A way for our time traveler to prove himself

  • 55 Replies


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  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2015, 07:45:42 AM »
Why is it only for emergencies?  Why can't you redo a day just for this experiment?
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



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Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2015, 08:32:38 AM »
Any day you don't happen to need to do anything that could fail if done again, try to do this. Again, if we are proven that time travel exists, that's really major. Lots of changes will come from that.
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2015, 12:33:18 PM »
Why is it only for emergencies?  Why can't you redo a day just for this experiment?
He's being way nicer than he needs to be.
"Because I don't want to" is a perfectly valid reply that he hasn't given.

Maybe, if you were to provide some benefit to it, he would want to.
Right now all you're doing is telling him that you would believe him, and frankly, that is of no use to anyone.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2015, 10:29:05 AM »
Why is it only for emergencies?  Why can't you redo a day just for this experiment?
I have explained this already. It is a great deal of work to relive a day, especially ones with as much happening as mine. I am not going to put myself through that for an irrelevancy. I very much doubt this would convince you truly, and even if it did that would have no beneficial effect. You are asking for a lot of work, for little gain.
Imagine time travel as a real thing, rather than a fantasy. Consider what you are actually asking me to do, rather than the idealized, fictional notion that seems to be popular in this time. Reliving a day, much less an important day, is no simple or small feat.

Any day you don't happen to need to do anything that could fail if done again, try to do this.
The only time such a day could come would be if my work is done here.

Again, if we are proven that time travel exists, that's really major. Lots of changes will come from that.
This is too simple to convince anyone, and it won't matter. If this Mikeman tells no one the number, the popular conclusion is that he was in on it, or lied about what I said. If he messaged one user in private, the conclusion will be that they're an 'alt', that I asked my hacker friend to check their inbox, or that they were in on it too and messaged me. This experiment is not going to convince anyone on this forum, let alone enough people to make any kind of difference.

There's a mantra in my time, it's good for seeing through propaganda. "Extraordinary claims require an extraordinary basis." I don't know if it's known in this time. The more unbelievable a statement, the more evidence you must supply. I am aware that claiming to be a time traveller is an extraordinary claim, and the experiment offered does not come close to being the kind of basis needed. Before time travel, you could believe that I was a rich, bored person who PMed whoever you told with a request for their bank details, and the number.

Your experiment is after a disproof, not a proof. You want me to fail the experiment, so you can conclude that I am not who I say I am. Your experiment is styled towards disproving. That's fine, it's a useful technique, but it's also meaningless for the sake of proving anything, and so far too much work for no benefit.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2015, 12:10:40 PM »
If you redo a day you only have to do the work you need to do that day once.  There is no point in doing work if you will redo the day anyway.  You could basically have a day off and convince me that you are a time traveler at the same time.

By the way, I did say in the original post that I am willing to tell a few people what the number is so long as they have been in debates with you before I made this thread.  If anyone wants to know the number then just ask and I will tall you what it is if you meet the requirement.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #35 on: August 24, 2015, 04:51:17 PM »
If you redo a day you only have to do the work you need to do that day once.  There is no point in doing work if you will redo the day anyway.  You could basically have a day off and convince me that you are a time traveler at the same time.

By the way, I did say in the original post that I am willing to tell a few people what the number is so long as they have been in debates with you before I made this thread.  If anyone wants to know the number then just ask and I will tall you what it is if you meet the requirement.

I have answered each of those problems in turn. It would take quite some planning and luck for us to coordinate on the same day, and a day off is not a good thing to take in the middle of some intensive research. Secondly, if you tell anyone else what the number is, and I give the correct answer, you would only conclude that you told an alternate account of mine, if I remember your disbelief.
I have lived with time travel for much longer than you. I don't know if you've heard the phrase, but in my time it's often said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." It's typically used to assess intel, but it applies here to. For you, time travel is an extraordinary claim: guessing a number would not be extraordinary enough to be convincing evidence. '

However, I'm sorry to say the time leap machine is no longer accessible to me. When I attempted to return to my time, and my time machine failed, I followed the object I was attached to, to a different part of the world. It will take me some time before I can afford to fly back.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2015, 06:43:49 PM »
If you redo a day you only have to do the work you need to do that day once.  There is no point in doing work if you will redo the day anyway.  You could basically have a day off and convince me that you are a time traveler at the same time.

