Entropy is in fact information, information in it's purest form looks like randomness and disorder and that's what entropy is.
I very much hope the science of your time does not state that everything is heading towards randomness and disorder. That does not make sense even conceptually. Randomness requires energy changing form in order to be maintained: energy cannot be created or destroyed, but without perfectly efficient transfers, much will become unusable. Further, the universe is expanding.
Everything does not go towards equilibrium, if that were true then the universe would be in equilibrium and not in the form of galaxies, stars, and planets and the universe as we know it would not exist
Why would that be true? Eventually there will be no galaxies or stars or planets, I would hope that is common knowledge. Simply put, we have not reached that stage yet. In a closed system, everything heads for equilibrium (which seems an absurd definition of 'disorder' as you put it, which I hope is why the term is not used in my time), but that doesn't mean it is impossible for things to move away from equilibrium within a
certain part of the closed system, so long as in another part of the system, things move further towards equilibrium. For example, from the Big Bang, stars formed (with some wasted energy), and they are constantly releasing heat and light and all kinds of energy: getting closer to the time when they have burnt out. The energy they provide is what allows moves away from equilibrium on the planets that orbit them.
In time, however, there will be equilibrium.
A star wouldn't need to burn out, but it would need to take in as much energy as it gives out, clearly. That's equilibrium.
this would also make it possible to destroy information from the universe. You are denying many well established laws of physics.
I honestly don't understand where your claims are coming from. Perpetual change is impossible. This does not really relate to destroying information, it's just as I said. You can't constantly be using energy to, for example, accelerate or de-accelerate matter. The energy must come from somewhere, and when the stars collapse and matter begins to fail, where would that energy come from?
Equilibrium is not perfect stillness, it is just balance.
Your talk of destroying information, while relevant, is however an interesting topic. There's a lot of discussion on it even in my time, once black holes and time travel were proven to exist. To go back in time, functionally whatever's sent is 'destroyed': the energy and information within a body would vanish from that time. However, it clearly wouldn't be destroyed: it would end up being 'created' in the past.
Further, when matter is consumed by a black hole, energy radiates from the hole; but as was seen in my time, the amount of energy that radiates before the hole collapses is the merest fraction of whatever amount of energy it takes in.
The point is simple. Information cannot be destroyed: but it can be moved. You need to view the system as a whole: all dimensions (in the black hole case) and all times. It isn't as simple as you say it is: then again, I suspect your understanding is incomplete. Disorder is an incoherent final state: you may be using out of date terminology (at best).