Apparently Light=Sound now

  • 974 Replies


  • 3381
  • Well rounded character
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #600 on: August 27, 2015, 11:21:11 AM »
You know; we have a lot of trouble trying to imagine our own lives and what exactly makes us tick. Basically we have a world that consists of story tellers. Good story tellers, and their stories must be told.
It's how the story is told and how easily it is for the audience to accept it,  which dictates how we move along in life with our natural senses.

The saying, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me," should stay solid and true but the problem is, it's a case of (with many) "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and a third and fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh.................. , shame shame shame, on me.

Speed of light. Does anyone really know what it is?...the answer is nobody does and for good reason. Light as many people know, or should know by now, is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

The light we see is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

Ok, I'll try again just to make sure.

Light is not particles. It is not particles and wavelength's. It is WAVELENGTH'S.

Richard of York goes battling in vain. Colours that we see. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Then there are colours that we cannot see but other creatures can. We can if we use technology.
The thing is, our senses can see/hear of feel those colours.

So what is the speed of LIGHT. Is light construed as 1 wave? colour spectrum wave?
Is light regarded as all colours mixed?

How does a wave get to us?

Can we make a wave in something that cannot possibly act as a medium?
Space? vacuum?...

Why is space dark?...why is what we see at night, dark?

Take away all of the individual waves and you have nothing. So what is light. What is the speed of light?
Waves are exactly what they are to your own senses. You see them in basic form. All you do from then is see how reflection/refraction separates or merges them into the colours you see/feel/hear.

Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too.

You are lied to and made to believe utter bullshit that you should have the sense to actually see if you allow yourselves to think.
I have people coming at me with " so tell a policeman that his radar gun doesn't work."
What the hell does that mean?

Let me give you an easy lesson.
You have a tennis ball and you have a wall that is going to move past you. As it goes past, you throw your ball at it with a strength that you know. The ball then rebounds back into your hand and you calculate how long it took.

Now, yeah, that's the basic of basics and is not exactly a radar gun in its entirety but the issue is, it's a force. It's a wave or an energy that is released and returned.

The reason why people don't equate it to sound is because they refuse to see the bigger picture. The simple picture.
Think sonar.
People will argue that it's  not radar but the issue is the same, just in a different method to what we perceive.

Think about it clearly and you will grasp it.
Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.

Now let me show you a neanderthal simplistic way to understand how it all really works.

Get a friend to stand 100 feet away. (Assume darkness)
You have a metal rod attached to say: a motor.
You set this metal rod in motion by applying pressure onto it  against a flat metal plate. You shout to your friend, "can you hear that?"
Of course your friend will shout, yes. Can you see where the sound is coming from. "no."

Add speed to the rod. "Can you hear it?"...." yes but not as loud."....can you see where the sound is coming from?"....."no."

Add speed to the rod on the plate. "can you hear it?"...."yes but very faint." ....Can you see where the noise is coming from?"...."yes, I see a glow."

The most basic way and guess what. No matter how you work it, it is all the same. It's just done in ways that people do not perceive to be from the same way, because it looks too simplistic and life is more complicated, they say.

Life isn't. Life is simple. It's really simple but we've been conditioned to believe it's like a 10,000 squared chess board with two rows of pieces each side.
The same as a 64 squared board in it's set up but instead of us trying to figure that one out, we're coaxed into viewing the 10,000 squared one, where we simply about turn and shout, "no thanks, I'll just accept what is told rather than have my mind blown."

The problem is, some people love the challenge. Some people love the fairground challenge of being the very few that persist in knocking all the coconuts down to win that special prize that was put there to temp them into parting with what they have.

It doesn't matter if little John tells then that the coconuts are jammed into the holders; little John will be told to scram.
This is your wannabe theoretical scientists on this stuff. They simply refuse to use common sense and logic and prefer to wallow in their own naivety in the belief that the more complicated something appears, the smarter you have to be to solve it.

The reality is all around us. Many things are in our faces. The problem is in trying to walk that path without the constant nudging into the hedge.
People are scared to speak their minds because mass opinion not only trumps their mind but also intimidates them into submission.

It's all about speed but not the speed of light. It's about the speed of vibration, or the frequency of it.
Just remember one main thing.
You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it.

Basically you cannot sand wood if your sander doesn't touch it.
You can't heat water by vibration if that water has separate molecules.
Everything is connected like the bubbles in your washing up bowl in your sink. Those bubbles are only bubbles because they are expanded due to vibration and friction. They pop in front of your eyes as they are compressed (cooled to us).

Every component in your computer when energy is applied, is heat. Your screen is heat made from colour waves, meaning light to your eyes by reflection/refraction.
Every component is a radiator. A vibrating resistor, diode, capacitor, transistor and the roads that lead to them (circuits).
All are heat. All are light. All are made possible by vibration/sound/frequency.

There's a reason why there's fans in your computer. If there wasn't then you would actually see the end product that you failed to see. You would see your computer glow, as in components may glow before your circuit board catches fire = light. The light that you couldn't quite see but could feel and sense as a mild vibration to your ears.

Off topic but still pertinent. Makes you understand how your circuit boards have no chance of working in the space you're  told about. Like I said before. fake space and fake objects in it, naturally.
No medium, no fans, no way to work.

No vibration, no light = darkness= nothingness=impossibility, except for reflection of the light we see, back to us by wavelength...all from good old Earth.

Accept it because that's your life. It's as basic as it can be but could be beautiful if we helped each other to tap into reality, instead of the constant drinks party/materialistic fantasy world we are sold that keeps us all scared and excited in well choreographed measures.

Sound and light still have their own finite speeds, no matter what you say. If you disagree, you only prove yourself to be either a troll or a completely close-minded nuthead.
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #601 on: August 27, 2015, 11:22:38 AM »
Scepti, does that wall of text contain any evidence?  If not then it's not worth my time.
Good, I don't want shit like you to reads it. It's for genuine people.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #602 on: August 27, 2015, 11:34:50 AM »
Scepti, does that wall of text contain any evidence?  If not then it's not worth my time.
Good, I don't want shit like you to reads it. It's for genuine people.

