Yep and also keeping people from finding out the truth by hiding it all behind the deathly contamination ruse.
Errm, you claim that nuclear power doesn't exist, so you can't believe this Galen Winsor idiot, can you?
Who said I believe him? I'm simply saying that this nuclear power is made out to be deathly and is being used as a ruse.
If you don't believe in nuclear power then Winsor must be full of shit, therefore he's not revealing any contamination ruse, is he?
Not necessarily. He could be simply strewn along. Misinformed about the reality of it all. Basically he may know that it's not as dangerous as is made out but not realising that is actually simpler than that and is far from actually being nuclear at all.
You have Helen Caldicott and Leuren Moret who tell us of the dangers of Fukushima, etc and tell us that the Government's are not playing truth with us about the dangers.
Are they nuclear experts who are whitleblowing? Maybe they believe so but what do they really know?
I look at it all. I don't just decide who's right and wrong. I have to work it all out by wondering whether people are misinformed or disinfo is at work.
To know the truth of something in it's entirety or close to, means you have to literally theoretically and physically see the process from start to finish.
If a theoretical nuclear physicist tells you about nuclear power and bombs, etc and come across as a billed that moment in time, all they are, are experts on being able to understand a story line and follow instructions within that. Basically they are and expert of regurgitating theory.
If they work with the process from so called mining to this so called yellow cake, etc, to manufacture of rods and discs of this stuff then to see it all fission as we are told by no external extra power source, then they become experts.
The trouble is, only they know what's what. If they are touted as being expert by all of the above means, then it's about each person's mind, who are being tutored, to have a belief in what's put out without any physical proof at all...if ever.
As far as I'm concerned, something stinks. It seems a scam for many reasons. I question it because I'm not accepting anything based on faith and until I see fissioning like I'm told, then I won't change my stance.
What other's believe is entirely up to them.