Apparently Light=Sound now

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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #330 on: August 13, 2015, 12:56:43 PM »
Here sceptic. Can you see it now?

Why does lead absorb and emit an electromagnetic wavelength of 283.3 nm?


It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #331 on: August 13, 2015, 12:58:59 PM »

Before I go on about this, I'm going to put 2 questions to you.

1. Does your light emitting diode (LED) emit ANY heat at all, no matter how small?

2.Does your light emitting diode (LED) form part of an electrical CIRCUIT.

I'll wait for your answers on these before I plod on.
Just be aware that magic is not real but it can be pushed out as being real by clever manipulators of the mind and body.
LED's generate heat as well as light.    But  unlike  tungsten filament lamps the light doesn't come from black body radiation the light comes from electron transitions from one level to another,  so the spectral output is quite different to tungsten.    LED's don't produce the huge amounts of Infra Red that tungsten does.   ( Unless it's an InfraRed LED )

LED's  are  powered by DC current.   

There is no sound  involved at any stage in the production of light from an LED.
I'm not mentioning tungsten filament lamps. We are talking about LED lights and they produce heat as you have said.

I'm not interested in how you want to dress it up  with spectral output and infra red or even black body radiation. I'm dealing with the public. I'm dealing with people who have a right to know what their lives are and what they actually exist, as part of, plus knowing the basics of it all to such an extent that they cannot be easily fooled in the future.

To enable me to do that, I cannot and will not get into the finer details of the complexities of what you and your little friends pour out from your parroted readings from various books/sheets/videos/google/wiki, etc, etc, etc.

So admit it produces heat. Case closed. You now know that vibration/friction plays a part. You also know that none of this can be possible without sound.
The issue is about our primitive ears and sense picking it up  and you well know that LED's do not give out enough for their size to enable us to hear.

You have to admit that  insects and various creatures would (if they could talk like us) have a much different take on it all, right? They would be shouting, "scepti's right, we can sense it all."

Ok,  let's forget the finer details,  and stick with what we can sense and feel..   LED's  don't get hot.   And they don't vibrate,  however much your little insect friends might think otherwise. 

The light comes from electrons going from a high energy state to a lower energy state, and the energy difference is emitted as EM radiation in the form of light.    The light being generated has nothing to do with heat or sound.
Oh, ok. We might have to  keep walking the maze for a little while until we find the best path.
Ok, Razor, all I want from you, is a kid like explanation of what EM radiation is and how it works.
Use analogies like I do. You know how I used the night club for my bell jar.
The reason I want you to do this  is because it really helps those looking in, who would otherwise not be interested. You know how it is with me , Razor...right?

Let's get this thing done and dusted. You never know, a light bulb may come on in your head and you could  be batting for the other side soon enough.

OK. I'm gonna give you your analogy.

A cat (electron) has to go to take a dump (lowers its energy state) whenever it eats a bowl of Friskies (when it eats the Friskies it jumps up an energy state). It owner is a sumo fighter, and whenever he gets in the house for reasons that I'm not going to explain because it's too complicated, waves form in the floor. Because he is superstitious, he only places the litter boxes on the peaks of the waves that have been formed on the floor, so the cat randomly picks litter boxes to take a dump in. After some time, the cat litter will be spread in the room as if it was a wave. It's not a wave of cat shit flooding the room though, it's distinct litter boxes. Is that simple enough for you?
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #332 on: August 13, 2015, 01:00:51 PM »
let's keep it simple.

Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2: A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.

So whenever we get a changing electric field, if will generate a changing magnetic field, which in turn generates a changing electric field which generates a changing magnetic field and generates a changing electric field...   and on it goes forever.   Racing through space at the speed of light.    We call it Electro Magnetic Radiation.   

The energy depends on the wavelength,   the shorter the wavelength the higher the energy.   

That's it,  it's not really all that complicated.   Maxwell was the first to realize that light was actually EM radiation,  the clue he had was that  the permittivity of free space times the permeability of free space was the inverse of  speed of light squared.     

Here's a simple experiment you can perform.   Get an old AM radio and tune it between stations,  all you will hear is static.    Now go to an electrical appliance,  like a desklamp,  a bar heater or something,  and flick the on off switch a few times,  you will hear a burst of static on the radio, each time the switch goes either on or off.   That's the EM radiation caused by the current flow starting and stopping which creates the changing electric field.   Marconi made the first radio transmitter by setting up a spark gap to give rapid on/off currents.

Well, that's kinda like the "old school" explanation, before quantum electrodynamics.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)


Papa Legba

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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #333 on: August 13, 2015, 01:52:06 PM »
OK. I'm gonna give you your analogy.

A cat (electron) has to go to take a dump (lowers its energy state) whenever it eats a bowl of Friskies (when it eats the Friskies it jumps up an energy state). It owner is a sumo fighter, and whenever he gets in the house for reasons that I'm not going to explain because it's too complicated, waves form in the floor. Because he is superstitious, he only places the litter boxes on the peaks of the waves that have been formed on the floor, so the cat randomly picks litter boxes to take a dump in. After some time, the cat litter will be spread in the room as if it was a wave. It's not a wave of cat shit flooding the room though, it's distinct litter boxes. Is that simple enough for you?


He asked for an analogy, not a goddamn scatological fairy-tale!

You've just GOT to be markjo again, haven't you?

All the coprophagia-talk gives you away...

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #334 on: August 13, 2015, 02:07:11 PM »
Rayzor, I asked you to use an analogy. You refused to. I'll ask you again to give a scenario for how electro-magnetic radiation works.
If you can do it then fair enough, because simple explanations will actually give the game up.

Ok,  I'll repeat what I said,  just in case you missed it.

Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.