You mean "real people" who blindly accept things without evidence?
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #603 on: August 27, 2015, 11:44:22 AM »
Scepti, does that wall of text contain any evidence?  If not then it's not worth my time.
Good, I don't want shit like you to reads it. It's for genuine people.

You mean "real people" who blindly accept things without evidence?
Get this into your head quickly. You are not worth my time from this point on. Save yourself from typing to me. You're a shill and you seriously believe you are kidding people.
Anything from this point on that you type to me will be overlooked. Take it on-board and deal with your little crew. You're a bell end as far as I'm concerned.

Seriously, don't reply.  ;D



  • 3381
  • Well rounded character
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #604 on: August 27, 2015, 11:48:54 AM »
Scepti, does that wall of text contain any evidence?  If not then it's not worth my time.
Good, I don't want shit like you to reads it. It's for genuine people.

You mean "real people" who blindly accept things without evidence?
Get this into your head quickly. You are not worth my time from this point on. Save yourself from typing to me. You're a shill and you seriously believe you are kidding people.
Anything from this point on that you type to me will be overlooked. Take it on-board and deal with your little crew. You're a bell end as far as I'm concerned.

Seriously, don't reply.  ;D

So anyone who doesn't want to get indoctrinated is a shill? Yeah logics!!
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #605 on: August 27, 2015, 11:51:15 AM »
You mean "real people" who blindly accept things without evidence?
Get this into your head quickly. You are not worth my time from this point on. Save yourself from typing to me. You're a shill and you seriously believe you are kidding people.
Anything from this point on that you type to me will be overlooked. Take it on-board and deal with your little crew. You're a bell end as far as I'm concerned.

Seriously, don't reply.  ;D

Fair enough.  It's not like I have any employers to please and your skull is thicker then most bunkers.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
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  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #606 on: August 27, 2015, 01:50:58 PM »
You lot spam your words & numbers in the name of Holy Science, yet you refuse to examine the Philosophical, Moral or Spiritual implications of your Holy Spam.

If you did, you'd realise you are promulgating a Fraudulent Paradigm that utterly stupefies, dis-empowers & enslaves your Psyches.



I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 15530
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #607 on: August 27, 2015, 02:25:36 PM »
Is Papa Legba becoming a pain in your arse? I hope so because it means what he's saying, works and is being taken on-board by those with a neutral view, leaving people like you frustrated.


Hi again, Rayzor!

Still talking to yourself I see?

You really should lay off the booze...

& sock-arul; quantum tunnelling; explain, please...

I need the laughs.

Sceptimatic is right. What an insightful reply that was from Legba. He calls sokarul a drunk and then he says he doesn't understand quantum tunneling.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15530
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #608 on: August 27, 2015, 02:38:05 PM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

You hear a crack and believe that's that. Why? It's just a compression in a certain form. Thunder and lightning are in a energy form. A compression.
We just happen to hear that compression as a bang at a certain speed. That doesn't mean the speed of sound stops.

Let me put this into your head. Think about it seriously, if you can, which I doubt you will. Anyone else with a brain, think about it.

If a jet breaks the sound barrier as we're told then it's went faster than the so called sound barrier, meaning the sound barrier is not a sound barrier at all, because the jet has flown faster.
That jet is still carrying sound. It doesn't just disappear, it just means that the jet at one stage hit a compression of air into air that created a clap or bang or whatever people want to call it.

That jet (for instance) is moving at speed creating friction. It will compress air and push it out of the way, like anything will.
Just like a bullet will accept a compression against it before it releases from its cartridge. You hear a crack.

Our ears are not designed to pick up higher frequencies but this is when our other senses kick in.

Question: does a dog hear something coming before a human?

Now before some of you jump in shouting, "retard, retard. he doesn't know sound,"...learn it yourself and understand it.
Sound that you can hear does not mean it's only just reached you. It means your primitive ear drums haven't picked up the pressure, whereas an animal will have.
So who counts first, 1/1000....2/ or the animal?

What you do not understand is that pressure waves propagate at a certain speed through a certain material, no matter what the frequency is. You also don't seem to quite understand what the sound barrier is. I also have no freaking idea what dogs have to do with anything.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 15530
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #609 on: August 27, 2015, 02:55:13 PM »
You know; we have a lot of trouble trying to imagine our own lives and what exactly makes us tick. Basically we have a world that consists of story tellers. Good story tellers, and their stories must be told.
It's how the story is told and how easily it is for the audience to accept it,  which dictates how we move along in life with our natural senses.

The saying, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me," should stay solid and true but the problem is, it's a case of (with many) "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and a third and fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh.................. , shame shame shame, on me.

Speed of light. Does anyone really know what it is?...the answer is nobody does and for good reason. Light as many people know, or should know by now, is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

The light we see is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

Ok, I'll try again just to make sure.

Light is not particles. It is not particles and wavelength's. It is WAVELENGTH'S.

Richard of York goes battling in vain. Colours that we see. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Then there are colours that we cannot see but other creatures can. We can if we use technology.
The thing is, our senses can see/hear of feel those colours.

So what is the speed of LIGHT. Is light construed as 1 wave? colour spectrum wave?
Is light regarded as all colours mixed?

How does a wave get to us?

Can we make a wave in something that cannot possibly act as a medium?
Space? vacuum?...

Why is space dark?...why is what we see at night, dark?

Take away all of the individual waves and you have nothing. So what is light. What is the speed of light?
Waves are exactly what they are to your own senses. You see them in basic form. All you do from then is see how reflection/refraction separates or merges them into the colours you see/feel/hear.

Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too.

You are lied to and made to believe utter bullshit that you should have the sense to actually see if you allow yourselves to think.
I have people coming at me with " so tell a policeman that his radar gun doesn't work."
What the hell does that mean?

Let me give you an easy lesson.
You have a tennis ball and you have a wall that is going to move past you. As it goes past, you throw your ball at it with a strength that you know. The ball then rebounds back into your hand and you calculate how long it took.

