No, merely that a greater mountain was created so that a higher point could be reached. This would be simple: to see every kingdom on the surface of a sphere, however, is not.
Since when did Satan have the power to create mountains? He is not an all powerful God you know. You can't even see all the cities in the world even from the top of Mount Everest whoch is so tall that people need breathing equipment to stay up there for long. Even high altitude balloons can't see actoss a large ocean, let alone see all cities in the world.
In an age where you could pull up a photo of New York City in 5 secinds I fail to see how it's so alarming that someone can see all cities on Earth from a single point. It didn't say that he saw them in person.
If you want to continue this conversation then I suggest you make another thread. I want to talk about evidence that anyone can observe first hand in this thread, not theology. Not everyone is a Christian but everyone believes what they experience first hand.
The mountain would then be higher than Everest and the paths of balloons. Satan is not in this story, the Devil is. Satan is a servant of God, the one who performs God's tests and acts on God's behalf, and who tested Adam and Eve in Eden. The Devil is the ruler of Hell, who is charged with keeping watch of those thrown into the darkness and the lake of fire (two distinct places). Hollywood simplification is not God's truth.
Revelation 20 implies them to be the same, but this is a mistranslation. Satan means Adversary: sometimes this the title of Satan, sometimes it is merely the noun.
God is transcendent. There is not one thing that happens, that is not His will. God is not limited. The temptation of Christ was His choice, such that Christ could be shown to be pure. It is well within God's power to raise a mountain.
They went up to a mountain to see all the Earth. This does not mean they used a computer: no, it is very clear altitude is what allowed the sight.
This is not standalone theology. Everyone my observe firsthand the word of God, and they may pray so that the Holy Spirit will verify it for them. This is the truest observation possible. You cannot ignore God.
The bible also says that bats are birds.
Not really the best book to use as evidence.....
If the Bible said the sky was blue, and next week someone rewrote the dictionaries and switched the definitions of blue and green, would this make the Bible wrong, or the redefiner wrong?