So whenever we get a changing electric field, if will generate a changing magnetic field, which in turn generates a changing electric field which generates a changing magnetic field and generates a changing electric field...   and on it goes forever.   Racing through space at the speed of light.    We call it Electro Magnetic Radiation.   

I'm surprised that was too complicated for you.    What sort of analogy were you thinking of?


Because we were going on about antennas it the other post. I would like to ask you a question about antennas. That has been weighing heavy on my mind. I think we both agree that an antenna is in fact a conductor. You argued with me about it. Let's just talk about a simple transmitting whip antenna. Now, a whip antenna's length determines the frequency that it receives or transmit at. It can be full wave, half wave or quarter wave. If the antenna is not designed this way the antenna will have high SWR or reflected power that will subtract from the output power of the transmitter. I can go on about this further, but I think you get my point. This is because the actual frequency of the transmitter will not be a full wave or partial wave. This means there will be less output power to reach the receiver and we don't want that. What the transmitter does is provides electric current frequency oscillator and RF output power which causes these electric currents to move violently in the antenna and allow the current to radiate from the antenna at the transmitters frequency. If you could see them, they would look like a sine wave leaving the antenna and going out into the atmosphere.

Now this is where you will call me a clown again. I believe that the electric current that moves violently in the conducting antenna and ends up being radiated out of the antenna continues on it way in the atmosphere simply because of the free electrons in the atmosphere. In other words it needs a medium to pass thru. Now, if space is a truly an empty vacuum without a medium, I can't see how you can transmit electric current through it.

Now, you say that that antennas work by these two rules:
Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space. If that is true then Why do antennas have to be a conductor for electric energy that provides a path for electrons to flow at all. Why wouldn't they be two just large metal plates that are separated by an air dielectric and the transmitter would be a high voltage source oscillating at a given frequency. I say this because I have read that electromagnetic waves are not produced by a changing electric current field. Can I get your thoughts on this?
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #335 on: August 13, 2015, 04:04:05 PM »
OK. I'm gonna give you your analogy.

A cat (electron) has to go to take a dump (lowers its energy state) whenever it eats a bowl of Friskies (when it eats the Friskies it jumps up an energy state). It owner is a sumo fighter, and whenever he gets in the house for reasons that I'm not going to explain because it's too complicated, waves form in the floor. Because he is superstitious, he only places the litter boxes on the peaks of the waves that have been formed on the floor, so the cat randomly picks litter boxes to take a dump in. After some time, the cat litter will be spread in the room as if it was a wave. It's not a wave of cat shit flooding the room though, it's distinct litter boxes. Is that simple enough for you?


He asked for an analogy, not a goddamn scatological fairy-tale!

You've just GOT to be markjo again, haven't you?

All the coprophagia-talk gives you away...


1) He asked for an analogue. If that isn't good enough for him, then he should complain to the company head.
2) Who the fuck is markjo?
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #336 on: August 13, 2015, 05:39:23 PM »
Why can pressure waves be magnified by glass?
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #337 on: August 13, 2015, 07:01:12 PM »

Because we were going on about antennas it the other post. I would like to ask you a question about antennas. That has been weighing heavy on my mind. I think we both agree that an antenna is in fact a conductor. You argued with me about it. Let's just talk about a simple transmitting whip antenna. Now, a whip antenna's length determines the frequency that it receives or transmit at. It can be full wave, half wave or quarter wave. If the antenna is not designed this way the antenna will have high SWR or reflected power that will subtract from the output power of the transmitter. I can go on about this further, but I think you get my point. This is because the actual frequency of the transmitter will not be a full wave or partial wave. This means there will be less output power to reach the receiver and we don't want that. What the transmitter does is provides electric current frequency oscillator and RF output power which causes these electric currents to move violently in the antenna and allow the current to radiate from the antenna at the transmitters frequency. If you could see them, they would look like a sine wave leaving the antenna and going out into the atmosphere.

Now this is where you will call me a clown again. I believe that the electric current that moves violently in the conducting antenna and ends up being radiated out of the antenna continues on it way in the atmosphere simply because of the free electrons in the atmosphere. In other words it needs a medium to pass thru. Now, if space is a truly an empty vacuum without a medium, I can't see how you can transmit electric current through it.

Now, you say that that antennas work by these two rules:
Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space. If that is true then Why do antennas have to be a conductor for electric energy that provides a path for electrons to flow at all. Why wouldn't they be two just large metal plates that are separated by an air dielectric and the transmitter would be a high voltage source oscillating at a given frequency. I say this because I have read that electromagnetic waves are not produced by a changing electric current field. Can I get your thoughts on this?

Whenever you have AC currents,  like RF  you always have complex impedances,   the impedance of the oscillator output circuit must match the impedance of the transmission line,  and the impedance of the transmission line must match the impedance of the antenna feed point.   If the antenna is resonant,  then the voltage and current in the antenna will be in phase,  and the VSWR will be 1:1 ,  If the voltage and current are out of phase then the signal will reflect back to the transmitter and less power will be transmitted.  The center of a dipole is a low impedance feed point,  ( 75 ohm? )  and at the ends of the dipole the feed point is high impedance,  low current, high voltage == high impedance.   So if you wanted to feed a center fed dipole from a coaxial cable,  ( in a coaxial cable the currents are unbalanced)  you need a method for balancing the currents,  hence the need for a balun.

The electric field generated by the antenna doesn't need any charges to carry the electric field,   it propagates through vacuum just fine.  This shows just the E field for a horizontally polarized dipole. The magnetic field (B) is at right angles to the E field.

If you were to put a conductor in the E field  then there would be currents induced in the conductor by the E field,  how much current depends on the field strength ( how many volts/meter)

The radiation pattern can be shaped to be stronger in certain directions,  an element  very close by,  and slightly longer than resonant frequency tends to reflect,  an element slightly shorter tends to direct the radiation pattern.  So a Yagi antenna will distort the radiation pattern to provide more signal in one direction than the other.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 10:49:03 PM by Rayzor »
Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.