Now, yeah, that's the basic of basics and is not exactly a radar gun in its entirety but the issue is, it's a force. It's a wave or an energy that is released and returned.

The reason why people don't equate it to sound is because they refuse to see the bigger picture. The simple picture.
Think sonar.
People will argue that it's  not radar but the issue is the same, just in a different method to what we perceive.

Think about it clearly and you will grasp it.
Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.

Now let me show you a neanderthal simplistic way to understand how it all really works.

Get a friend to stand 100 feet away. (Assume darkness)
You have a metal rod attached to say: a motor.
You set this metal rod in motion by applying pressure onto it  against a flat metal plate. You shout to your friend, "can you hear that?"
Of course your friend will shout, yes. Can you see where the sound is coming from. "no."

Add speed to the rod. "Can you hear it?"...." yes but not as loud."....can you see where the sound is coming from?"....."no."

Add speed to the rod on the plate. "can you hear it?"...."yes but very faint." ....Can you see where the noise is coming from?"...."yes, I see a glow."

The most basic way and guess what. No matter how you work it, it is all the same. It's just done in ways that people do not perceive to be from the same way, because it looks too simplistic and life is more complicated, they say.

Life isn't. Life is simple. It's really simple but we've been conditioned to believe it's like a 10,000 squared chess board with two rows of pieces each side.
The same as a 64 squared board in it's set up but instead of us trying to figure that one out, we're coaxed into viewing the 10,000 squared one, where we simply about turn and shout, "no thanks, I'll just accept what is told rather than have my mind blown."

The problem is, some people love the challenge. Some people love the fairground challenge of being the very few that persist in knocking all the coconuts down to win that special prize that was put there to temp them into parting with what they have.

It doesn't matter if little John tells then that the coconuts are jammed into the holders; little John will be told to scram.
This is your wannabe theoretical scientists on this stuff. They simply refuse to use common sense and logic and prefer to wallow in their own naivety in the belief that the more complicated something appears, the smarter you have to be to solve it.

The reality is all around us. Many things are in our faces. The problem is in trying to walk that path without the constant nudging into the hedge.
People are scared to speak their minds because mass opinion not only trumps their mind but also intimidates them into submission.

It's all about speed but not the speed of light. It's about the speed of vibration, or the frequency of it.
Just remember one main thing.
You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it.

Basically you cannot sand wood if your sander doesn't touch it.
You can't heat water by vibration if that water has separate molecules.
Everything is connected like the bubbles in your washing up bowl in your sink. Those bubbles are only bubbles because they are expanded due to vibration and friction. They pop in front of your eyes as they are compressed (cooled to us).

Every component in your computer when energy is applied, is heat. Your screen is heat made from colour waves, meaning light to your eyes by reflection/refraction.
Every component is a radiator. A vibrating resistor, diode, capacitor, transistor and the roads that lead to them (circuits).
All are heat. All are light. All are made possible by vibration/sound/frequency.

There's a reason why there's fans in your computer. If there wasn't then you would actually see the end product that you failed to see. You would see your computer glow, as in components may glow before your circuit board catches fire = light. The light that you couldn't quite see but could feel and sense as a mild vibration to your ears.

Off topic but still pertinent. Makes you understand how your circuit boards have no chance of working in the space you're  told about. Like I said before. fake space and fake objects in it, naturally.
No medium, no fans, no way to work.

No vibration, no light = darkness= nothingness=impossibility, except for reflection of the light we see, back to us by wavelength...all from good old Earth.

Accept it because that's your life. It's as basic as it can be but could be beautiful if we helped each other to tap into reality, instead of the constant drinks party/materialistic fantasy world we are sold that keeps us all scared and excited in well choreographed measures.

How can you write these immense posts full of bullshit and still fail to understand why you are wrong?? We've explained to you I don't know how many times what light is and you still go like "Uh, how can we make a wave in a vacuum? Yet you say light is a wave! Guess what, we can't! Haha! I'm so smart!". And THEN you keep going like "Yes, but if you take a rod and spin it and blah blah blah..." even though I have already explained to you WHY THAT HAPPENS AND WHAT IT IS, BUT YOU STILL DON'T GET IT AND JUST IGNORE IT! Also, I guess that if you started seeing a glow, there shouldn't be any sound at all, right? Why don't you try it yourself and see what happens?  You are incapable of understanding the concept of black body radiation, or any type of radiation. Then you say: "You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it." Yet you seem to miss that you can get heat without creating friction, by simply letting something absorb light. You will tell me "but light is friction and blah blah blah". That is what YOU think, and you take that for granted to prove it! That makes no sense! Then you still can't comprehend that you can produce light by using heat, and then let that light travel through a vacuum! "Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too." Oh my God. What an idiot. Then you also say that "Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.". NO! THE FREQUENCY WILL NOT PRODUCE LIGHT, BECAUSE "FREQUENCY" ISN'T SOMETHING PHYSICAL, IT'S MERELY A NUMBER! IT'S JUST WHAT WE USE TO CALCULATE HOW MANY VIBRATIONS SOMETHING DOES IN A GIVEN TIME PERIOD! THE ELECTRONS THAT ARE EXCITED BY THE HEAT THAT IS PRODUCED BY THE VIBRATION OF SOUND IS WHAT PRODUCES LIGHT, AND AFTER THAT IS DONE, THE LIGHT IS FREE TO MOVE HOWEVER IT WANTS, AND DOES NOT NEED SOUND OR ATMOSPHERE OR WHATEVER TO KEEP GOING! THAT'S THAT! END OF STORY!
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #610 on: August 27, 2015, 05:12:09 PM »
You know; we have a lot of trouble trying to imagine our own lives and what exactly makes us tick. Basically we have a world that consists of story tellers. Good story tellers, and their stories must be told.
It's how the story is told and how easily it is for the audience to accept it,  which dictates how we move along in life with our natural senses.

The saying, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me," should stay solid and true but the problem is, it's a case of (with many) "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and a third and fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh.................. , shame shame shame, on me.

