The point is that the FE map, of any sort, massively distends one of the hemispheres, in this case the Southern Hemisphere, which is where I fly from.
It renders countries such as Australia massively oversized.
In airline operations, the navigation systems based on a globe, work. They would not work on a FE map of any description. It is an example of real world considerations impeding on a theory.
I was Air Force trained using map and compass basics. I have navigated aircraft very large distances using those techniques. When I first joined the airline I now work for, GPS was not being used and aircraft used Inertial Nav. A reversion kit was available should all the inertial systems fail. It required using the same map and compass skills I had been taught.
Aircraft navigation is a critical, life or death function. It has to be done correctly and it is based on a GLOBE, not a flat map.