Papa Legba

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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #338 on: August 13, 2015, 10:11:24 PM »
OK. I'm gonna give you your analogy.

A cat (electron) has to go to take a dump (lowers its energy state) whenever it eats a bowl of Friskies (when it eats the Friskies it jumps up an energy state). It owner is a sumo fighter, and whenever he gets in the house for reasons that I'm not going to explain because it's too complicated, waves form in the floor. Because he is superstitious, he only places the litter boxes on the peaks of the waves that have been formed on the floor, so the cat randomly picks litter boxes to take a dump in. After some time, the cat litter will be spread in the room as if it was a wave. It's not a wave of cat shit flooding the room though, it's distinct litter boxes. Is that simple enough for you?


He asked for an analogy, not a goddamn scatological fairy-tale!

You've just GOT to be markjo again, haven't you?

All the coprophagia-talk gives you away...


1) He asked for an analogue. If that isn't good enough for him, then he should complain to the company head.
2) Who the fuck is markjo?

1)No, idiot; he asked for an analogy.

& instead he got a scatological nonsense-tale.

2) YOU are markjo, idiot.

He also has reading comprehension difficulties...

As well as a regrettable & well-documented obsession with faeces & sock-puppetry.

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #339 on: August 14, 2015, 02:28:19 AM »

1)No, idiot; he asked for an analogy.

& instead he got a scatological nonsense-tale.

2) YOU are markjo, idiot.

He also has reading comprehension difficulties...

As well as a regrettable & well-documented obsession with faeces & sock-puppetry.


Why do you always have to behave like a trailer trash kid?

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #340 on: August 14, 2015, 05:36:32 AM »
Couple of simple experiments I can think of straight away that don't involve space, EM Radiation explanations etc...

1) Take a camera. Set the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO to a constant value. Take pictures of someone shouting towards a camera. As they shout louder does the image become over exposed? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

2) Fill a room with people all shouting very loud. Start a video camera or take a picture with a long exposure. Does it become noticeably quieter as the sound is absorb by the camera? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

Just keeping it simple.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #341 on: August 14, 2015, 07:47:43 AM »
Couple of simple experiments I can think of straight away that don't involve space, EM Radiation explanations etc...

1) Take a camera. Set the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO to a constant value. Take pictures of someone shouting towards a camera. As they shout louder does the image become over exposed? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

2) Fill a room with people all shouting very loud. Start a video camera or take a picture with a long exposure. Does it become noticeably quieter as the sound is absorb by the camera? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

Just keeping it simple.
You're so far out in understanding it it's not worth going over it with you.
You people go on about all kinds of this stuff as if you're all top scientists that just offer equations off the top of your heads when 99% of you simply go looking and copy and paste whatever you think's happening.

Sound being light and look at you all. You go into silliness because you don't understand what's really happening around you. The mere fact that you think matter can exist in free space simply renders your thoughts, wayward.

The only way you'll ever understand vibration/friction/sound and frequency leading to light is to understand the Earth you're really living IN....not on.
Just understanding that you are in a sealed container should aid you in realising that there is no free space or vacuums in your world at any cost.

You're dealing with pressures and attached matter, always, plus energy applied through that matter that creates everything you see and do and is done.
So don;t come out with shouting and trying to marry it up with light, because you're simply going to confuse yourself as well as frustrate yourself.

If you really want to start to figure it all out, then put all of your books away in the loft or somewhere where you're not tempted to get back out for a while...then start to use your own brain and look at the world around you. Look at things in basic ways.

If you don't want to and are happy to be schooled by your peers, then good luck to go for it..but don;t try and tell me about it because I've been there and worn the T-shirt and now I'm doing what I wished I'd done from an early age.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #342 on: August 14, 2015, 08:20:25 AM »
Scepti, you should provide evidence of you expect anyone to believe you.  Understanding and believing are two totally different things.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #343 on: August 14, 2015, 08:41:27 AM »
Couple of simple experiments I can think of straight away that don't involve space, EM Radiation explanations etc...

1) Take a camera. Set the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO to a constant value. Take pictures of someone shouting towards a camera. As they shout louder does the image become over exposed? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

2) Fill a room with people all shouting very loud. Start a video camera or take a picture with a long exposure. Does it become noticeably quieter as the sound is absorb by the camera? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

Just keeping it simple.
You're so far out in understanding it it's not worth going over it with you.
You people go on about all kinds of this stuff as if you're all top scientists that just offer equations off the top of your heads when 99% of you simply go looking and copy and paste whatever you think's happening.

Sound being light and look at you all. You go into silliness because you don't understand what's really happening around you. The mere fact that you think matter can exist in free space simply renders your thoughts, wayward.

The only way you'll ever understand vibration/friction/sound and frequency leading to light is to understand the Earth you're really living IN....not on.
Just understanding that you are in a sealed container should aid you in realising that there is no free space or vacuums in your world at any cost.

You're dealing with pressures and attached matter, always, plus energy applied through that matter that creates everything you see and do and is done.
So don;t come out with shouting and trying to marry it up with light, because you're simply going to confuse yourself as well as frustrate yourself.

If you really want to start to figure it all out, then put all of your books away in the loft or somewhere where you're not tempted to get back out for a while...then start to use your own brain and look at the world around you. Look at things in basic ways.

If you don't want to and are happy to be schooled by your peers, then good luck to go for it..but don;t try and tell me about it because I've been there and worn the T-shirt and now I'm doing what I wished I'd done from an early age.