Speed of light. Does anyone really know what it is?...the answer is nobody does and for good reason. Light as many people know, or should know by now, is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

The light we see is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

Ok, I'll try again just to make sure.

Light is not particles. It is not particles and wavelength's. It is WAVELENGTH'S.

Richard of York goes battling in vain. Colours that we see. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Then there are colours that we cannot see but other creatures can. We can if we use technology.
The thing is, our senses can see/hear of feel those colours.

So what is the speed of LIGHT. Is light construed as 1 wave? colour spectrum wave?
Is light regarded as all colours mixed?

How does a wave get to us?

Can we make a wave in something that cannot possibly act as a medium?
Space? vacuum?...

Why is space dark?...why is what we see at night, dark?

Take away all of the individual waves and you have nothing. So what is light. What is the speed of light?
Waves are exactly what they are to your own senses. You see them in basic form. All you do from then is see how reflection/refraction separates or merges them into the colours you see/feel/hear.

Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too.

You are lied to and made to believe utter bullshit that you should have the sense to actually see if you allow yourselves to think.
I have people coming at me with " so tell a policeman that his radar gun doesn't work."
What the hell does that mean?

Let me give you an easy lesson.
You have a tennis ball and you have a wall that is going to move past you. As it goes past, you throw your ball at it with a strength that you know. The ball then rebounds back into your hand and you calculate how long it took.

Now, yeah, that's the basic of basics and is not exactly a radar gun in its entirety but the issue is, it's a force. It's a wave or an energy that is released and returned.

The reason why people don't equate it to sound is because they refuse to see the bigger picture. The simple picture.
Think sonar.
People will argue that it's  not radar but the issue is the same, just in a different method to what we perceive.

Think about it clearly and you will grasp it.
Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.

Now let me show you a neanderthal simplistic way to understand how it all really works.

Get a friend to stand 100 feet away. (Assume darkness)
You have a metal rod attached to say: a motor.
You set this metal rod in motion by applying pressure onto it  against a flat metal plate. You shout to your friend, "can you hear that?"
Of course your friend will shout, yes. Can you see where the sound is coming from. "no."

Add speed to the rod. "Can you hear it?"...." yes but not as loud."....can you see where the sound is coming from?"....."no."

Add speed to the rod on the plate. "can you hear it?"...."yes but very faint." ....Can you see where the noise is coming from?"...."yes, I see a glow."

The most basic way and guess what. No matter how you work it, it is all the same. It's just done in ways that people do not perceive to be from the same way, because it looks too simplistic and life is more complicated, they say.

Life isn't. Life is simple. It's really simple but we've been conditioned to believe it's like a 10,000 squared chess board with two rows of pieces each side.
The same as a 64 squared board in it's set up but instead of us trying to figure that one out, we're coaxed into viewing the 10,000 squared one, where we simply about turn and shout, "no thanks, I'll just accept what is told rather than have my mind blown."

The problem is, some people love the challenge. Some people love the fairground challenge of being the very few that persist in knocking all the coconuts down to win that special prize that was put there to temp them into parting with what they have.

It doesn't matter if little John tells then that the coconuts are jammed into the holders; little John will be told to scram.
This is your wannabe theoretical scientists on this stuff. They simply refuse to use common sense and logic and prefer to wallow in their own naivety in the belief that the more complicated something appears, the smarter you have to be to solve it.

The reality is all around us. Many things are in our faces. The problem is in trying to walk that path without the constant nudging into the hedge.
People are scared to speak their minds because mass opinion not only trumps their mind but also intimidates them into submission.

It's all about speed but not the speed of light. It's about the speed of vibration, or the frequency of it.
Just remember one main thing.
You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it.

Basically you cannot sand wood if your sander doesn't touch it.
You can't heat water by vibration if that water has separate molecules.
Everything is connected like the bubbles in your washing up bowl in your sink. Those bubbles are only bubbles because they are expanded due to vibration and friction. They pop in front of your eyes as they are compressed (cooled to us).

Every component in your computer when energy is applied, is heat. Your screen is heat made from colour waves, meaning light to your eyes by reflection/refraction.
Every component is a radiator. A vibrating resistor, diode, capacitor, transistor and the roads that lead to them (circuits).
All are heat. All are light. All are made possible by vibration/sound/frequency.

There's a reason why there's fans in your computer. If there wasn't then you would actually see the end product that you failed to see. You would see your computer glow, as in components may glow before your circuit board catches fire = light. The light that you couldn't quite see but could feel and sense as a mild vibration to your ears.

Off topic but still pertinent. Makes you understand how your circuit boards have no chance of working in the space you're  told about. Like I said before. fake space and fake objects in it, naturally.
No medium, no fans, no way to work.

No vibration, no light = darkness= nothingness=impossibility, except for reflection of the light we see, back to us by wavelength...all from good old Earth.

Accept it because that's your life. It's as basic as it can be but could be beautiful if we helped each other to tap into reality, instead of the constant drinks party/materialistic fantasy world we are sold that keeps us all scared and excited in well choreographed measures.
I thought light was vibrations and frequencies? Now it is wavelength's. Well at least you finally looked at my pictures.

People have been trying to figure out the speed of light for a long time.
You have nothing to show, while they get values.

Darkness is the absence of light. You got one thing right, congrats.

To create sound you need a speaker. The speaker physically moves to create this sound. If you want to create light you can simply turn a flashlight on. No physical movement at all.

I don't know what else to say, you are just so wrong and lost.  There is seriously 100 different types of spectroscopy that disprove what you claim. You really have to ignore every single one. I don't know how you can call yourself "enlightened" when you have to be so closed to the world around you.


It's no slur if it's fact.


Papa Legba

  • Ranters
  • 9566
  • Welcome to the CIA Troll/Shill Society.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #611 on: August 27, 2015, 10:24:57 PM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


Bear in mind Feynman's dictum when you do; 'If you think you understand Q.M, then you don't understand Q.M.'

Do YOU think you understand Q.M, sock-arul?

Cos if you DO, then you DON'T!

Now; off you go...

Getting the picture yet, suckers?