By the way, I did say in the original post that I am willing to tell a few people what the number is so long as they have been in debates with you before I made this thread.  If anyone wants to know the number then just ask and I will tall you what it is if you meet the requirement.
I have answered each of those problems in turn. It would take quite some planning and luck for us to coordinate on the same day, and a day off is not a good thing to take in the middle of some intensive research. Secondly, if you tell anyone else what the number is, and I give the correct answer, you would only conclude that you told an alternate account of mine, if I remember your disbelief.
I have lived with time travel for much longer than you. I don't know if you've heard the phrase, but in my time it's often said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." It's typically used to assess intel, but it applies here to. For you, time travel is an extraordinary claim: guessing a number would not be extraordinary enough to be convincing evidence. '

However, I'm sorry to say the time leap machine is no longer accessible to me. When I attempted to return to my time, and my time machine failed, I followed the object I was attached to, to a different part of the world. It will take me some time before I can afford to fly back.

Fuck off, John Titor!
Quote from: Heiwa
You are ignoring this user. Show me the post.


Son of Orospu

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Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #37 on: August 24, 2015, 11:55:21 PM »
If you redo a day you only have to do the work you need to do that day once.  There is no point in doing work if you will redo the day anyway.  You could basically have a day off and convince me that you are a time traveler at the same time.

By the way, I did say in the original post that I am willing to tell a few people what the number is so long as they have been in debates with you before I made this thread.  If anyone wants to know the number then just ask and I will tall you what it is if you meet the requirement.
I have answered each of those problems in turn. It would take quite some planning and luck for us to coordinate on the same day, and a day off is not a good thing to take in the middle of some intensive research. Secondly, if you tell anyone else what the number is, and I give the correct answer, you would only conclude that you told an alternate account of mine, if I remember your disbelief.
I have lived with time travel for much longer than you. I don't know if you've heard the phrase, but in my time it's often said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." It's typically used to assess intel, but it applies here to. For you, time travel is an extraordinary claim: guessing a number would not be extraordinary enough to be convincing evidence. '

However, I'm sorry to say the time leap machine is no longer accessible to me. When I attempted to return to my time, and my time machine failed, I followed the object I was attached to, to a different part of the world. It will take me some time before I can afford to fly back.

Fuck off, John Titor!

That is not appropriate language for a public forum.  Consider this a warning. 

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2015, 03:28:57 AM »
Fuck off, John Titor!

I am sorry my presence angers you so. Is there any reason why?



  • 6758
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #39 on: August 25, 2015, 08:42:54 AM »
John is trying to save the world.  She or he is under no obligation to prove anything to any of you.  Especially in light of all the possible dangers that were listed.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #40 on: August 25, 2015, 12:05:29 PM »
John, I recently realized a hole a mile wide in your story.  If a person is sucked up by a black hole then the energy of the hawking radiation released in the form of light will have the equivilent amount of energy as the mass of the person sucked in.  This is an incredible amount of energy, amounting to more then the energy released by atomic bombs by a huge margin.  CERN would not be just likking a person, they would be leveling everything within 100 miles of them.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #41 on: August 25, 2015, 01:12:42 PM »
John, I recently realized a hole a mile wide in your story.  If a person is sucked up by a black hole then the energy of the hawking radiation released in the form of light will have the equivilent amount of energy as the mass of the person sucked in.  This is an incredible amount of energy, amounting to more then the energy released by atomic bombs by a huge margin.  CERN would not be just likking a person, they would be leveling everything within 100 miles of them.
That is only true under the assumption that all the radiation is released in the three dimensions we exist in: which is not so. There are twenty three others into which it is emitted.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #42 on: August 25, 2015, 04:36:32 PM »
That is only true under the assumption that all the radiation is released in the three dimensions we exist in: which is not so. There are twenty three others into which it is emitted.

If this has anything to do with string theory (more specifically M theory) then photons are open loop strings which cannot leave our 3 brain (also known as the 3 extended spacial dimensions).  Only closed loop strings like the theorized graviton would be able to leave the 3 brain which could explain why gravity is so weak.  Also, string theory does not work with any number of dimensions other then 11 (10 of space and 1 of time), and the 7 we don't see are curled up.  The LHC is working on proving that gravitation leave the 3 brain but it hasn't proven or ruled out string theory yet.  (As you can tell I know some stuff about theoretical physics.  I have read quite a few books on the topic.)

