Apparently Light=Sound now

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Apparently Light=Sound now
« on: August 01, 2015, 12:04:23 PM »
(NOTE: This was typed on my phone. Mind my punctuation or grammar.)
Scepti has recently made up a new idea. Light is caused by vibrations. I'm going to point out the flaws in this idea.
First off, no evidence. All he said when asked for experiments was "plenty", with no documentation of them.
He never gave any details. What sound frequency and volume produces cosmic radiation? X-Rays? Gamma Rays?
Radar. Radar counts on light not being instant. Sonar/Echolocation also requires sound taking time to work. Echoes in general, actually.
What sound does my phone make? It makes light waves and radio waves and microwaves.
Nuclear reactors? Gamma radiation? It must've been loud and noisy for years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2015, 03:11:59 PM »
It's not apparently light being sound, now. It's always been like that. The trouble with the science world is, they can't distinguish and end up fighting over a wave or particle.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2015, 03:32:38 PM »
It's not apparently light being sound, now. It's always been like that. The trouble with the science world is, they can't distinguish and end up fighting over a wave or particle.
You know so little.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2015, 04:44:33 PM »
Wha... Fighting? What scientist says photons don't exist and light is just a wave, somehow? Or vice versa?

Oh, I know. You can't be bothered with quantum states.

What makes you think the meaning of everything is some crackpot assumption? It doesn't have to be simple all the time.
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2015, 07:42:59 PM »
Light goes faster than sound. they cant be the same.
Watch lightnings for example, their light always reach you first than sound.
Pick up the can.
Pick. Up. The. Can.
I said pick up the can!



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2015, 08:25:30 PM »
Want me to change the title? Then can you talk about what the topic is about? Or are you above it for some reason.
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • 15536
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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2015, 01:21:03 AM »
It's not apparently light being sound, now. It's always been like that. The trouble with the science world is, they can't distinguish and end up fighting over a wave or particle.

Thank God you are here! You are the most hilarious person ever!

Now I don't know if you know it, but the speed of light is finite, light has nothing to do with sound, and it is actually a particle that follows a probability "wave", which means that it moves like a wave. No fighting, it's been settled for years now.

I have no idea how you got to the conclusion "light = sound", but that would mean there is no light in vacuum (we can test that), that every source of light would make noise (although you haven't really given a formula or at least an approximation of how exactly the conversion works) and that every source of noise would make light. It makes no sense. Do you even realize how dumb you sound?
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2015, 06:36:57 AM »
Scepti's explanation:

Light is a vibrational frequency or to put it simply, it's the end product of sound. Light is instantaneous.You do not see light as it was. You only see it as it is. You hear sound as it was but see the light of that sound as it is.



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2015, 07:02:04 AM »
Would it not be dark in a near vaccum?
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #9 on: August 02, 2015, 08:03:12 AM »
Search for 'sonoluminescence', it may help.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 19303
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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2015, 10:47:37 AM »
Search for 'sonoluminescence', it may help.
What about it?

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2015, 11:58:52 AM »
Search for 'sonoluminescence', it may help.
What about it?

Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound. This shows sound can produce light.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2015, 12:03:27 PM »
No, things that create sound sometimes create light also.
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2015, 12:05:15 PM »
Search for 'sonoluminescence', it may help.
What about it?

Sonoluminescence is the emission of short bursts of light from imploding bubbles in a liquid when excited by sound. This shows sound can produce light.
And? It is a chemical reaction creating the light. That doesn't mean light=sound. Light is clearly electromagnetic radiation and sound is clearly pressure waves.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2015, 12:06:56 PM by sokarul »

It's no slur if it's fact.


Son of Orospu

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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2015, 02:33:02 PM »
No, things that create sound sometimes create light also.

Tell that to the pistol shrimp.



  • 1261
  • Of course it's flat. It looks that way up close.
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2015, 02:44:55 PM »
What do you mean?
I am the worst moderator ever.

Sometimes I wonder: "Why am  I on this site?"
Then I look at threads about clouds not existing and I go back to posting and lurking. Lurk moar.