I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #612 on: August 27, 2015, 10:52:54 PM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


I can explain,  my position on quantum tunneling is uncertain,   it might be right or it might be left....   what is the probablilty?

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #613 on: August 28, 2015, 02:24:23 AM »
It's all about frequency man, just dig those groovy vibrations.
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #614 on: August 28, 2015, 05:42:46 AM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


Bear in mind Feynman's dictum when you do; 'If you think you understand Q.M, then you don't understand Q.M.'

Do YOU think you understand Q.M, sock-arul?

Cos if you DO, then you DON'T!

Now; off you go...

Getting the picture yet, suckers?


Quantum tunneling is the act of something getting across an energy barrier when it shouldn't have been able to, do to the uncertainty of its position.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #615 on: August 28, 2015, 07:15:37 AM »
I propose an experiment to demonstrate Quantum Mechanical uncertainty to Papa Legba.

We get Papa and lock him in a box with a cyanide gas cylinder,   the gas cylinder has a valve that is connected to a geiger counter that triggers the gas release with exactly 50 % probability during a one hour period. 
So after almost one hour, and just before we open the box,  is Papa,  alive or dead?    ( No,  wishful thinking! )

Roll up ladies and gentlemen place your bets!!  is Papa a dead troll,  or a live one.     How can we know before the box is opened?

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #616 on: August 28, 2015, 07:45:58 AM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


Bear in mind Feynman's dictum when you do; 'If you think you understand Q.M, then you don't understand Q.M.'

Do YOU think you understand Q.M, sock-arul?

Cos if you DO, then you DON'T!

Now; off you go...

Getting the picture yet, suckers?


Nobody understands the meaning of quantum mechanics or can really visualize it but it can be used to make predictions and it is used a lot in your computer to make it work.  It's not that nobody has any idea how QM works, that quote just means that it makes perfect sense to nobody yet it can make incredible predictions that have never not confirmed with reality.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #617 on: August 28, 2015, 08:06:44 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

You hear a crack and believe that's that. Why? It's just a compression in a certain form. Thunder and lightning are in a energy form. A compression.
We just happen to hear that compression as a bang at a certain speed. That doesn't mean the speed of sound stops.

Let me put this into your head. Think about it seriously, if you can, which I doubt you will. Anyone else with a brain, think about it.

If a jet breaks the sound barrier as we're told then it's went faster than the so called sound barrier, meaning the sound barrier is not a sound barrier at all, because the jet has flown faster.
That jet is still carrying sound. It doesn't just disappear, it just means that the jet at one stage hit a compression of air into air that created a clap or bang or whatever people want to call it.

That jet (for instance) is moving at speed creating friction. It will compress air and push it out of the way, like anything will.
Just like a bullet will accept a compression against it before it releases from its cartridge. You hear a crack.

Our ears are not designed to pick up higher frequencies but this is when our other senses kick in.

Question: does a dog hear something coming before a human?

Now before some of you jump in shouting, "retard, retard. he doesn't know sound,"...learn it yourself and understand it.
Sound that you can hear does not mean it's only just reached you. It means your primitive ear drums haven't picked up the pressure, whereas an animal will have.
So who counts first, 1/1000....2/ or the animal?

What you do not understand is that pressure waves propagate at a certain speed through a certain material, no matter what the frequency is. You also don't seem to quite understand what the sound barrier is. I also have no freaking idea what dogs have to do with anything.
Then don't worry yourself about it. Just treat me like a nut job or whatever you wish and get on with your life. I'm not here to please people like you and I'm not interested in your attempts at ridicule. I'm immune to it all.

People like you refuse to understand anything unless it's laid out on a plate from your handlers.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #618 on: August 28, 2015, 08:39:19 AM »
How can you write these immense posts full of bullshit and still fail to understand why you are wrong??
Because the posts are not for you. The posts are for those who have a working brain and who are not jammed so far up their own arses.

We've explained to you I don't know how many times what light is and you still go like "Uh, how can we make a wave in a vacuum?
You've never explained what light is and certainly not how it supposedly propagates through a vacuum.

Yet you say light is a wave!
Light is a reflected sound wave/s.

Guess what, we can't! Haha! I'm so smart!".
Can't what?

And THEN you keep going like "Yes, but if you take a rod and spin it and blah blah blah..."
Yeah it was a good explanation but again, it was for those who possess a working brain that can process logic and common sense.

even though I have already explained to you WHY THAT HAPPENS AND WHAT IT IS, BUT YOU STILL DON'T GET IT AND JUST IGNORE IT!
You've explained nothing  other than parroting.

Also, I guess that if you started seeing a glow, there shouldn't be any sound at all, right?
Of course there's sound. there's always sound. The fact is that a lot of sound is far too difficult for us to hear because our ear drums and hammers do not detect them.
Life and light rely on sound/vibration. Just because you cannot hear it doesn't mean it's not there.

Why don't you try it yourself and see what happens?
I have tried it all, as have many people. They just don't marry it up to the basics.

  You are incapable of understanding the concept of black body radiation, or any type of radiation.
All you're doing is parroting again. You're making out you kn ow what you're talking about and all you will do it copy and paste. Mine comes from my head, not your little fictional science books.

Then you say: "You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it." Yet you seem to miss that you can get heat without creating friction, by simply letting something absorb light.
You cannot have free space. Get this into your head. free space does not exist. If it did, you are dead and everything is dead. You become what's known as suspended animation in the fantasy world but the truth is, free space cannot exist between matter, at all.

You will tell me "but light is friction and blah blah blah". That is what YOU think, and you take that for granted to prove it! That makes no sense!
But light is friction and it's there for you to see in everything you do. It's just that you're too arrogant to want to grasp it and also afraid to go against your peers.

Then you still can't comprehend that you can produce light by using heat, and then let that light travel through a vacuum!
You cannot produce light without producing heat.  get a grip. Start learning basic before you expire ignorant all your life.
And light cannot travel through a true vacuum.

"Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too." Oh my God. What an idiot.
I am picturing you jumping up and down sweating. Am I correct?

