Why lie?

  • 8 Replies


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Why lie?
« on: May 11, 2021, 03:48:41 PM »
So the government is apparently lying. Why? What's the point of spending millions to keep a pointless lie? I've heard, in the past, an argument saying that it's to 'hide God', even when the Bible itself doesn't say outright that the Earth is flat (This information is coming from the Jehovah's Witnesses website, and Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this). Another argument that I think is more common is that the government lies to control us all. But... you would think there is a better way to control us rather than lying about the shape of the planet, right?
I don't know. Please tell me why the government would lie about everything.
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  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2021, 04:15:11 PM »
Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this
Your entire post hinges on the veracity of this statement. Are you really sure about this? If JW are credible about anything at all, it's about clearly interpreting the Bible? I'm not sure this castle is built on a strong foundation. Also, unrelated, can I leave you with this copy of Watchtower?



  • 42
  • The fact that I had to make this account is sad
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2021, 04:25:12 PM »
Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this
Your entire post hinges on the veracity of this statement. Are you really sure about this? If JW are credible about anything at all, it's about clearly interpreting the Bible? I'm not sure this castle is built on a strong foundation. Also, unrelated, can I leave you with this copy of Watchtower?

If I'm not misunderstanding (which I might be, since I don't known that much about Jehovah Witnesses aside from the obvious facts about them) then I'm sure that Jehovah's Witnesses take the Bible and what's written in it very seriously. They are an extremist sect of Christianity, after all, so the Bible would most likely play an important part in their lives. Correct me if I may be wrong about this.
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  • Assistant to the Regional Manager
  • 17774
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2021, 05:36:47 PM »
I won't say you are just flat out wrong about it, because they do take their own interpretation of the Bible very seriously, but their interpretation depends heavily upon what their leadership decides they should be focusing on and framing that focus in a way that leadership deems correct and that doesn't always directly align with the text of the book they say they adhere to. That's part of the reason why they have the Watchtower magazines to begin with - to spread the gospel in whatever way they are interpreting the thing they want to share at the time. But that has led to them having to do some backpedaling when it comes to end-of-the-world predictions that didn't come to fruition (among other things, but that's a biggie that is easy to point to). There's a few of those.



  • 25833
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2021, 05:38:59 PM »
Jehovah Witnesses are an extreme, horrible, batshit crazy cult. You do not use them regardless if you want credibility in your argument. Once you drop their name, you've already lost - no matter what side you're on

Quote from: sokarul
what website did you use to buy your wife? Did you choose Chinese over Russian because she can't open her eyes to see you?

What animal relates to your wife?

Know your place



  • 23771
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2021, 03:05:29 PM »
This information is coming from the Jehovah's Witnesses website, and Jehovah's Witnesses are very serious about the Bible, so if they are credible about anything, it's this
No, they are very serious about getting people to follow their religion.
So if their religion says something obviously incorrect, like claiming Earth is flat, they would likely try to bury it however they can.


Mikey T.

  • 3545
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2021, 08:34:36 PM »
Religion is about faith.  Faith is belief in the absence of evidence.  Religion's do not need or, at least for actual believers of that faith, want to explain science.  There are many members of religious groups that can't understand that and unfortunately for the others, they are the most vocal.



  • 23771
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2021, 05:08:24 AM »
There is a very significant difference between having faith in something which has no evidence at all to support it; and having faith in something which is outright contradicted by available evidence.

It is quite easy for people to believe in a higher power, even one which is sentient, which cannot be shown to not exist. Even when there is no evidence at all to indicate that such a higher power does exist.

But it is quite different, and much harder, to try to get people to believe in things which they know are false, which there is plentiful evidence to show is false.

It isn't impossible, but it is much harder.

So preachers or religion, in order to make their religion appear to be consistent with reality, will happily manipulate what their holy book actually says.
In fact, at times they will go to such great lengths with this manipulation, to claim that their holy book had knowledge which was not known at the time, indicating it must have divine origin.
They are quite happy to manipulate their text to make their religion more enticing.

Some of the least trustworthy people when it comes to religion, are those who preach the religion.


Mikey T.

  • 3545
Re: Why lie?
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2021, 05:32:26 AM »
There is a very significant difference between having faith in something which has no evidence at all to support it; and having faith in something which is outright contradicted by available evidence.

It is quite easy for people to believe in a higher power, even one which is sentient, which cannot be shown to not exist. Even when there is no evidence at all to indicate that such a higher power does exist.

But it is quite different, and much harder, to try to get people to believe in things which they know are false, which there is plentiful evidence to show is false.

It isn't impossible, but it is much harder.

So preachers or religion, in order to make their religion appear to be consistent with reality, will happily manipulate what their holy book actually says.
In fact, at times they will go to such great lengths with this manipulation, to claim that their holy book had knowledge which was not known at the time, indicating it must have divine origin.
They are quite happy to manipulate their text to make their religion more enticing.

Some of the least trustworthy people when it comes to religion, are those who preach the religion.
I agree.  I am still faithful to the spiritual, but believe that I do not know the mind of God.  Learning the mechanisms of reality in which the processes that God set in place for creation to happen and perpetuate is just my feeble attempt to get closer to God.  My God is intelligent and powerful enough to not need magic.  It is too bad that that doesn't sell to essentially get butts in the seats at church.  Most preachers are sort of victims to their own greed.  They need more people there to give them money so the fantastical stories of fire and brimstone are the selling points.  I feel those stories are to be taken as allegory to teach the abstract moral values.