raphael.
There are other angels in the heavens, but the Archangels are the most notable.