Then you also say that "Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.". NO! THE FREQUENCY WILL NOT PRODUCE LIGHT, BECAUSE "FREQUENCY" ISN'T SOMETHING PHYSICAL, IT'S MERELY A NUMBER!
Frequency isn't a number. It's a saying. It means what it says, as in, if I slap you slowly I'm doing with less frequent than I want to.
If I start slapping your face faster, it means I'm  hitting your face with slaps being more frequent.
And so on and so on. High and low frequency depending on energy applied.
Now then, you can attach number to it if you want to to make sense of it all but it still doesn't change what's happening.

Yep, it does.

Electrons aren't excited by the heat. The heat is the issue at hand for EVERYTHING. Nothing electrical can work without heat and heat can only happen if friction is applied.
The fact that you think you do not need an atmosphere for all of this to work means you are ultra ignorant by basic arrogance due to peer pressure and an acceptance of misinformation given out as fact.

Because your head is crammed full of school/college/university/books/TV, are conditioned in saturation mode to only accept the word of those who wear the right suits.
Like a obedient dog to a master.
That's actually not an insult, it's a fact of life for us all because we are all like that in some way. Unfortunately too many people such as yourself are the trained scrap yard Rottweiler that has faith in it's  owner and everyone else has to beware of trying to show it another way of life.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #619 on: August 28, 2015, 08:40:54 AM »
You know; we have a lot of trouble trying to imagine our own lives and what exactly makes us tick. Basically we have a world that consists of story tellers. Good story tellers, and their stories must be told.
It's how the story is told and how easily it is for the audience to accept it,  which dictates how we move along in life with our natural senses.

The saying, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me," should stay solid and true but the problem is, it's a case of (with many) "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and a third and fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh.................. , shame shame shame, on me.

Speed of light. Does anyone really know what it is?...the answer is nobody does and for good reason. Light as many people know, or should know by now, is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

The light we see is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

Ok, I'll try again just to make sure.

Light is not particles. It is not particles and wavelength's. It is WAVELENGTH'S.

Richard of York goes battling in vain. Colours that we see. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Then there are colours that we cannot see but other creatures can. We can if we use technology.
The thing is, our senses can see/hear of feel those colours.

So what is the speed of LIGHT. Is light construed as 1 wave? colour spectrum wave?
Is light regarded as all colours mixed?

How does a wave get to us?

Can we make a wave in something that cannot possibly act as a medium?
Space? vacuum?...

Why is space dark?...why is what we see at night, dark?

Take away all of the individual waves and you have nothing. So what is light. What is the speed of light?
Waves are exactly what they are to your own senses. You see them in basic form. All you do from then is see how reflection/refraction separates or merges them into the colours you see/feel/hear.

Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too.

You are lied to and made to believe utter bullshit that you should have the sense to actually see if you allow yourselves to think.
I have people coming at me with " so tell a policeman that his radar gun doesn't work."
What the hell does that mean?

Let me give you an easy lesson.
You have a tennis ball and you have a wall that is going to move past you. As it goes past, you throw your ball at it with a strength that you know. The ball then rebounds back into your hand and you calculate how long it took.

Now, yeah, that's the basic of basics and is not exactly a radar gun in its entirety but the issue is, it's a force. It's a wave or an energy that is released and returned.

The reason why people don't equate it to sound is because they refuse to see the bigger picture. The simple picture.
Think sonar.
People will argue that it's  not radar but the issue is the same, just in a different method to what we perceive.

Think about it clearly and you will grasp it.
Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.

Now let me show you a neanderthal simplistic way to understand how it all really works.

Get a friend to stand 100 feet away. (Assume darkness)
You have a metal rod attached to say: a motor.
You set this metal rod in motion by applying pressure onto it  against a flat metal plate. You shout to your friend, "can you hear that?"
Of course your friend will shout, yes. Can you see where the sound is coming from. "no."

Add speed to the rod. "Can you hear it?"...." yes but not as loud."....can you see where the sound is coming from?"....."no."

Add speed to the rod on the plate. "can you hear it?"...."yes but very faint." ....Can you see where the noise is coming from?"...."yes, I see a glow."

The most basic way and guess what. No matter how you work it, it is all the same. It's just done in ways that people do not perceive to be from the same way, because it looks too simplistic and life is more complicated, they say.

Life isn't. Life is simple. It's really simple but we've been conditioned to believe it's like a 10,000 squared chess board with two rows of pieces each side.
The same as a 64 squared board in it's set up but instead of us trying to figure that one out, we're coaxed into viewing the 10,000 squared one, where we simply about turn and shout, "no thanks, I'll just accept what is told rather than have my mind blown."

The problem is, some people love the challenge. Some people love the fairground challenge of being the very few that persist in knocking all the coconuts down to win that special prize that was put there to temp them into parting with what they have.

It doesn't matter if little John tells then that the coconuts are jammed into the holders; little John will be told to scram.
This is your wannabe theoretical scientists on this stuff. They simply refuse to use common sense and logic and prefer to wallow in their own naivety in the belief that the more complicated something appears, the smarter you have to be to solve it.

The reality is all around us. Many things are in our faces. The problem is in trying to walk that path without the constant nudging into the hedge.
People are scared to speak their minds because mass opinion not only trumps their mind but also intimidates them into submission.

It's all about speed but not the speed of light. It's about the speed of vibration, or the frequency of it.
Just remember one main thing.
You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it.

Basically you cannot sand wood if your sander doesn't touch it.
You can't heat water by vibration if that water has separate molecules.
Everything is connected like the bubbles in your washing up bowl in your sink. Those bubbles are only bubbles because they are expanded due to vibration and friction. They pop in front of your eyes as they are compressed (cooled to us).

Every component in your computer when energy is applied, is heat. Your screen is heat made from colour waves, meaning light to your eyes by reflection/refraction.
Every component is a radiator. A vibrating resistor, diode, capacitor, transistor and the roads that lead to them (circuits).
All are heat. All are light. All are made possible by vibration/sound/frequency.

