Oh, & also this:
Sceptimatic wrote:
Anyway folks: in that bell jar with the bell inside of it, the reason why you hear the bell before the pump is activated is because the atmospheric pressure inside of it is the same as outside of it and only seperated by the thickness of the actual jar itself.
Ok now I'm going to carefully go over this so the genuine lay people will understand it.
For those who are not familiar with the bell jar vacuum, let's be absolutely clear that a vacuum does not and cannot exist, as in the removal of air pressure and I'll explain why.
When a pump is switched on, it appears to SUCK out the air inside the jar, right?
Now pay attention to what I'm saying. Seriously pay attention because I'm going to enlighten you as to why it doesn't suck at all nor does the pump drag anything out of the jar. In fact the pumps job is not to do anything inside that jar.
Huh? I hear you all shout.
You saw it correct. The pump does not suck or drag anything out of the jar. What it does do is stops air from entering the jar.
Now I'm starting to confuse you aren't I ?
Keep your eyes peeled and your basic common sense heads on because what's about to come will possibly change your whole aspect on not only this bell in a bell jar but space and all the rest of the crap told to you.
Ok so the pump is connected and you see the pipe and open/shut valve. Now as I explained...before you run that pump, you have a bell jar that is holding the same atmospheric pressure as outside, apart from the actual jar thickness itself that seperates the internal and external pressure.
You noticed I repeated myself, right?....good, I hope you have because this needs drumming into your heads as easy as possible and without mainstream bullshit added.
Ok, so what exactly is the pump doing if it's not directly playing a part in the bell jar?
Well think of it like this. The pump is the night club bouncers employed to make sure no excess air (people) gets back in once those doors (valve) are opened to let out the the air (people) inside who are compressed in that jar (nightclub).
So what is happening?
Well...the pump is pushing the air away from itself and as it does this, it means that the atmospheric air molecules which are under severe compression inside the jar can actually expand a little bit and in doing so some will squeeze out of the jar into the pipe.
Ok back to the night club.
The bouncers (pump) are told to allow the people in the night club, out. The problem is there is a lot of people pushing against the door trying to get in.
The bouncers use all their energy to push against the inner doors of the night club and in doing so they push the people away who are trying to get in. As they do this, the people inside start to merge with the others, outside because they are managing to expand themselves more to push into the less compressed space the bouncers created.
The bouncers can only do so much to compress the outside crowd whilst allowing the inner crowd to decompress enough to create a less pressurised inner club, meaning the bouncers inside can actually move among them more freely because they are not under as much resistance, because all that extra resistance has been transferred to the outside.
Now if the Bouncers manage to close the doors tight shut (valve) they can keep it like this, except they know that the external pressure has built up and is pushing back with more force onto the doors which are strong enough to hold them back and allow the inner people to expand more freely meaning they do not apply anything like the compression on each other like they did before.
Ok so what this all means is, inside the bell jar the molecules are expanded but still attached like bubbles in a sink, except we cannot see them.
The bell inside that was ringing is not able to create a compressed wave enough to send the vibrations to our ear drums because the molecules are just too flimsy to respond.
Basically the tight as drums molecules under compression against a bell vibration have now turned into a mass of drums that are as soppy as trampoline fabric. Basically they absorb too much vibration and fade out before they move too far in a wave..
Seriously try and think about this, because if you do, you will also understand why water boils in this environment but doesn't actually heat boil, it simply expands in a big way to such an extent that it appears to boil like a kettle but then it starts to freeze. Why?
Because the expansion is such that the molecules start to expand to their max and can't expand much more, so they start to go dormant. they basically cannot force themselves out of the bell jar any more, so they simply stop agitating...or freezing, as you see happening.
I implore you all to seriously think about what I'm telling you because I've spent a while typing this out and I'm not doing it just for the frigging fun of it.
Ok, so why can light still go through this bell jar, low pressure environment?
It's because the external environment is all around it and can reflect through it because the jar still acts as the medium as well as expanded molecules.
We see the reflection/refraction as our eyes see the light waves as they are far far superior in picking up those waves.
So what about making a true vacuum in that bell jar?
If you think about it, you cannot do it because as I explained earlier under this atmospheric environment we live under, there has to be a force and that force always has to be an action and equal and opposite reaction.
Now , as I mentioned about the pump simply pushing back on atmosphere pushing against it and allowing the atmosphere inside the bell jar to expand and push itself out....there has to be an point inside the bell jar when the molecules can't push against each other with any energy, which means that all around the inner jar there is an equal push of molecules that simply have no expansion left and simply stop trying to expand at all because they are too weak to get out.
To picture this, just imagine you and your friends being trapped in a massive container with a lid on. You are all whining and sweaty and squashed like babies in a womb but then someone pops that lid off meaning those at the top who's heads were pushed against that lid, managed to stand up and hop out ,leaving those below to stand up and get out...and so on and so on , until all the people that are left are now fully expanded and upright and all they can do is stand on each other's shoulders up to the brim and also managing to outstretch their arms and hands horizontally to just touch the sides...yet that's the lot. None can push against the container anymore and have to hope the container holds up against the extra people that poured out and are not adding pressure externally, or the container collapses.
If it collapses, it no longer classifies as a container, so in effect you could say that the space no longer exists and is now a true vacuum, except that we all know it would make no real sense down here on land but it would make sense up above where the molecules are expanded and dormant as ice and the blackness that ice is against is in actual (possible) reality...what we would really term as a TRUE vacuum.
The absence of all matter that we see as the blackest black that cannot possess any light because it is the total absorbing of all the colour weaves of the spectrum...or quite simply...all light and vibration that makes it.
I fully expect a frenzy of shill like characters jumping on this. I fully expect a massive attempt at ridicule. This bothers me, none.
What I would be bothered about is seeing some really genuine people...those that have the ability to see the potential truth and are willing to try and understand what I'm saying.
Don't do it for me, do it for yourselves because you owe it to yourselves to free your own minds.
'Definitely Not Official' derailing Thought-Police well & truly DENIED!!!