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2015, 02:57:59 PM »
I believe Scepti is referring to an article such as this link below:

Below is the important section

Vibration as Sound and Light

What’s most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light.  If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves.  This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second.  So, if a pianist could press a key way above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Light.  This could create a chord of Light in the same way they can create a chord of sound.  And it would be seen as colours of Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 3381
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Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2015, 03:58:54 PM »
I believe Scepti is referring to an article such as this link below:

Below is the important section

Vibration as Sound and Light

What’s most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light.  If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves.  This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second.  So, if a pianist could press a key way above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Light.  This could create a chord of Light in the same way they can create a chord of sound.  And it would be seen as colours of Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light.
I don't think this is quite what scepti is referring to. That article is about quantum physics and quantum fields. In theory everything, including all dimensions and other types of quantum fields, and all matter and energy is made up from one field of pure energy. This energy vibrates and therefore creates matter, particles and energy as we know it. Because of this matter is always vibrating, and the greater the frequency the greater the energy contained in the matter. More energy means more instability though, so matter will always radiate and emit energy in different ways. Matter with high enough frequencies will give off pressure waves, which is what sound is. If the frequency is great enough the matter will radiate light. All matter we see does radiate pressure waves, but they are so weak and have way too high frequencies for us to hear. This still doesn't change the fact that light is photons, a particle, and that sound is pressure waves, something completely different.
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



  • 1676
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2015, 04:07:55 PM »
I believe Scepti is referring to an article such as this link below:

Below is the important section

Vibration as Sound and Light

What’s most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light.  If we wanted to convert Sound to Light, we would simply raise its frequency by forty octaves.  This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second.  So, if a pianist could press a key way above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce Light.  This could create a chord of Light in the same way they can create a chord of sound.  And it would be seen as colours of Light because it would be moving at the speed of Light.
I don't think this is quite what scepti is referring to. That article is about quantum physics and quantum fields. In theory everything, including all dimensions and other types of quantum fields, and all matter and energy is made up from one field of pure energy. This energy vibrates and therefore creates matter, particles and energy as we know it. Because of this matter is always vibrating, and the greater the frequency the greater the energy contained in the matter. More energy means more instability though, so matter will always radiate and emit energy in different ways. Matter with high enough frequencies will give off pressure waves, which is what sound is. If the frequency is great enough the matter will radiate light. All matter we see does radiate pressure waves, but they are so weak and have way too high frequencies for us to hear. This still doesn't change the fact that light is photons, a particle, and that sound is pressure waves, something completely different.

Maybe you are correct. I'm not sure what he means then.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
                              George Orwell



  • 15536
  • Militant aporfyrodrakonist
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2015, 04:18:06 PM »
No, things that create sound sometimes create light also.

Tell that to the pistol shrimp.

Technically speaking, anything that creates sound also creates some heat, and anything that is heated up emits electromagnetic radiation (light), just not in the way scepti things it does.
Member of the BOTD for Anti Fascism and Racism

It is not a scientific fact, it is a scientific fuck!

Read a bit psicology and stick your imo to where it comes from
-Intikam (again)



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2015, 04:41:49 PM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.



  • 3381
  • Well rounded character
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #21 on: August 02, 2015, 04:50:42 PM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.

If light is instant then why is not sound? If light is the same as sound then both are pressure waves. Why can't light be measured as a pressure wave, and why wont light spread like sound/pressure waves does? Why is light so different from sound if they are the same thing? Why does light not follow some of the most basic physical laws?
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2015, 05:03:06 PM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.

If light is instant then why is not sound? If light is the same as sound then both are pressure waves. Why can't light be measured as a pressure wave, and why wont light spread like sound/pressure waves does? Why is light so different from sound if they are the same thing? Why does light not follow some of the most basic physical laws?
They are governed by pressures and frequencies that creates what you see or hear.
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2015, 05:52:44 PM »
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.
Can you describe what was happening in the following experiment myself and a few others did.

We have some steel gongs set up 400 yards away from a shooting bench.  With someone firing a 30.06, a second person standing there with a radio mic keyed, and 3 of us out by the targets off to the side behind some trees with the other radio, how is it that we heard the gunshot over the radio first, followed almost a second later by the snap and thud of the bullet passing by at supersonic speed and impacting, followed another second later by the actual gunshot sound again?

Why were the radiowaves/light nearly instantaneous, while the sound took a few seconds?

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2015, 06:56:43 PM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.

If light is instant then why is not sound? If light is the same as sound then both are pressure waves. Why can't light be measured as a pressure wave, and why wont light spread like sound/pressure waves does? Why is light so different from sound if they are the same thing? Why does light not follow some of the most basic physical laws?
They are governed by pressures and frequencies that creates what you see or hear.
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.

And that is the reason why light years don't work? Because our senses are operating differently? This seems very much like you have no clue what you are talking about. Or you made a mistake in that other post and you don't want to be proven wrong.
Even if sound and light are the same they still have to travel a distance.
In case of the sun, it would probably be instant in the flat earth model,but not so much in the round earth model.

