Youtubes 1st and ~1ooth return for "flat earth proof" + failure to word match

  • 39 Replies

faded mike

  • 2731
  • I'm thinkin flat
Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2021, 12:59:50 AM »
How do you know youtube was responsible for the "fad"?
Because pretty much all flat Earthers parrot the same intentional misrepresentations they hear on youtube and with the rise of said videos the amount of the popularity of the troll pastime of claiming the Earth is flat increased.  Maybe it isn't true causation but the correlation is pretty strong.  Without the platform to spread bad ideas, the bad ideas would be limited.  Not even saying youtube should sensor them, just highlighting the correlation.
I don't know whats up with you guys but usually when i look, i see missing curvature - so i guess you guys look when the weather is different. So if people are looking for missing curvature and readily seeing it - it is easy to go on and just restate the explanation you heard in your excitement. What falsities are you often encountering? Could it be jthey just sound outlandish, but maybe it is you who doesn't have enough info to put the pieces together in a meaningful way.
I actually took the time to learn basic physics, not some memorization and repetition of what was "told" to me but why something happens, the math, the logical process of coming to a conclusion, i.e. how to think logically.  I see those youtube videos just boldly misstating physics then moving on the some emotional pleas about conspiracy.  I am pretty sure I have watched more flat earther videos than most flat earthers, I take the time to try to follow their logic, it never leads anywhere.  I get it, sometimes it is confusing to anyone without a science background or at least has spent alot of their free time learning.  I have never seen one claim made by a flat earther that couldn't be logically thought through and completely refuted.  Pretty much all flat earthers on forums act just like the youtuber flat earthers.  It is rather interesting that someone who routinely dismisses anything that doesn't agree with their original position, without any explanation as to why they have dismissed it, can say the we haven't took the time to get enough info to put it together in a meaningful way.  Like I said, I am almost 100% positive that I have watched more youtube flat earther videos and am, a member on more flat earther style forums and discord etc. than you.  I know what most flat earthers are.  I have put that same suit on myself for fun, it didn't last long, and the funny thing is there are still people who quote the nonsense I spouted for fun as evidence for flat earth.  I get it, most of you are just having fun, but I realized their are naïve people who latch on to conspiracy to make themselves feel like they are part of some rebellion.  Take the time to logically think and don't just believe what tickles your rebellious nerve.
How do you try to follow their logic?
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs


faded mike

  • 2731
  • I'm thinkin flat
Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2021, 01:27:17 AM »
Just so i can understand you - intentional misrepresentations?
If you would like an example, go look at the "What would change your mind" thread, where Skepti is continually misrepresenting the RE model, in a way which I can only believe is intentional.
He continually falsely claims that on the RE, the horizon wouldn't exist.

But there are plenty of others. Another good example is Sandokhan, who continually misrepresents things like the Sagnac Effect, and Tom Bishop, who loves to bring up the 3 body problem as if it means Earth couldn't possibly be orbiting the sun.

As for another example, see below.

No your not - in "those search engines" thread i posted videos.
Do you mean like the example with the ship where they dishonestly claim that the boat is still visible/above the horizon when it should be below?
Where I pointed out they completely misrepresented the relative sizes, and showed how in reality a significant potion of the boat is being obscured?

Or did you mean your video where you showed that at the shore, the bottom of the island isn't visible and instead you need to be quite high to see it, but claim based upon the claimed 3 ft height of the camera, and ignoring refraction.
That was the vid you were more easily able to cast doubt on, from my perspective. I have reposted it in q an a in a thread called "what is the evidence the horizon  isn't a  mirage" for anyone to look at and see the interesting effect. We disagrreeed what happened when the boat entetred into the distortion at the horizon.
The first video titled flat earth proof showing 30 mile across the ocean with missing curvature was not so easy to dismiss.
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs


faded mike

  • 2731
  • I'm thinkin flat
Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2021, 02:29:35 AM »
If you search "Flat earth proof" the name of lots of videos - you get maybe some results with this in the title way down the line. Lots of mocking to begin with. Flat earth evidence, as we all know flat earth proof is way to tall an order -  returns a bunch of mainsteam astronomers showing their reaction, flat earth evidence i think shows the same results as flat earth proof, but don't quote me on that.