Do tell what theories are accepted in the future you are allegedly from.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #43 on: August 25, 2015, 09:48:14 PM »
Fuck off, John Titor!

I am sorry my presence angers you so. Is there any reason why?

Because you're a fucking ponce, too stupid to travel through time and not get stuck and you spend all your time on this website. You're not from our time but you're using up our resources and fucking up history as you go.

You had one job.
Quote from: Heiwa
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Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #44 on: August 26, 2015, 02:15:57 AM »
Because you're a fucking ponce, too stupid to travel through time and not get stuck and you spend all your time on this website. You're not from our time but you're using up our resources and fucking up history as you go.
I spend very little of my time here on this website. For now, I am just using it as a break.
My time machine will hopefully be repaired too. I made many trips safely, it was just damaged in some bad weather before my last journey.

Do tell what theories are accepted in the future you are allegedly from.
The string theory that exists in this time is highly incomplete, I suspect. From what I have heard, it also has not been unified or reconciled with other areas of science. Twenty six dimensions are required in order to fully describe behavior. Honestly, I can't give the full justification for that: I knew it at one time, but it is far too complex to recount completely by memory.
The basic idea is that it is impossible to move in just one dimension. Everything exists in all twenty six dimensions, and if it exists in a dimension, then it has mass. (Clearly we exist in the time dimension: we may not control our movement there, but if we did not exist in it, we could not move along through it). We move in all the dimensions we exist in: there is no way to be perfectly still. If you examine something closely, however, very closely, then its movement will be like a fractal: constant, tiny adjustments. However, on an arbitrarily small scale, especially in time, you may be able to find a straight line of movement.
That is where quantum behavior comes in. Light has what is called a quantum mass: it exists, but it exists in the smallest possible amount in each dimension. That makes it appear to have 'lost' a dimension: whatever fraction of it exists is negligible. Waves bear a great many similarities to lower-dimensional objects, as entities that only exist with a medium to disperse them in higher dimensions: light takes on a property similar to this when examined, though it is only close to being a wave. Similarly, such small objects act the same.
That's complex, but that's a very very simple explanation of how the theories were unified.

I'm not sure what relevance brains are: to my knowledge they are simply the organs where we think. You may mean brane, as in membrane, that was an archaic term used in this topic.
The idea of the higher dimensions being curled up aids imagining the theory, but does not fully work in practise. They would appear curled up from our perspective because we do not understand motion in those dimensions. They are simply other possible directions of movement. In a singularity, space and time are warped: that's four of the twenty six dimensions. As gravity affects all twenty six, the other twenty two are warped within the singularity as well: that which radiates from a black hole does so in every dimension. It's referred to as the Clarke Effect (or occasionally the Technical Error, I think that term's a relic).

We are primarily concerned with the '3-brane', as you call it, as those are the dimensions where we primarily exist.

On a side note, a hypothesis in my time states that there are in fact two time dimensions. This is pure speculation at this stage, it has been neither proven nor disproven, but it is interesting nonetheless. A corollary to the worldline model would allow for there to be 'hypertime', the time dimension along which time itself progresses. What this would give is, rather than a timeline, a time-square.
You have multiple horizontal lines, each one a simple timeline. The horizontal direction is classical time, the vertical is hypertime. We then get a diagonal line as we move forward in both dimensions.
This model of time is partly based on a pre-worldline model, which explained how time could change. It is impossible to cross the diagonal line, the 'moving present', but you may travel to it. This would mean I came from some point horizontally past the moving present, and I am now continuing diagonally on, with the hope the horizontal line I end with, will be different to the one I started on.
Some horizontal lines are different worldlines, but not all.
It's an archaic theory, but it had a brief resurgence in popularity before I left.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #45 on: August 26, 2015, 07:44:11 AM »
On a side note, a hypothesis in my time states that there are in fact two time dimensions. This is pure speculation at this stage, it has been neither proven nor disproven, but it is interesting nonetheless. A corollary to the worldline model would allow for there to be 'hypertime', the time dimension along which time itself progresses. What this would give is, rather than a timeline, a time-square.
You have multiple horizontal lines, each one a simple timeline. The horizontal direction is classical time, the vertical is hypertime. We then get a diagonal line as we move forward in both dimensions.
This model of time is partly based on a pre-worldline model, which explained how time could change. It is impossible to cross the diagonal line, the 'moving present', but you may travel to it. This would mean I came from some point horizontally past the moving present, and I am now continuing diagonally on, with the hope the horizontal line I end with, will be different to the one I started on.
Some horizontal lines are different worldlines, but not all.
It's an archaic theory, but it had a brief resurgence in popularity before I left.