Why don't you actually try to address his points, rather than your usual inane rambling?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #344 on: August 14, 2015, 09:16:25 AM »

Because we were going on about antennas it the other post. I would like to ask you a question about antennas. That has been weighing heavy on my mind. I think we both agree that an antenna is in fact a conductor. You argued with me about it. Let's just talk about a simple transmitting whip antenna. Now, a whip antenna's length determines the frequency that it receives or transmit at. It can be full wave, half wave or quarter wave. If the antenna is not designed this way the antenna will have high SWR or reflected power that will subtract from the output power of the transmitter. I can go on about this further, but I think you get my point. This is because the actual frequency of the transmitter will not be a full wave or partial wave. This means there will be less output power to reach the receiver and we don't want that. What the transmitter does is provides electric current frequency oscillator and RF output power which causes these electric currents to move violently in the antenna and allow the current to radiate from the antenna at the transmitters frequency. If you could see them, they would look like a sine wave leaving the antenna and going out into the atmosphere.

Now this is where you will call me a clown again. I believe that the electric current that moves violently in the conducting antenna and ends up being radiated out of the antenna continues on it way in the atmosphere simply because of the free electrons in the atmosphere. In other words it needs a medium to pass thru. Now, if space is a truly an empty vacuum without a medium, I can't see how you can transmit electric current through it.

Now, you say that that antennas work by these two rules:
Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space. If that is true then Why do antennas have to be a conductor for electric energy that provides a path for electrons to flow at all. Why wouldn't they be two just large metal plates that are separated by an air dielectric and the transmitter would be a high voltage source oscillating at a given frequency. I say this because I have read that electromagnetic waves are not produced by a changing electric current field. Can I get your thoughts on this?

Whenever you have AC currents,  like RF  you always have complex impedances,   the impedance of the oscillator output circuit must match the impedance of the transmission line,  and the impedance of the transmission line must match the impedance of the antenna feed point.   If the antenna is resonant,  then the voltage and current in the antenna will be in phase,  and the VSWR will be 1:1 ,  If the voltage and current are out of phase then the signal will reflect back to the transmitter and less power will be transmitted.  The center of a dipole is a low impedance feed point,  ( 75 ohm? )  and at the ends of the dipole the feed point is high impedance,  low current, high voltage == high impedance.   So if you wanted to feed a center fed dipole from a coaxial cable,  ( in a coaxial cable the currents are unbalanced)  you need a method for balancing the currents,  hence the need for a balun.

The electric field generated by the antenna doesn't need any charges to carry the electric field,   it propagates through vacuum just fine.  This shows just the E field for a horizontally polarized dipole. The magnetic field (B) is at right angles to the E field.

If you were to put a conductor in the E field  then there would be currents induced in the conductor by the E field,  how much current depends on the field strength ( how many volts/meter)

The radiation pattern can be shaped to be stronger in certain directions,  an element  very close by,  and slightly longer than resonant frequency tends to reflect,  an element slightly shorter tends to direct the radiation pattern.  So a Yagi antenna will distort the radiation pattern to provide more signal in one direction than the other.

Thank you Rayzor, but I'm aware of how text books explain how antennas work. I have no problem with that. The part I have a problem with is your rules.

Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space.

I know how a transformer circuit works. The voltage provides force to cause current to flow in the primary thus creating a magnetic field which induces voltage in the secondary causing current to flow in the secondary. The voltage in the secondary can be higher or lower depending on the turn ratio of the two coils.  I believe this action is very similar to the way they say antennas work. I can see this working for a transformer, because the primary and secondary are of very close proximity and most transformers i've seen are shielded. I compare the transmitting antenna as the primary and the receiving antenna as the secondary of a transformer. But for antennas that are thousands of miles apart in the deep depths of space, I have a hard time believing it. If a changing electric field can generate a changing magnetic field and vice versa way out in space, why do we need actual ac power lines to carry voltage and current to people's homes. Why don't we simply put up antennas at the power source capable of transmitting high voltage and send it through the air. The transformers would have a receiving antenna connected to a transformer to step the voltage down and deliver it to our homes through wires. I know it sound weird, but I think it could work. Another thing, If we have all these magnetic fields in the atmosphere, how in the world can compasses work. I live about 1/8 of a mile from an AM am FM radio station that puts out hundreds of watts of RF power and I've used compasses in my yard and they always point north. I would think with all this magnetic field generating from the antennas, the compass would be effected by it somewhat. Also, I've used magnetometers before on a tracking antenna system and the magnetic field from the 25 Watt RF transmitter didn't bother it's function at all. Magnetometers can be used to measure the Earths magnetic field strength. You would think with all the cell phones around and other radio devices transmitting magnetic fields, magnetometers would give false readings. You can't put a magnetometer in a steel box, it has to be a non ferrous enclosure because any magnet or any  ferrous material will effect it's performance. I may be crazy, but these are some of the things I think about. I could go on, but I will leave it at that.I've read a lot about Maxwell and some people say his math was wrong, he assumed things that he never actually proved and a lot of other things about him. Some say that aether is in space and that is why you can communicate in space. Maxwell believed in the aether in the beginning.

I don't want a text book explanation on this, I'm looking for what you think or have ever thought about pertaining to this matter. If you think what you were taught is perfectly correct and you have no problems with it and I'm way out in right field, please simply say so and don't call me a clown and that is when our discussion about this matter will end. Thanks.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #345 on: August 14, 2015, 09:31:22 AM »
Couple of simple experiments I can think of straight away that don't involve space, EM Radiation explanations etc...

1) Take a camera. Set the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO to a constant value. Take pictures of someone shouting towards a camera. As they shout louder does the image become over exposed? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

2) Fill a room with people all shouting very loud. Start a video camera or take a picture with a long exposure. Does it become noticeably quieter as the sound is absorb by the camera? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

Just keeping it simple.
You're so far out in understanding it it's not worth going over it with you.
You people go on about all kinds of this stuff as if you're all top scientists that just offer equations off the top of your heads when 99% of you simply go looking and copy and paste whatever you think's happening.