Flat earth and globe earth return pretty much the same batch of search returns. And they say they are siimply no longer reccomend ing it like miracle cures - NO, they are hiding this info.

But get this - if you WANT to see a flat earth video - search "globe earth mathematical proof". Then you will get some real flat earth videos that look informative at a glance, anyway.
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs


Mikey T.

  • 3545
Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2021, 04:07:30 AM »
How do you know youtube was responsible for the "fad"?
Because pretty much all flat Earthers parrot the same intentional misrepresentations they hear on youtube and with the rise of said videos the amount of the popularity of the troll pastime of claiming the Earth is flat increased.  Maybe it isn't true causation but the correlation is pretty strong.  Without the platform to spread bad ideas, the bad ideas would be limited.  Not even saying youtube should sensor them, just highlighting the correlation.
I don't know whats up with you guys but usually when i look, i see missing curvature - so i guess you guys look when the weather is different. So if people are looking for missing curvature and readily seeing it - it is easy to go on and just restate the explanation you heard in your excitement. What falsities are you often encountering? Could it be jthey just sound outlandish, but maybe it is you who doesn't have enough info to put the pieces together in a meaningful way.
I actually took the time to learn basic physics, not some memorization and repetition of what was "told" to me but why something happens, the math, the logical process of coming to a conclusion, i.e. how to think logically.  I see those youtube videos just boldly misstating physics then moving on the some emotional pleas about conspiracy.  I am pretty sure I have watched more flat earther videos than most flat earthers, I take the time to try to follow their logic, it never leads anywhere.  I get it, sometimes it is confusing to anyone without a science background or at least has spent alot of their free time learning.  I have never seen one claim made by a flat earther that couldn't be logically thought through and completely refuted.  Pretty much all flat earthers on forums act just like the youtuber flat earthers.  It is rather interesting that someone who routinely dismisses anything that doesn't agree with their original position, without any explanation as to why they have dismissed it, can say the we haven't took the time to get enough info to put it together in a meaningful way.  Like I said, I am almost 100% positive that I have watched more youtube flat earther videos and am, a member on more flat earther style forums and discord etc. than you.  I know what most flat earthers are.  I have put that same suit on myself for fun, it didn't last long, and the funny thing is there are still people who quote the nonsense I spouted for fun as evidence for flat earth.  I get it, most of you are just having fun, but I realized their are naïve people who latch on to conspiracy to make themselves feel like they are part of some rebellion.  Take the time to logically think and don't just believe what tickles your rebellious nerve.
How do you try to follow their logic?
Many different ways.  Do you not understand the phrasing?


faded mike

  • 2731
  • I'm thinkin flat
I just wonder what exactly that means to a person debunking, or maybe debating the flat earth, like l yourself. For one, in supporting the the flat earth theory, i would say there are a lot more unkowns involved than you might. But I am also kindof caught up on this psychology of a "flat earther" thing. And i just don't think they are being given a fair shake.... its like we all know already - lets lok at the way they think - but I am not aware of your average person having really looked at the a lot of the evidence the FET is built on.
"Using our vast surveillance system, we've uncovered revolutionary new information..."

theoretical formula for Earths curvature = 8 inches multiplied by (miles squared) = inches drop from straight forward

kids: say no to drugs



  • 23771
I am not aware of your average person having really looked at the a lot of the evidence the FET is built on.
Because your average person just accepts that Earth is round and moves on, not caring about the FEers.

If they did start to look they see that it is built upon blatant misrepresentations of the globe.


Mikey T.