Oh, and i doubt you have any evidence to back it up.



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2015, 08:40:43 PM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.

I hardly know whether to laugh or cry,  such ignorance and stupidity is breathtaking.   

Why don't I hear anything when I turn a mains powered light on?   The frequency of the electricity powering the light is 60hz isn't it?
Why does ultrasound  imaging  ( which is high frequency sound in the megahertz range )  require sound transducers,  why don't they use radio and radio receivers.  After all the frequency is in the RF range?
Why do I see things clearly in a vacuum,  if light and sound were the same a vacuum chamber would be dark.   Whereas we find sound doesn't travel through vacuum..

In space no-one can hear you scream  "SCEPTI  IS A TROLLING MORON"

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.



  • 3381
  • Well rounded character
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #26 on: August 03, 2015, 12:43:30 AM »
Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.

There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.

People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.

This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.

You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.

If light is instant then why is not sound? If light is the same as sound then both are pressure waves. Why can't light be measured as a pressure wave, and why wont light spread like sound/pressure waves does? Why is light so different from sound if they are the same thing? Why does light not follow some of the most basic physical laws?
They are governed by pressures and frequencies that creates what you see or hear.
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.

No, neither is instant. Otherwise doppler radar and rangefinders would not work. Also, in our eyes there are special cells that contains a special protein that when subjected to photons in different wavelengths of light makes a certain chemical reaction that sends an electrical pulse to our brain. In our ears there are straws that rocks back and forth together with strong enough pressure waves, aka sound. Silhouette gave a good example of the clear difference between speed and light. And the human eyes and ears are well explored and documented.

Also, sound can travel through solid steel beams but light cannot.
Math is the language of the universe.

The inability to explain something is not proof of something else.

We don't speak for reality - we only observe it. An observation can have any cause, but it is still no more than just an observation.

When in doubt; sources!



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2015, 04:16:07 AM »
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.
Can you describe what was happening in the following experiment myself and a few others did.

We have some steel gongs set up 400 yards away from a shooting bench.  With someone firing a 30.06, a second person standing there with a radio mic keyed, and 3 of us out by the targets off to the side behind some trees with the other radio, how is it that we heard the gunshot over the radio first, followed almost a second later by the snap and thud of the bullet passing by at supersonic speed and impacting, followed another second later by the actual gunshot sound again?

Why were the radiowaves/light nearly instantaneous, while the sound took a few seconds?
Why do you call radio waves, light?

Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2015, 04:30:27 AM »
Sound is instant, because it is light, it's just not picked up by your ear as instantly as your vision because your senses are operating on different levels of frequency detection.
Can you describe what was happening in the following experiment myself and a few others did.

We have some steel gongs set up 400 yards away from a shooting bench.  With someone firing a 30.06, a second person standing there with a radio mic keyed, and 3 of us out by the targets off to the side behind some trees with the other radio, how is it that we heard the gunshot over the radio first, followed almost a second later by the snap and thud of the bullet passing by at supersonic speed and impacting, followed another second later by the actual gunshot sound again?

Why were the radiowaves/light nearly instantaneous, while the sound took a few seconds?
Why do you call radio waves, light?

Radiowaves and Light are both Electro-magnetic waves, just with a different wavelength and frequency. Both travel at the same speed as they are both EM waves.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2015, 04:32:01 AM »

And that is the reason why light years don't work? Because our senses are operating differently? This seems very much like you have no clue what you are talking about. Or you made a mistake in that other post and you don't want to be proven wrong.

No mistakes. It's people like you that can't seem top grasp what I'm saying.
Even if sound and light are the same they still have to travel a distance.
Sound travels through waves and the strength and frequency of those waves determine how and when you hear them. Any sound made with a much higher frequency will use it's energy as light to your eye. Your senses are primitive and are only able to pick up so much whereas animals can pick up much more.
In case of the sun, it would probably be instant in the flat earth model,but not so much in the round earth model.

Oh, and i doubt you have any evidence to back it up.
There's no sun in a vacuum of space and the sooner you wake up to it, the sooner you'll be able to see how far you've been duped with a lot of this stuff.
The truth is you can harp on till you expire about believing the lies. I don't care what you do. As long as I can see it all, that's what counts.
I'd just like to see genuine people look at this in a rational sense and not an acceptance just because it's been told by some sci-fi writers, because that's all these theoretical so called scientists are when this stuff is pushed onto us.