Sound being light and look at you all. You go into silliness because you don't understand what's really happening around you. The mere fact that you think matter can exist in free space simply renders your thoughts, wayward.

The only way you'll ever understand vibration/friction/sound and frequency leading to light is to understand the Earth you're really living IN....not on.
Just understanding that you are in a sealed container should aid you in realising that there is no free space or vacuums in your world at any cost.

You're dealing with pressures and attached matter, always, plus energy applied through that matter that creates everything you see and do and is done.
So don;t come out with shouting and trying to marry it up with light, because you're simply going to confuse yourself as well as frustrate yourself.

If you really want to start to figure it all out, then put all of your books away in the loft or somewhere where you're not tempted to get back out for a while...then start to use your own brain and look at the world around you. Look at things in basic ways.

If you don't want to and are happy to be schooled by your peers, then good luck to go for it..but don;t try and tell me about it because I've been there and worn the T-shirt and now I'm doing what I wished I'd done from an early age.

Scepti, I found one of your X-Ray images from when they scanned your head years ago:



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #346 on: August 14, 2015, 09:49:11 AM »
Here sceptic. Can you see it now?

Why does lead absorb and emit an electromagnetic wavelength of 283.3 nm?


It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #347 on: August 14, 2015, 10:45:31 AM »
OK. I'm gonna give you your analogy.

A cat (electron) has to go to take a dump (lowers its energy state) whenever it eats a bowl of Friskies (when it eats the Friskies it jumps up an energy state). It owner is a sumo fighter, and whenever he gets in the house for reasons that I'm not going to explain because it's too complicated, waves form in the floor. Because he is superstitious, he only places the litter boxes on the peaks of the waves that have been formed on the floor, so the cat randomly picks litter boxes to take a dump in. After some time, the cat litter will be spread in the room as if it was a wave. It's not a wave of cat shit flooding the room though, it's distinct litter boxes. Is that simple enough for you?


He asked for an analogy, not a goddamn scatological fairy-tale!

You've just GOT to be markjo again, haven't you?

All the coprophagia-talk gives you away...


1) He asked for an analogue. If that isn't good enough for him, then he should complain to the company head.
2) Who the fuck is markjo?

1)No, idiot; he asked for an analogy.

& instead he got a scatological nonsense-tale.

2) YOU are markjo, idiot.

He also has reading comprehension difficulties...

As well as a regrettable & well-documented obsession with faeces & sock-puppetry.


Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #348 on: August 14, 2015, 10:58:33 AM »
Couple of simple experiments I can think of straight away that don't involve space, EM Radiation explanations etc...

1) Take a camera. Set the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO to a constant value. Take pictures of someone shouting towards a camera. As they shout louder does the image become over exposed? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

2) Fill a room with people all shouting very loud. Start a video camera or take a picture with a long exposure. Does it become noticeably quieter as the sound is absorb by the camera? My assertion would be no. Therefore, sound does not equal light and does not generate light.

Just keeping it simple.
You're so far out in understanding it it's not worth going over it with you.
You people go on about all kinds of this stuff as if you're all top scientists that just offer equations off the top of your heads when 99% of you simply go looking and copy and paste whatever you think's happening.

Sound being light and look at you all. You go into silliness because you don't understand what's really happening around you. The mere fact that you think matter can exist in free space simply renders your thoughts, wayward.

The only way you'll ever understand vibration/friction/sound and frequency leading to light is to understand the Earth you're really living IN....not on.
Just understanding that you are in a sealed container should aid you in realising that there is no free space or vacuums in your world at any cost.

You're dealing with pressures and attached matter, always, plus energy applied through that matter that creates everything you see and do and is done.
So don;t come out with shouting and trying to marry it up with light, because you're simply going to confuse yourself as well as frustrate yourself.

If you really want to start to figure it all out, then put all of your books away in the loft or somewhere where you're not tempted to get back out for a while...then start to use your own brain and look at the world around you. Look at things in basic ways.

If you don't want to and are happy to be schooled by your peers, then good luck to go for it..but don;t try and tell me about it because I've been there and worn the T-shirt and now I'm doing what I wished I'd done from an early age.

Uh... You do realize that some radio waves have a lower frequency than audible sound, right? Also, where is your proof? Why? That's the important question. Why? Why would light be higher frequency sound? What would we observe that we wouldn't observe with the standard model of light? And how can it move through a near perfect vacuum? How can it move so much faster through the atmosphere than sound can? How do you explain spectral lines? How do lasers work? How can such a high frequency sound be produced and propagate through the atmosphere? What's so special about glass and the rest of transparent materials? Do you have an accurate mathematical model explaining all of that? If you aren't going to answer all of these, then how can you expect anybody to believe you?
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
  • 9566
  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #349 on: August 14, 2015, 01:08:58 PM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #350 on: August 14, 2015, 02:15:21 PM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

Ok, just for this time, I won't ignore you, because that was hilarious. Also, I didn't divert or derail. He asked for an analogy. I gave him an "analogy". Is it not good enough for him?

Also, get over it. I'm not markjo and I have no idea who markjo is. Is he your imaginary friend?

From NOW on, I will ignore you.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #351 on: August 14, 2015, 03:02:14 PM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

By the way, where is YOUR logical, intelligent dialogue?  ;D ;D ;D
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #352 on: August 14, 2015, 08:47:49 PM »
Thank you Rayzor, but I'm aware of how text books explain how antennas work. I have no problem with that. The part I have a problem with is your rules.

Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space.