The idea of multiple time dimensions is already being considered, specifically curled up ones.  It should also be noted that the higs field has already been proven to exist with a 1 in 1,000,000 probability of results being a coincidence, and it's clear that it is what causes mass.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #46 on: August 26, 2015, 10:27:07 AM »
The idea of multiple time dimensions is already being considered, specifically curled up ones.  It should also be noted that the higs field has already been proven to exist with a 1 in 1,000,000 probability of results being a coincidence, and it's clear that it is what causes mass.
Well, I can tell you the future of the time dimension considerations.

Ah, Higgs, I wasn't sure if that had been arrived at yet. The Higgs field is what defines a spatial dimension. I'm used to numered notation (Higgs-1, Higgs-2...) defining each dimension, but the field you refer to is likely just Higgs-1, 2 and 3. With no Higgs field, space doesn't exist.
One of the things that makes time dimensions unique is their lack of this: existence in time does not imply mass (at least, not mass as we know it. There is an analogous Okabe field, but that is a lengthy topic: it was actually part of a primary theory on where the universe as a whole originated, in my time, though that was still just a hypothesis).



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #47 on: August 26, 2015, 11:26:29 AM »
Well, I can tell you the future of the time dimension considerations.

Ah, Higgs, I wasn't sure if that had been arrived at yet. The Higgs field is what defines a spatial dimension. I'm used to numered notation (Higgs-1, Higgs-2...) defining each dimension, but the field you refer to is likely just Higgs-1, 2 and 3. With no Higgs field, space doesn't exist.
One of the things that makes time dimensions unique is their lack of this: existence in time does not imply mass (at least, not mass as we know it. There is an analogous Okabe field, but that is a lengthy topic: it was actually part of a primary theory on where the universe as a whole originated, in my time, though that was still just a hypothesis).

Actually, mass is required for movement in time.  Massless particles like photons always travel through space at the speed of light and for them time doesn't exist and they are emitted and absorbed at the same instant.  All of it's light speed space-time motion is diverted to space.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #48 on: August 26, 2015, 11:46:08 AM »
Actually, mass is required for movement in time.  Massless particles like photons always travel through space at the speed of light and for them time doesn't exist and they are emitted and absorbed at the same instant.  All of it's light speed space-time motion is diverted to space.
Photons aren't massless: they do have negligible mass however. They still exist in spatial dimensions, they simply have quantum mass. Mass is a necessity for existing in a spatial dimension, as everything we come into contact with does.
Nothing has zero mass. Mass is required for existence in space.

For movement in time alone, mass isn't necessary. However, anything that exists exclusively in time is purely theoretical (with the exception of attractor fields), and has no impact on everyday life.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #49 on: August 26, 2015, 05:02:10 PM »
Photons aren't massless: they do have negligible mass however. They still exist in spatial dimensions, they simply have quantum mass. Mass is a necessity for existing in a spatial dimension, as everything we come into contact with does.
Nothing has zero mass. Mass is required for existence in space.

For movement in time alone, mass isn't necessary. However, anything that exists exclusively in time is purely theoretical (with the exception of attractor fields), and has no impact on everyday life.

If photons were not massless then they couldn't travel the speed of light, and light obviously travels at the speed of light.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #50 on: August 26, 2015, 09:14:08 PM »
This is the dumbest thread on this board
Quote from: Heiwa
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Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2015, 05:19:23 AM »
If photons were not massless then they couldn't travel the speed of light, and light obviously travels at the speed of light.

