How can you write these immense posts full of bullshit and still fail to understand why you are wrong??
Because the posts are not for you. The posts are for those who have a working brain and who are not jammed so far up their own arses.
We've explained to you I don't know how many times what light is and you still go like "Uh, how can we make a wave in a vacuum?
You've never explained what light is and certainly not how it supposedly propagates through a vacuum.
Yet you say light is a wave!
Light is a reflected sound wave/s.
Guess what, we can't! Haha! I'm so smart!".
Can't what?
And THEN you keep going like "Yes, but if you take a rod and spin it and blah blah blah..."
Yeah it was a good explanation but again, it was for those who possess a working brain that can process logic and common sense.
even though I have already explained to you WHY THAT HAPPENS AND WHAT IT IS, BUT YOU STILL DON'T GET IT AND JUST IGNORE IT!
You've explained nothing other than parroting.
Also, I guess that if you started seeing a glow, there shouldn't be any sound at all, right?
Of course there's sound. there's always sound. The fact is that a lot of sound is far too difficult for us to hear because our ear drums and hammers do not detect them.
Life and light rely on sound/vibration. Just because you cannot hear it doesn't mean it's not there.
Why don't you try it yourself and see what happens?
I have tried it all, as have many people. They just don't marry it up to the basics.
You are incapable of understanding the concept of black body radiation, or any type of radiation.
All you're doing is parroting again. You're making out you kn ow what you're talking about and all you will do it copy and paste. Mine comes from my head, not your little fictional science books.
Then you say: "You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it." Yet you seem to miss that you can get heat without creating friction, by simply letting something absorb light.
You cannot have free space. Get this into your head. free space does not exist. If it did, you are dead and everything is dead. You become what's known as suspended animation in the fantasy world but the truth is, free space cannot exist between matter, at all.
You will tell me "but light is friction and blah blah blah". That is what YOU think, and you take that for granted to prove it! That makes no sense!
But light is friction and it's there for you to see in everything you do. It's just that you're too arrogant to want to grasp it and also afraid to go against your peers.
Then you still can't comprehend that you can produce light by using heat, and then let that light travel through a vacuum!
You cannot produce light without producing heat. get a grip. Start learning basic before you expire ignorant all your life.
And light cannot travel through a true vacuum.
"Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too." Oh my God. What an idiot.
I am picturing you jumping up and down sweating. Am I correct?
Then you also say that "Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.". NO! THE FREQUENCY WILL NOT PRODUCE LIGHT, BECAUSE "FREQUENCY" ISN'T SOMETHING PHYSICAL, IT'S MERELY A NUMBER!
Frequency isn't a number. It's a saying. It means what it says, as in, if I slap you slowly I'm doing with less frequent than I want to.
If I start slapping your face faster, it means I'm hitting your face with slaps being more frequent.
And so on and so on. High and low frequency depending on energy applied.
Now then, you can attach number to it if you want to to make sense of it all but it still doesn't change what's happening.
Yep, it does.
Electrons aren't excited by the heat. The heat is the issue at hand for EVERYTHING. Nothing electrical can work without heat and heat can only happen if friction is applied.
The fact that you think you do not need an atmosphere for all of this to work means you are ultra ignorant by basic arrogance due to peer pressure and an acceptance of misinformation given out as fact.
Because your head is crammed full of school/college/university/books/TV, are conditioned in saturation mode to only accept the word of those who wear the right suits.
Like a obedient dog to a master.
That's actually not an insult, it's a fact of life for us all because we are all like that in some way. Unfortunately too many people such as yourself are the trained scrap yard Rottweiler that has faith in it's owner and everyone else has to beware of trying to show it another way of life.
Your skull is impenetrably thick. Do I have to explain to you what light is and how it can propagate through a vacuum AGAIN? Because you think I haven't. Ok then. Here we go:
Light is essentially made up from particles called photons. Those particles are NOT matter in the common sense of the word and they do not have mass. They are like little packets of energy. They follow a wave of probability, which means that they are much more likely to end up in the peaks of an imaginary wave (for reasons that are too complicated to explain easily). That wave can, of course, interfere with itself, etc. It is NOT transmitted through air or anything physical. All that makes light appear to move like a wave, although it isn't actually one. There is no reason why photons wouldn't be able to pass through vacuum. Nothing is stopping them.
ALSO, in case you didn't know it, yes, you CAN produce light without producing heat. It's called luminescence. Look it up. It's all around us.
You say that light is a reflected sound wave. First of all, what does "reflected" have to do with anything? Reflected off of what? Also, proof please? You have provided no proof at all, although we have showed to you why it is simply impossible and out of the question. Yet you ignored it. Oh, and by the way, most sound (ESPECIALLY high frequency, short wavelength sound) can not travel through any form of near perfect vacuum, yet light does. And vacuum pumps do work. Just by one and try it for yourself. You can put a balloon inside a jar and pump the air out of it. It will explode. You can put water in it and it will boil even at room temperature. You can do many things to see for yourself that it is, in fact, a good enough vacuum. Then you can actually research how vacuum pumps work. Then you can put yourself inside a room and pump the air out of it. It would be very helpful for the rest of the world.
But one of the funniest things that you say is that you can not have free space. Oh really? What do you think lies between the atoms? Free space. If you remove from a sealed portion of space enough atoms using a vacuum pump, the free space between the atoms will get larger. You don't even have to use a vacuum pump, even though they are really cheap. You can just make yourself a personal balloon, float up as high as you can, and see if you can breath.
"Of course there's sound. there's always sound. The fact is that a lot of sound is far too difficult for us to hear because our ear drums and hammers do not detect them."
No, you do not understand what I told you. What you said was that the sound starts getting inaudible, and then light starts to come out. Wouldn't that mean that you wouldn't be able to hear any sound produced by the rod?
"...Mine comes from my head..."
That's the problem. Your head isn't intelligent enough. You just make stuff up and you are unable to see why they are wrong.
"Frequency isn't a number. It's a saying. It means what it says, as in, if I slap you slowly I'm doing with less frequent than I want to.
If I start slapping your face faster, it means I'm hitting your face with slaps being more frequent.
And so on and so on. High and low frequency depending on energy applied.
Now then, you can attach number to it if you want to to make sense of it all but it still doesn't change what's happening."
NOW you are starting to understand. "Frequency" is a concept. It's not physical. Light can not be produced by "frequency", because "frequency" does not exist. It's just a way to describe something. It's like saying that food is produced by the word "food", or that if you hold 3 apples, that means that you hold the number 3 in your hands.
"Because your head is crammed full of school/college/university/books/TV, are conditioned in saturation mode to only accept the word of those who wear the right suits.
Like a obedient dog to a master.
That's actually not an insult, it's a fact of life for us all because we are all like that in some way. Unfortunately too many people such as yourself are the trained scrap yard Rottweiler that has faith in it's owner and everyone else has to beware of trying to show it another way of life."
NOW I see where you are coming from. You are one of those guys who think critical thinking means making up stuff that's wrong and never ever accepting something from the mainstream scientific world, even when it's true, aren't you? You PRETEND that what you are looking for is the truth, but in reality it's all just a dumb fantasy, that you created solely because you want to feel special and intelligent. That is called being a nut job.