Guys, the topic is about "the Flatness of the Earth". Measuring the temperatures of the Earth doesn't prove it is flat or a sphere.
Two DIRECT PROOFS the Earth is NOT Flat are:
1) Motion is Relative. Like if a stationary person is watching a car go by at 60 mph vs being inside the car watching the person go by at 60 mph. The motion is relative to your reference point that can be swapped or changed.
2) If you spin a basketball (sphere) on your finger, your finger defines the S. Pole. If you look from above the ball, you will see the N. Pole. The N. and S. Poles define the axis of spin of the ball. This is what it looks like to a stationary person with the ball spinning. If the ball is stationary (swapping/changing the reference point), the person and world appear to be rotating around the ball. Both views are absolutely correct. The person and world appear to spin around the N. Celestial Pole (NCP) and S. Celestial Pole (SCP) that are extensions in the sky of the N. and S. Poles on the sphere. The NCP and SCP are the 2 points in the sky that everything appears to spin around (the center of the star trails).
3) A disk is a sphere that has been squished a lot. Everything in (2) totally applies to a disk but... You can ONLY see the SCP from the edge or bottom of the disk.
You CAN NOT see it from the top of the disk!! A picture of star trails around the SCP taken from the Harker Glacier on the island of South Georgia in the S. Atlantic (lat -54.3667, long -36.5333) ( would be impossible from a disk. Furthermore, the SCP in the S. Georgia Island image is 54 degrees up, which corresponds EXACTLY where it should be on a sphere earth.
This in essence disproves a Flat Earth model - irrefutably.
4) ANY arguments of what you can/can't, will/won't see from any place on the Earth (sphere or flat) can be demonstrated easily and directly. All you need is a globe (sphere), a bicycle wheel (disk), cell phone and like Silly Putty. Simply set the cell phone on Movie mode to take like 10 sec movies. Then, using the Silly Putty, put the cell phone anywhere you want on the globe or disk (e.g. N. Pole (+90 deg), Arctic circle (+66.6 deg), equator, South Georgia Island (-54 deg), S. Pole (-90 deg)) and at any angle you want (vertical, horizontal, whatever). Then, start the movie and simply spin the globe/wheel back and forth. You will see what will appear in the sky to a person standing at that place on the sphere/disk looking up at that angle. No guessing. No "ifs", "ands" or "buts".
Basically, although a sphere and a disk are round, they have totally different attributes. There is a boat trip on 12/18/2015 from the southern most point of S. America to South Georgia Island via the Falkland Islands (1380 mi) that takes 3 days at approx 19.2 mph. Directly to South Georgia Island would be 1257 mi and 2.7 days. Per the Flat Earth model, the distance would be like 4423 mi (68.3 mph). Cruise ships don't go that fast.
Check out my "Traveling around 60 degrees south" thread for the details.
Both of these DIRECTLY prove the Earth is NOT flat.