I'm not sure why you'd believe that. It is certainly true that photons have the smallest mass that it is possible to have, and it is a result of that, that they are able to travel faster than or as fast as anything else (the speed of light).
Or are you referring to the phenomenon of mass increasing with acceleration? Your time may not have the complete formula. Indeed, in many cases the 'm' for mass must be replaced by 'm - mq' where mq is the quantum mass. We do teach the simpler version to children, as they don't need to worry about quantum mass, but it's important to add in notable cases. The quantum mass is the basic limit for what it means to exist: alone, it can exert no force because there is a 'counter' from what you term the Higgs field. This may appear as no mass to those without proper understanding of dimensional physics, but the point is mass is, practically, measured as how far above mq the mass is.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2015, 08:47:25 AM »
I'm not sure why you'd believe that. It is certainly true that photons have the smallest mass that it is possible to have, and it is a result of that, that they are able to travel faster than or as fast as anything else (the speed of light).
Or are you referring to the phenomenon of mass increasing with acceleration? Your time may not have the complete formula. Indeed, in many cases the 'm' for mass must be replaced by 'm - mq' where mq is the quantum mass. We do teach the simpler version to children, as they don't need to worry about quantum mass, but it's important to add in notable cases. The quantum mass is the basic limit for what it means to exist: alone, it can exert no force because there is a 'counter' from what you term the Higgs field. This may appear as no mass to those without proper understanding of dimensional physics, but the point is mass is, practically, measured as how far above mq the mass is.

If light had any mass at all then it would require infinite energy to get a photon going the speed of light, it's speed wouldn't be constant, and it could be stopped.  The speed of light is constant while the speed of something with mass like a car can change.  Either people in the future know nothing about physics or you are lying about being from the future, probably the latter.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #53 on: August 27, 2015, 09:13:28 AM »
If light had any mass at all then it would require infinite energy to get a photon going the speed of light, it's speed wouldn't be constant, and it could be stopped.  The speed of light is constant while the speed of something with mass like a car can change.  Either people in the future know nothing about physics or you are lying about being from the future, probably the latter.

Or your knowledge is incomplete. As I explained, quantum mass is the smallest possible amount of mass. Something must possess that in order to exist: photons included.
It wouldn't take infinite energy to reach the speed of light. Also as I explained, many formulas (such as those used in relatavistic calculations) actually include an m-mq rather than an m. Quantum mass is so small as to be negligible most of the time, so you might not be aware of that, but it is the distance from quantum mass which is important in the vast majority of calculations.
Existence (quantum mass) only implies existence. Any other details, such as how much force it may exert or how much force it would take to accelerate it, rely on more than just the basic definition of existence.

You cannot keep assuming that the knowledge of your time is complete. I've noticed you doing so often, and it's a dangerous mistake. Even in your lifetime, there will be corrections and alterations and refinements. You cannot cling only to that which you learned first.

The speed of light is constant because of the quantum mass. Mass is the definition of existence in a dimension. Nothing can move faster than that which takes the smallest force (negligible) to be accelerated as much as possible. The reason the speed of light takes the specific value it does is a very complex topic. (It relates to the quantum mass itself, and the 'forces' exerted by spatial and time dimensions).
If you're interested, the faster an object gets, its mass actually decreases: it just decreases by reaching infinity and, through that, negative infinity: however, it's impossible to reach that state because it would mean it has a smaller than quantum mass, which can't exist.



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Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #54 on: September 05, 2015, 08:48:22 AM »
Thank you for informing me. There is one problem however: physical time travel to a point where I already exist is probably dangerous. (I say probably, no one's wanted to test it for obvious reasons).
The theory is resonance, again: two near-identical forms with only the time dimension different, any proximity could be very damaging, especially if there is direct interaction between the two.

What you need may be the time leap machine: mental time travel, giving my past self my current memories. That would be a more feasible way to do what you seek, but the damage is the lack of consistency between wordlines. In addition, I am doing a great deal of work at the moment, and reliving a day or time could lead to accidental omission.

Thank you for the interest, but time travel cannot easily be used for trivialities, without major risk.

The original John Titor allegedly stayed with his parents where he interacted with the infant version of himself daily. He claimed the younger version of himself believed the adult version was his uncle.

Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2015, 05:46:46 PM »
Thank you for informing me. There is one problem however: physical time travel to a point where I already exist is probably dangerous. (I say probably, no one's wanted to test it for obvious reasons).
The theory is resonance, again: two near-identical forms with only the time dimension different, any proximity could be very damaging, especially if there is direct interaction between the two.

This is easily disproved, and hence so is your status as a time traveller.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.