  • 3545
I just wonder what exactly that means to a person debunking, or maybe debating the flat earth, like l yourself. For one, in supporting the the flat earth theory, i would say there are a lot more unkowns involved than you might. But I am also kindof caught up on this psychology of a "flat earther" thing. And i just don't think they are being given a fair shake.... its like we all know already - lets lok at the way they think - but I am not aware of your average person having really looked at the a lot of the evidence the FET is built on.
The unknowns you speak of are pretty much all only unknown because it is either misunderstood or much more frequently flat out lied about by FE "supporters"  I have not met a single FE supporter who doesn't blatantly misrepresent something then just ignore any explanation of what they misrepresented, most of the they drop off into insulting behavior.  Yeah they get shit on by people also, but most of the time, pretty much all of the time they deserve it due to prior interactions that they started.  Also, like I said, I have seen way more FE so called "proof" than you.  I understand a bit more physics than the average person being an engineer by profession, a military retiree, and having quite a bit of experience dealing with physics in various jobs prior to getting my engineering degree.  The stuff most flat earthers claim is pure nonsense when applied to those prior experiences, the remainder of claims I have seen by flat earthers that may not have involved stuff that I would have worked with prior can easily be shown to be misunderstandings at best, but the majority are intentional misrepresentations.  The vast majority of FE arguments are all incredulity based strawman BS arguments.
But like Jack said, most people who do see some FE supporter perform their little play, see the BS behind it and then just ignore it from then on.  I have given this prior, but if an FE supporter wants me to take them seriously, they need to show me a singular model that can work for multiple things that we observe.  I have never seen this, and I have seen almost all of them.  They do have to actually explain something though, without some magical explanation.  If you use something like "bendy light"  you need to explain to me how it actually works, if you claim that bendy light is refraction and you cannot explain why refraction does what you claim, like how we explain the speed of light through differing densities will make it appear to bend and which direction it appears to bend without fail, you cannot just say refraction and ascribe it to whatever you like doing all manner of magical shit. 
So, no it's not unfair to them, they have shown to be mostly dishonest or overly naïve with no desire to learn.  They have been weighed, measured, and found wanting.  I do not argue for their sakes, I argue for those naïve people who stumble in here and need to get a dose of reality so they can decide what to believe.  If it was all just misunderstandings, or the physics were just that hard, I would have no disdain for FEers, as it stands though, they are almost all dishonest and I have no respect for people of that caliber.  I know, i know, the trolls are a coming.  The indoctrinated BS claims are coming, the nuh uhh claims that I am lying about it, no matter what I offer as evidence or how many times I break down the math and or explain how the physics actually work. they don't want you to think for yourself, they want followers to make themselves feel special or to scam.  Lonely snake oil salesmen just needing some confirmation that their delusions of being rebel heroes are not complete BS.   

but I am not aware of your average person having really looked at the a lot of the evidence the FET is built on.
Well then, since you are into researching the FE thing, tell us right here: Explain the single best piece of evidence you have found that the earth is flat?


Mikey T.

  • 3545
but I am not aware of your average person having really looked at the a lot of the evidence the FET is built on.
Well then, since you are into researching the FE thing, tell us right here: Explain the single best piece of evidence you have found that the earth is flat?
Evidence is the incorrect term for the stuff FE people spout out.  If it can be easily debunked by any toddler with the proclivity to ask for explanations of those claims, then it isn't evidence at all.



  • 6869
  • Math is math!
Re: You tubes first return for "flat earth proof"
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2021, 08:57:00 AM »
20 yrs ago, searching for alternative science stuff, i used to find all these crazy little (they were big!) personal websites that linked to each and had "LINKS" tab at the top of the screen to other websites. But they have been washed...

They haven't been 'washed', it's just that crazy conspiracy theorists don't always keep their sites up for 20 years.

Remember Time Cube?  The guy died, his domain expired and now it's gone.

No conspiracy here, just the passage of time.