Vibration and frequency creates what you hear, feel and see. Light is the result of sound. People refuse to accept it because too many people get tricked by the science world into believing that light is some photons just scattering about and all the rest of the crap.
No medium, no light. No wave and no light. No sound and no light.
There's a number of basic ways to look at it. You can regard it as friction or agitation or frequency of vibration. All of which create heat. No matter what you see or do or feel. If you move or something else moves or shows you a light, it has to vibrate at a frequency.
To vibrate you have to produce friction at a frequency which determines whether you hear, feel or see the outcome depending on distance.
People can add in as much complicated stuff as they want but the basics are all there and the simplicity is there for all to see, feel and hear if they choose to look, feel and hear.
This electromagnetic radiation stuff isn't a magical thing and it doesn't magically bypass the simplicity. It just gets used to dupe people and to keep space alive and the light year planets and stars clap trap alive.
Scientists point to the sun and say, " oh look, you are seeing that sun as it was 8 minutes ago."
What utter utter baloney. You are seeing that sun as it is now, just as you see everything as it is now.
You get told about stars 1000 light years and all the rest of it. You get told that you're seeing that star as it was 1000 years ago and people just frigging accept it. It's annoying as hell as to why people will not use their frigging heads and see this crap for what it is.