There's a reason why there's fans in your computer. If there wasn't then you would actually see the end product that you failed to see. You would see your computer glow, as in components may glow before your circuit board catches fire = light. The light that you couldn't quite see but could feel and sense as a mild vibration to your ears.

Off topic but still pertinent. Makes you understand how your circuit boards have no chance of working in the space you're  told about. Like I said before. fake space and fake objects in it, naturally.
No medium, no fans, no way to work.

No vibration, no light = darkness= nothingness=impossibility, except for reflection of the light we see, back to us by wavelength...all from good old Earth.

Accept it because that's your life. It's as basic as it can be but could be beautiful if we helped each other to tap into reality, instead of the constant drinks party/materialistic fantasy world we are sold that keeps us all scared and excited in well choreographed measures.
I thought light was vibrations and frequencies? Now it is wavelength's. Well at least you finally looked at my pictures.

People have been trying to figure out the speed of light for a long time.
You have nothing to show, while they get values.

Darkness is the absence of light. You got one thing right, congrats.

To create sound you need a speaker. The speaker physically moves to create this sound. If you want to create light you can simply turn a flashlight on. No physical movement at all.

I don't know what else to say, you are just so wrong and lost.  There is seriously 100 different types of spectroscopy that disprove what you claim. You really have to ignore every single one. I don't know how you can call yourself "enlightened" when you have to be so closed to the world around you.
You're too much of a bell end for me to bother with.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #620 on: August 28, 2015, 08:44:26 AM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


Bear in mind Feynman's dictum when you do; 'If you think you understand Q.M, then you don't understand Q.M.'

Do YOU think you understand Q.M, sock-arul?

Cos if you DO, then you DON'T!

Now; off you go...

Getting the picture yet, suckers?


Nobody understands the meaning of quantum mechanics or can really visualize it but it can be used to make predictions and it is used a lot in your computer to make it work.  It's not that nobody has any idea how QM works, that quote just means that it makes perfect sense to nobody yet it can make incredible predictions that have never not confirmed with reality.
Like Harry Potter. Nobody has a clue how it all works in reality but it's all laid out on TV and in books to give you a visual of it.
Your science is hokus pokus in many ways. Your theoretical science is just that. It's Harry Potter like bullshit.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #621 on: August 28, 2015, 09:24:44 AM »
You know; we have a lot of trouble trying to imagine our own lives and what exactly makes us tick. Basically we have a world that consists of story tellers. Good story tellers, and their stories must be told.
It's how the story is told and how easily it is for the audience to accept it,  which dictates how we move along in life with our natural senses.

The saying, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me," should stay solid and true but the problem is, it's a case of (with many) "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and a third and fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh.................. , shame shame shame, on me.

Speed of light. Does anyone really know what it is?...the answer is nobody does and for good reason. Light as many people know, or should know by now, is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

The light we see is made up of WAVELENGTH'S.

Ok, I'll try again just to make sure.

Light is not particles. It is not particles and wavelength's. It is WAVELENGTH'S.

Richard of York goes battling in vain. Colours that we see. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. Then there are colours that we cannot see but other creatures can. We can if we use technology.
The thing is, our senses can see/hear of feel those colours.

So what is the speed of LIGHT. Is light construed as 1 wave? colour spectrum wave?
Is light regarded as all colours mixed?

How does a wave get to us?

Can we make a wave in something that cannot possibly act as a medium?
Space? vacuum?...

Why is space dark?...why is what we see at night, dark?

Take away all of the individual waves and you have nothing. So what is light. What is the speed of light?
Waves are exactly what they are to your own senses. You see them in basic form. All you do from then is see how reflection/refraction separates or merges them into the colours you see/feel/hear.

Now naturally we are not geared to hear colours or feel colours because we are not in tune with our own bodies due to mind saturation by evil people who simply don't want you too.

You are lied to and made to believe utter bullshit that you should have the sense to actually see if you allow yourselves to think.
I have people coming at me with " so tell a policeman that his radar gun doesn't work."
What the hell does that mean?

Let me give you an easy lesson.
You have a tennis ball and you have a wall that is going to move past you. As it goes past, you throw your ball at it with a strength that you know. The ball then rebounds back into your hand and you calculate how long it took.

Now, yeah, that's the basic of basics and is not exactly a radar gun in its entirety but the issue is, it's a force. It's a wave or an energy that is released and returned.

The reason why people don't equate it to sound is because they refuse to see the bigger picture. The simple picture.
Think sonar.
People will argue that it's  not radar but the issue is the same, just in a different method to what we perceive.

Think about it clearly and you will grasp it.
Sound is created by vibration. The frequency of that vibration  will produce light. There's no other way it can be produced other than vibration and frequency.

Now let me show you a neanderthal simplistic way to understand how it all really works.

Get a friend to stand 100 feet away. (Assume darkness)
You have a metal rod attached to say: a motor.
You set this metal rod in motion by applying pressure onto it  against a flat metal plate. You shout to your friend, "can you hear that?"
Of course your friend will shout, yes. Can you see where the sound is coming from. "no."

Add speed to the rod. "Can you hear it?"...." yes but not as loud."....can you see where the sound is coming from?"....."no."

Add speed to the rod on the plate. "can you hear it?"...."yes but very faint." ....Can you see where the noise is coming from?"...."yes, I see a glow."

The most basic way and guess what. No matter how you work it, it is all the same. It's just done in ways that people do not perceive to be from the same way, because it looks too simplistic and life is more complicated, they say.

Life isn't. Life is simple. It's really simple but we've been conditioned to believe it's like a 10,000 squared chess board with two rows of pieces each side.
The same as a 64 squared board in it's set up but instead of us trying to figure that one out, we're coaxed into viewing the 10,000 squared one, where we simply about turn and shout, "no thanks, I'll just accept what is told rather than have my mind blown."

The problem is, some people love the challenge. Some people love the fairground challenge of being the very few that persist in knocking all the coconuts down to win that special prize that was put there to temp them into parting with what they have.