I know how a transformer circuit works. The voltage provides force to cause current to flow in the primary thus creating a magnetic field which induces voltage in the secondary causing current to flow in the secondary. The voltage in the secondary can be higher or lower depending on the turn ratio of the two coils.  I believe this action is very similar to the way they say antennas work. I can see this working for a transformer, because the primary and secondary are of very close proximity and most transformers i've seen are shielded. I compare the transmitting antenna as the primary and the receiving antenna as the secondary of a transformer. But for antennas that are thousands of miles apart in the deep depths of space, I have a hard time believing it. If a changing electric field can generate a changing magnetic field and vice versa way out in space, why do we need actual ac power lines to carry voltage and current to people's homes. Why don't we simply put up antennas at the power source capable of transmitting high voltage and send it through the air. The transformers would have a receiving antenna connected to a transformer to step the voltage down and deliver it to our homes through wires. I know it sound weird, but I think it could work. Another thing, If we have all these magnetic fields in the atmosphere, how in the world can compasses work. I live about 1/8 of a mile from an AM am FM radio station that puts out hundreds of watts of RF power and I've used compasses in my yard and they always point north. I would think with all this magnetic field generating from the antennas, the compass would be effected by it somewhat. Also, I've used magnetometers before on a tracking antenna system and the magnetic field from the 25 Watt RF transmitter didn't bother it's function at all. Magnetometers can be used to measure the Earths magnetic field strength. You would think with all the cell phones around and other radio devices transmitting magnetic fields, magnetometers would give false readings. You can't put a magnetometer in a steel box, it has to be a non ferrous enclosure because any magnet or any  ferrous material will effect it's performance. I may be crazy, but these are some of the things I think about. I could go on, but I will leave it at that.I've read a lot about Maxwell and some people say his math was wrong, he assumed things that he never actually proved and a lot of other things about him. Some say that aether is in space and that is why you can communicate in space. Maxwell believed in the aether in the beginning.

I don't want a text book explanation on this, I'm looking for what you think or have ever thought about pertaining to this matter. If you think what you were taught is perfectly correct and you have no problems with it and I'm way out in right field, please simply say so and don't call me a clown and that is when our discussion about this matter will end. Thanks.

I'll try to avoid maths.   But to get a deeper understanding you should learn the maths behind Maxwells equations.

If you have a magnet,  and move it near a wire,  the motion of the magnet will induce a current in the wire.     A stationary magnet near a stationary wire does nothing.   The magnetic field needs to be changing.

If you have a wire carrying current then you get a magnetic field around that  wire.    The direction of the magnetic field follows the right hand rule.   A constant current generates a constant magnetic field. 

So what happens when we have a oscillator connected to a resonant antenna?     The changing current flows in the antenna generate a changing magnetic field,   just like above.  The changing  magnetic field in turn  generates a changing electric field and we have a self propagating radio wave.

Why doesn't the nearby radio station affect your compass?   well it probably does to some extent,  but let's say the AM station is 1 Mhz,   would you notice the tiny movements of the compass needle oscillating at 1Mhz?   Like wise the 25 watt VHF transmitter wouldn't do much to your magnetometer,  you might want some RF bypassing and ferrite beads on the power supply leads,  but that's about it.

The Michelson Morley experiment proved there is no Aether,  many subsequent repeats of the experiment have confirmed their results.   This is in spite of pseudo science nutters claiming otherwise,  I'd guess they belong in the same box as the flat earthers...  oh wait...   ;)   Sorry there is no Aether.     

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
  • 9566
  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #353 on: August 14, 2015, 10:38:52 PM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

Ok, just for this time, I won't ignore you, because that was hilarious. Also, I didn't divert or derail. He asked for an analogy. I gave him an "analogy". Is it not good enough for him?

Also, get over it. I'm not markjo and I have no idea who markjo is. Is he your imaginary friend?

From NOW on, I will ignore you.


You contradicted yourself here, then again in your very next post, you hopeless illiterate cat-faeces obsessed buffoon.

& we're supposed to take anything you say seriously?


Now f**k off, shill, & take your revolting gibberish 'analogue' with you...

& rayzor/psyopticon; you've got questions to answer on my rocketry thread; nice, easy ones too...

So get to it!

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #354 on: August 15, 2015, 03:42:14 AM »
Thank you Rayzor, but I'm aware of how text books explain how antennas work. I have no problem with that. The part I have a problem with is your rules.

Rule 1:  A changing electric field,  generates a changing magnetic field.
Rule 2:  A changing magnetic field generates a changing electric field.
And so on and so on way out in space.

I know how a transformer circuit works. The voltage provides force to cause current to flow in the primary thus creating a magnetic field which induces voltage in the secondary causing current to flow in the secondary. The voltage in the secondary can be higher or lower depending on the turn ratio of the two coils.  I believe this action is very similar to the way they say antennas work. I can see this working for a transformer, because the primary and secondary are of very close proximity and most transformers i've seen are shielded. I compare the transmitting antenna as the primary and the receiving antenna as the secondary of a transformer. But for antennas that are thousands of miles apart in the deep depths of space, I have a hard time believing it. If a changing electric field can generate a changing magnetic field and vice versa way out in space, why do we need actual ac power lines to carry voltage and current to people's homes. Why don't we simply put up antennas at the power source capable of transmitting high voltage and send it through the air. The transformers would have a receiving antenna connected to a transformer to step the voltage down and deliver it to our homes through wires. I know it sound weird, but I think it could work. Another thing, If we have all these magnetic fields in the atmosphere, how in the world can compasses work. I live about 1/8 of a mile from an AM am FM radio station that puts out hundreds of watts of RF power and I've used compasses in my yard and they always point north. I would think with all this magnetic field generating from the antennas, the compass would be effected by it somewhat. Also, I've used magnetometers before on a tracking antenna system and the magnetic field from the 25 Watt RF transmitter didn't bother it's function at all. Magnetometers can be used to measure the Earths magnetic field strength. You would think with all the cell phones around and other radio devices transmitting magnetic fields, magnetometers would give false readings. You can't put a magnetometer in a steel box, it has to be a non ferrous enclosure because any magnet or any  ferrous material will effect it's performance. I may be crazy, but these are some of the things I think about. I could go on, but I will leave it at that.I've read a lot about Maxwell and some people say his math was wrong, he assumed things that he never actually proved and a lot of other things about him. Some say that aether is in space and that is why you can communicate in space. Maxwell believed in the aether in the beginning.

