I am new to this flat earth concept and trying to understand the physics here. According to the flat earth scenario and to your own map, if I go to the south "edge" and take one more step, I am now at the northern "edge". This is according to your own map. Please explain.
Not sure where you get the idea from that the flat earth map has northern and southern 'edges'?
The only 'edge' that you will ever see a flat earther refer to, is the outer 'edge', where their fictional 360 degree ice wall surrounding the whole world is supposed to exist. We know it as Antarctica, a place where flat earthers dispute that the 24 hour sun phenomenon actually exists. However, this 24 hour sun is of course fact, the same as it is within the Arctic circle, and has been seen and experienced by ten of thousands of individuals over the years - it is NOT disputed in any way.
Unfortunately, this 24 hour sun within the Antarctic circle completely and utterly destroys the flat earth theory, which is why flat earthers always deny its existence.