It doesn't matter if little John tells then that the coconuts are jammed into the holders; little John will be told to scram.
This is your wannabe theoretical scientists on this stuff. They simply refuse to use common sense and logic and prefer to wallow in their own naivety in the belief that the more complicated something appears, the smarter you have to be to solve it.

The reality is all around us. Many things are in our faces. The problem is in trying to walk that path without the constant nudging into the hedge.
People are scared to speak their minds because mass opinion not only trumps their mind but also intimidates them into submission.

It's all about speed but not the speed of light. It's about the speed of vibration, or the frequency of it.
Just remember one main thing.
You do not get heat without creating light. You do not get heat without creating friction. You cannot create friction unless you  vibrate matter.
You cannot vibrate matter if that matter has free space between it.

Basically you cannot sand wood if your sander doesn't touch it.
You can't heat water by vibration if that water has separate molecules.
Everything is connected like the bubbles in your washing up bowl in your sink. Those bubbles are only bubbles because they are expanded due to vibration and friction. They pop in front of your eyes as they are compressed (cooled to us).

Every component in your computer when energy is applied, is heat. Your screen is heat made from colour waves, meaning light to your eyes by reflection/refraction.
Every component is a radiator. A vibrating resistor, diode, capacitor, transistor and the roads that lead to them (circuits).
All are heat. All are light. All are made possible by vibration/sound/frequency.

There's a reason why there's fans in your computer. If there wasn't then you would actually see the end product that you failed to see. You would see your computer glow, as in components may glow before your circuit board catches fire = light. The light that you couldn't quite see but could feel and sense as a mild vibration to your ears.

Off topic but still pertinent. Makes you understand how your circuit boards have no chance of working in the space you're  told about. Like I said before. fake space and fake objects in it, naturally.
No medium, no fans, no way to work.

No vibration, no light = darkness= nothingness=impossibility, except for reflection of the light we see, back to us by wavelength...all from good old Earth.

Accept it because that's your life. It's as basic as it can be but could be beautiful if we helped each other to tap into reality, instead of the constant drinks party/materialistic fantasy world we are sold that keeps us all scared and excited in well choreographed measures.
I thought light was vibrations and frequencies? Now it is wavelength's. Well at least you finally looked at my pictures.

People have been trying to figure out the speed of light for a long time.
You have nothing to show, while they get values.

Darkness is the absence of light. You got one thing right, congrats.

To create sound you need a speaker. The speaker physically moves to create this sound. If you want to create light you can simply turn a flashlight on. No physical movement at all.

I don't know what else to say, you are just so wrong and lost.  There is seriously 100 different types of spectroscopy that disprove what you claim. You really have to ignore every single one. I don't know how you can call yourself "enlightened" when you have to be so closed to the world around you.
You're too much of a bell end for me to bother with.
You know you defeated someone when they can't even respond.

Come back when you want me to teach you more science.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 218
  • 12 men on the Moon, 11 of them Scouts.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #622 on: August 28, 2015, 10:11:59 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

Have you measured the speed of sound?
Sailor and Navigator.


Son of Orospu

  • Jura's b*tch and proud of it!
  • 37834
  • I have artificial intelligence
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #623 on: August 28, 2015, 10:17:55 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

Have you measured the speed of sound?

Have you? 

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #624 on: August 28, 2015, 10:34:45 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

Have you measured the speed of sound?

Have you?
Have you?
Quote from: mikeman7918
a single photon can pass through two sluts

Quote from: Chicken Fried Clucker
if Donald Trump stuck his penis in me after trying on clothes I would have that date and time burned in my head.



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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #625 on: August 28, 2015, 10:44:15 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

Have you measured the speed of sound?

Have you?
Yes. It's quite a simple experiment.
Sailor and Navigator.



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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #626 on: August 28, 2015, 10:55:25 AM »
I have a question for you about light and sound.  At what point does sound go from plodding along at roughly 760mph, to becoming 'light' and taking zero time to travel any distance?  The difference does seem odd if (according to you), all molecules are touching with no empty space between them.
It doesn't plod along at 760mph. You are made to believe that's the sound barrier but it's not at all. Sound travels much faster and much slower and is dependent on the energy/force applied.

Have you measured the speed of sound?

Have you?

I once saw a lightning strike roughly 1 km away, and it took roughly 3 seconds to hear it. That gives a speed of roughly 333m/s. And many other people have done far more accurate measurements, which is why things such as radar works.
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #627 on: August 28, 2015, 10:59:07 AM »
Nobody understands the meaning of quantum mechanics or can really visualize it but it can be used to make predictions and it is used a lot in your computer to make it work.  It's not that nobody has any idea how QM works, that quote just means that it makes perfect sense to nobody yet it can make incredible predictions that have never not confirmed with reality.
Like Harry Potter. Nobody has a clue how it all works in reality but it's all laid out on TV and in books to give you a visual of it.
Your science is hokus pokus in many ways. Your theoretical science is just that. It's Harry Potter like bullshit.

The difference between magic and quantum mechanics is that quantum mechanics makes your computer work and it's easy to personally verify.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.


Papa Legba

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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #628 on: August 28, 2015, 12:55:54 PM »
So; NONE of you can explain Q.M.

Not even slightly...

It just 'makes my computer work'; though you can not explain either HOW or WHY.

Seems Q.M. is a matter of Faith; yet somehow I am the fool for doubting the veracity of that Faith?

Emperor's New Clothes, anyone?


Q.M. is a Hoax on you all...

Enjoy your Scientifically-Imposed Uncertainty, slaves!
I got Trolled & Shilled at the CIA Troll/Shill Society and now I feel EPIC!!!



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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #629 on: August 28, 2015, 01:16:10 PM »
Thanks for the wiki-spam, sock-arul...


Bear in mind Feynman's dictum when you do; 'If you think you understand Q.M, then you don't understand Q.M.'

Do YOU think you understand Q.M, sock-arul?

Cos if you DO, then you DON'T!

Now; off you go...

Getting the picture yet, suckers?


Quantum tunneling is the act of something getting across an energy barrier when it shouldn't have been able to, do to the uncertainty of its position.

It's no slur if it's fact.