I don't want a text book explanation on this, I'm looking for what you think or have ever thought about pertaining to this matter. If you think what you were taught is perfectly correct and you have no problems with it and I'm way out in right field, please simply say so and don't call me a clown and that is when our discussion about this matter will end. Thanks.

I'll try to avoid maths.   But to get a deeper understanding you should learn the maths behind Maxwells equations.

If you have a magnet,  and move it near a wire,  the motion of the magnet will induce a current in the wire.     A stationary magnet near a stationary wire does nothing.   The magnetic field needs to be changing.

If you have a wire carrying current then you get a magnetic field around that  wire.    The direction of the magnetic field follows the right hand rule.   A constant current generates a constant magnetic field. 

So what happens when we have a oscillator connected to a resonant antenna?     The changing current flows in the antenna generate a changing magnetic field,   just like above.  The changing  magnetic field in turn  generates a changing electric field and we have a self propagating radio wave.

Why doesn't the nearby radio station affect your compass?   well it probably does to some extent,  but let's say the AM station is 1 Mhz,   would you notice the tiny movements of the compass needle oscillating at 1Mhz?   Like wise the 25 watt VHF transmitter wouldn't do much to your magnetometer,  you might want some RF bypassing and ferrite beads on the power supply leads,  but that's about it.

The Michelson Morley experiment proved there is no Aether,  many subsequent repeats of the experiment have confirmed their results.   This is in spite of pseudo science nutters claiming otherwise,  I'd guess they belong in the same box as the flat earthers...  oh wait...   ;)   Sorry there is no Aether.     

Well, to be fair, the Michelson and Morley experiment relies on the motion of the Earth.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #355 on: August 15, 2015, 05:28:05 AM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

Ok, just for this time, I won't ignore you, because that was hilarious. Also, I didn't divert or derail. He asked for an analogy. I gave him an "analogy". Is it not good enough for him?

Also, get over it. I'm not markjo and I have no idea who markjo is. Is he your imaginary friend?

From NOW on, I will ignore you.


You contradicted yourself here, then again in your very next post, you hopeless illiterate cat-faeces obsessed buffoon.

& we're supposed to take anything you say seriously?


Now f**k off, shill, & take your revolting gibberish 'analogue' with you...

& rayzor/psyopticon; you've got questions to answer on my rocketry thread; nice, easy ones too...

So get to it!

You really need to STFU. You add nothing to this website.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #356 on: August 15, 2015, 06:09:17 AM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

Ok, just for this time, I won't ignore you, because that was hilarious. Also, I didn't divert or derail. He asked for an analogy. I gave him an "analogy". Is it not good enough for him?

Also, get over it. I'm not markjo and I have no idea who markjo is. Is he your imaginary friend?

From NOW on, I will ignore you.


You contradicted yourself here, then again in your very next post, you hopeless illiterate cat-faeces obsessed buffoon.

& we're supposed to take anything you say seriously?


Now f**k off, shill, & take your revolting gibberish 'analogue' with you...

& rayzor/psyopticon; you've got questions to answer on my rocketry thread; nice, easy ones too...

So get to it!

You really need to STFU. You add nothing to this website.

Other than comedy.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #357 on: August 15, 2015, 09:36:07 AM »
Why can sound be focused by glass?
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
  • 9566
  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #358 on: August 15, 2015, 09:43:18 AM »
Ok, you are officially mentally handicapped. Or a troll. I'm just gonna ignore you.


Bet you don't, markjo; cos you get paid by the reply.

But you'll probably jump to yet another sock ID to do so.

So; let's see who replies to me next...

LMAO - at hopelessly incompetent YOU!!!

Btw; how's the 'firebricks on the space-shuttle' schtick working out for you on my thread?

Think anyone will fall for it?

Meh; what do you care?

Cos as long as you divert & derail with your catshit, sumo wrestlers, firebricks, etc, & NEVER ALLOW ANYONE TO BUILD A LOGICAL DIALOGUE, EVER, EVER, EVER...

Your job will be done.

Bravo, scumbag!

Ok, just for this time, I won't ignore you, because that was hilarious. Also, I didn't divert or derail. He asked for an analogy. I gave him an "analogy". Is it not good enough for him?

Also, get over it. I'm not markjo and I have no idea who markjo is. Is he your imaginary friend?

From NOW on, I will ignore you.


You contradicted yourself here, then again in your very next post, you hopeless illiterate cat-faeces obsessed buffoon.

& we're supposed to take anything you say seriously?


Now f**k off, shill, & take your revolting gibberish 'analogue' with you...

& rayzor/psyopticon; you've got questions to answer on my rocketry thread; nice, easy ones too...

So get to it!

You really need to STFU. You add nothing to this website.

Other than comedy.

You've done it AGAIN!

Wtf is WRONG with you?!?

Just stick to your word & ignore me, already...

Or is your word worth NOTHING?

You'd last 10 minutes in MY world, d**k-head.

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
  • 9566
  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #359 on: August 15, 2015, 09:48:47 AM »
Oh, & also this:

Sceptimatic wrote:
Anyway folks: in that bell jar with the bell inside of it, the reason why you hear the bell before the pump is activated is because the atmospheric pressure inside of it is the same as outside of it and only seperated by the thickness of the actual jar itself.

