EVERYONE here knows I am not a 'flat earther', DICK.
I could not give a Flying F**k about the shape of the Earth, or exactly what those Lights in the Sky you claim are Suns, Moons, Stars & Planets actually 'are'.
Yet still I am your Enemy, DICK; because - intentionally or not - you are a cowardly, lying, bullying, conformist disinfo entity & thus to be Resisted, Mocked & Despised at all times.
Let's face it, you're so f**king deluded & arrogant that you're trying to tell ME what happens on my own computer!
Me: "When I google 'probability wave', the 1st thing that comes up is the wiki article on 'wave function'".
You: "Nope. Nope it doesn't..."
How the f**k do you know that, you megalomaniacal psycho?!?!
You have no friends here, Deaf Dick, & everyone is laughing at you, I guarantee it...
Now; carry on Lying.