Good! Then win my Heiwa € 1 000 000:- Challenge #1 ( ) and show how the small, weak top C of any structure/skyscraper can crush the intact, big, much stronger bottom part A after e.g. a terrorist plane has tried to land in the interface C/A, shown live on TV!
It seems you have already failed to win the #2 Challenge after much discussion here on FES forum but maybe you have better luck now. There are plenty US experts and university professors claiming that C can crush A (after a terrorist landing between C and A) but strangely enough none have collected my € 1 000 000:- . I wonder why? Are they working for the terrorists?
Personally I have doubts, if top C really crushes bottom A as shown on all videos.
It seems that C just disappears first - it is being compressed and POUFF - it is not there anymore. Then there is A like a fountain or volcano just ejecting debris and smoke upwards/outwards - very impressive - but you wonder where the energy/forces come from.
In my opinion all videos of the top down collapses are just trick films produced by Hollywood. I doubt any arab terrorists managed that.
The parts of the towers that fell and crushed the bottom part weigh over 100,000 tons. I bet if you drop a 100,000 ton object on any skyscraper then it will collapse. It's really not that supprising that it happened.
You should study my popular web site . The density of the top part
C was less than that of a bale of hay which cannot crush or colllapse anything, if you know about hay?
Do you suggest that some Arab terrorists dropped 100 000 tons of

? on the WTCs to destroy them. How could they do it?
Landing small planes?
You sound like a stupid US, white American, un-educated, poor, not rich, trying to impress, sexually harmed, seriously, terrorist. Anything is possible Hollywood style. If you do not agree, my agents will kill you, etc., garble nonsense.
Suggest you try to win €1M at .
Why do you post at FES forum? Are you sexually mishandled?