"Please do not ask the exact same question several times: or, if you do, explain why my answer was not enough."
"The edge must be at a pole. This is obvious from reason: God gave us the capability to think and read His word. All the answers are there, even if all are not explicit. The edge would be surrounded by ice as it is the furthest from the heat of God's light, the Sun."
"The North Pole is crossed far more often, and has land centered around it, so the edge is not there."
Please do not lie.
See? None of these are sources or cites from sources, which is what I'm asking for.
"The Holy Bible, as I have said before. My signature gives you one verse, and Matthew 4:8 another (all the kingdoms visible from one location: it must be a plane)."
The Holy Bible, as I have said before. My signature gives you one verse, and Matthew 4:8 another (all the kingdoms visible from one location: it must be a plane).
The edge must be at a pole. This is obvious from reason: God gave us the capability to think and read His word. All the answers are there, even if all are not explicit. The edge would be surrounded by ice as it is the furthest from the heat of God's light, the Sun.
If you believe that there is a verse in the bible that states that the edge is in the south pole, please cite it.
I have given my reasoning. Please do not ignore it.
All the answers are in the Bible, but those answers require thought. Not everything is going to be stated clearly: God wants man to be able to comprehend, not merely obey. The fact the world is flat is stated explicitly and implicitly. For the location of the edge, thought is required.
Give me the verses that you believe can be interpreted to tell us the location of the edge as being the south pole.
"There is no verse that explicitly states that. God requires us to think when we read His words. All the answers are there, not all are explicit."
"Please do not ask the exact same question several times: or, if you do, explain why my answer was not enough."
"The edge must be at a pole. This is obvious from reason: God gave us the capability to think and read His word. All the answers are there, even if all are not explicit. The edge would be surrounded by ice as it is the furthest from the heat of God's light, the Sun."
"The North Pole is crossed far more often, and has land centered around it, so the edge is not there."
Please do not lie.
Damn you're stupid. I'm asking for the text that lead you to the conclusion that the edge is at the south pole. The whole bible is NOT about this. A small part of the bible may be, maybe a couple of verses can be analyzed and lead to the conclusion that the edge is at the south pole. You don't need a whole bible to say that the edge is at the south pole.
You resort to insults. I have repeated myself enough for you.
"The edge must be at a pole. This is obvious from reason: God gave us the capability to think and read His word. All the answers are there, even if all are not explicit. The edge would be surrounded by ice as it is the furthest from the heat of God's light, the Sun."
"The North Pole is crossed far more often, and has land centered around it, so the edge is not there."
Logic is what tells me the edge is at the South pole: the Sun is always visible somewhere so it does not cross the edge (God would never turn away entirely from His people). Therefore, at the edge there must be ice. Therefore, the edge must be at a pole, and it is clearly not at the North. The Bible is what tells me that there
is an edge. Logic is what tells me
where. I have given you this logic multiple times before. You are demanding more than is required. I have given you the reason why I think this, and my source for the only part that requires a source.
God's word must be read with thought and an open mind. Every answer is not there, but you cannot insist that every answer must be expressed explicitly. The book would be far too long to be read by anyone, in that case. There is enough information in the Bible for every answer to be found, if you consider the world.
Is this enough or are you going to ask me to repeat myself again with still no explanation of
what is wrong with the answer I have given?