Ok now I'm going to carefully go over this so the genuine lay people will understand it.
 For those who are not familiar with the bell jar vacuum, let's be absolutely clear that a vacuum does not and cannot exist, as in the removal of air pressure and I'll explain why.

When a pump is switched on, it appears to SUCK out the air inside the jar, right?
Now pay attention to what I'm saying. Seriously pay attention because I'm going to enlighten you as to why it doesn't suck at all nor does the pump drag anything out of the jar. In fact the pumps job is not to do anything inside that jar.

Huh? I hear you all shout.
You saw it correct. The pump does not suck or drag anything out of the jar. What it does do is stops air from entering the jar.

Now I'm starting to confuse you aren't I ?

Keep your eyes peeled and your basic common sense heads on because what's about to come will possibly change your whole aspect on not only this bell in a bell jar but space and all the rest of the crap told to you.

Ok so the pump is connected and you see the pipe and open/shut valve. Now as I explained...before you run that pump, you have a bell jar that is holding the same atmospheric pressure as outside, apart from the actual jar thickness itself that seperates the internal and external pressure.

You noticed I repeated myself, right?....good, I hope you have because this needs drumming into your heads as easy as possible and without mainstream bullshit added.

 Ok, so what exactly is the pump doing if it's not directly playing a part in the bell jar?
Well think of it like this. The pump is the night club bouncers employed to make sure no excess  air (people) gets back in once those doors (valve) are opened to let out the the air (people) inside who are compressed in that jar (nightclub).

So what is happening?
Well...the pump is pushing the air away from itself and as it does this, it means that the atmospheric air molecules which are under severe compression inside the jar can actually expand a little bit and in doing so some will squeeze out of the jar into the pipe.
Ok back to the night club.
The bouncers (pump) are told to allow the people in the night club, out. The problem is there is a lot of people pushing against the door trying to get in.
The bouncers use all their energy to push against the inner doors of the night club and in doing so they push the people away who are trying to get in. As they do this, the people inside start to merge with the others, outside because they are managing to expand themselves more to push into the less compressed space the bouncers created.

The bouncers can only do so much to compress the outside crowd whilst allowing the inner crowd to decompress enough to create a less pressurised inner club, meaning the bouncers inside can actually move among them more freely because they are not under as much resistance, because all that extra resistance has been transferred to the outside.
Now if the Bouncers manage to close the doors tight shut (valve) they can keep it like this, except they know that the external pressure has built up and is pushing back with more force onto the doors which are strong enough to hold them back and allow the inner people to expand more freely meaning they do not apply anything like the compression on each other like they did before.

Ok so what this all means is, inside the bell jar the molecules are expanded but still attached like bubbles in a sink, except we cannot see them.
The bell inside that was ringing is not able to create a compressed wave enough to send the vibrations to our ear drums because the molecules are just too flimsy to respond.

Basically the tight as drums molecules under compression against a bell vibration have now turned into a mass of drums that are as soppy as trampoline fabric. Basically they absorb too much vibration and fade out before they move too far in a wave..

Seriously try and think about this, because if you do, you will also understand why water boils in this environment but doesn't actually heat boil, it simply expands in a big way to such an extent that it appears to boil like a kettle but then it starts to freeze. Why?

Because the expansion is such that the molecules start to expand to their max and can't expand much more, so they start to go dormant. they basically cannot force themselves out of the bell jar any more, so they simply stop agitating...or freezing, as you see happening.

I implore you all to seriously think about what I'm telling you because I've spent a while typing this out and I'm not doing it just for the frigging fun of it.

Ok, so why can light still go through this bell jar, low pressure environment?
It's because the external environment is all around it and can reflect through it because the jar still acts as the medium as well as expanded molecules.
We see the reflection/refraction as our eyes see the light waves as they are far far superior in picking up those waves.

So what about making a true vacuum in that bell jar?
If you think about it, you cannot do it because as I explained earlier under this atmospheric environment we live under, there has to be a force and that force always has to be an action and equal and opposite reaction.

Now , as I mentioned about the pump simply pushing back on atmosphere pushing against it and allowing the atmosphere inside the bell jar to expand and push itself out....there has to be an point inside the bell jar when the molecules can't push against each other with any energy, which means that all around the inner jar there  is an equal push of molecules that simply have no expansion left and simply stop trying to expand at all because they are too weak to get out.

To picture this, just imagine you and your friends being trapped in a massive container with a lid on. You are all whining and sweaty and squashed like babies in a womb but then someone pops that lid off meaning those at the top who's heads were pushed against that lid, managed to stand up and hop out ,leaving those below to stand up and get out...and so on  and so on , until all the people that are left are now fully expanded and upright and all they can do is stand on each other's shoulders up to the brim and also managing to outstretch their arms and hands horizontally to just touch the sides...yet that's the lot. None can push against the container anymore and have to hope the container holds up against the extra people that poured out and are not adding pressure externally, or the container collapses.

If it collapses, it no longer classifies as a container, so in effect you could say that the space no longer exists and is now a true vacuum, except that we all know it would make no real sense down here on land but it would make sense up above where the molecules are expanded and dormant as ice and the blackness that ice is against is in actual (possible) reality...what we would really term as a TRUE vacuum.
The absence of all matter that we see as the blackest black that cannot possess any light because it is the total absorbing of all the colour weaves of the spectrum...or quite simply...all light and vibration that makes it.

I fully expect a frenzy of shill like characters jumping on this. I fully expect a massive attempt at ridicule. This bothers me, none.
What I would be bothered about is seeing some really genuine people...those that have the ability to see the potential truth and are willing to try and understand what I'm saying.
Don't do it for me, do it for yourselves because you owe it to yourselves to free your own minds.

'Definitely Not Official' derailing Thought-Police well & truly DENIED!!!
I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!