Per the arguments of "prove us wrong" and "do it yourself," you are the ones with the positive claim of the ISS being visible in full detail. I have made no such claim. I have not claimed anything at all about the ISS, visible or invisible, detailed or undetailed, nor does it really even matter to me.
If you are claiming that the ISS will appear as claimed, the role is not on me, the skeptic, to disprove anything. The role of the skeptic is to examine both the claims and the evidence, to expose any internal or external inconsistencies, and to prefer those conclusions that are more consistent with real-world facts than competing claims, rejecting any that are manifestly inconsistent with themselves and with the truth.
It is the role of the claimant to demonstrate his claims. It is certainly not the role of his skeptics to "prove him wrong". Demanding that your opponents disprove your beliefs is an incredibly poor and shameful debating tactic which will get you nowhere. You will need to, get this, prove your own beliefs.
This is my last post in this thread. Goodbye.