Flat Earthers view on Climate change

  • 141 Replies
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2015, 07:13:05 AM »
a. The earth isnt so big that we humans cannot have a lasting harmful impact on it. The atmosphere is really thin compared to the size of the earth. And we can have an impact to such an extent that we can be changing the composition of the atmosphere even if it is by a small amount. Carbon dioxide measurements have been made in weather baloons over the pacific from the year 1958. The graph of co2 concentration vs time shows a zig zag ascending .


    The reason why it goes up and down once every year is because a majority of landmass is north of the equator and aslo a majority of the vegetation is north of equator. So when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun the co2 level goes down, and when it is away from the sun it goes up again. However Despite the up and down you can clearly see a upward rise in the co2 concentration. and this is hard field data. Go to Galcier national park, Mount kiliminjaro, Adamello Mandron Glacier, Tschierva Glacier, Rhone Glacier and many others. If you go there and take some photographs and compare them with photographs from a couple of decades ago you will clearly see the difference. I will give the link to the source at the end.

 b. Core drills were used to analyze layers of ice which accumulated over the years. The analysis of this ice gave the data of the co2 concentration at the time which the ice corresponded to. Further analysis of the isotopes of oxygen could determine accurately the temp of year in which that snow fell. If you analyze the graphs of temp vs time and co2 con vs time. Then you will realize how well they support each other. In Antarctica if you carry out this analysis you can go far as back as 650000 years.


      You can clearly see the seven ice ages. If you compare the present levels of co2 conc. and temp you will see that nowhere before has it risen so alarmingly. In all of 650000 years co2 level had never gone above 300 ppm and this year it is above 400. In less than a century it has gone up by 100ppm. a thing which was unheard of in 650000 years. Can you grasp the severity now ?!

 c. The ten hottest years have occurred in the last few decades.

 d. The predicted and observed ocean temperatures clearly show an increasing trend. When the oceans get warmer it increases the severity of storms. All time records for storms, tornadoes and typhoons were broken. If you analyze a particular Hurricane Katrina , you will see that before it hit new orleans as it passed over warmer waters in the gulf how the size got magnified alarmingly. The premise is simple , as water temperature increases wind velocity increases.


 e. If you analyze a graph of insurance claims over time for severe waether events. You will clearly see the increasing trend.

There are several more points but I guess its becoming too lengthy so I will sum it up. If you still act ignorant and continue with your stance then I dont know what to say. Maybe these quotes will help.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.” - Winston Churchill
What do you do for an occupation Jason ? Do you belong to any groups , political parties or societies ?
When it comes to Jane's standards .I'm lower then an old stove she has in her garage.
Shannon Noll and Natalie Bassingthwaighte - Don't…:



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2015, 07:20:47 AM »
a. The earth isnt so big that we humans cannot have a lasting harmful impact on it. The atmosphere is really thin compared to the size of the earth. And we can have an impact to such an extent that we can be changing the composition of the atmosphere even if it is by a small amount. Carbon dioxide measurements have been made in weather baloons over the pacific from the year 1958. The graph of co2 concentration vs time shows a zig zag ascending .


    The reason why it goes up and down once every year is because a majority of landmass is north of the equator and aslo a majority of the vegetation is north of equator. So when the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun the co2 level goes down, and when it is away from the sun it goes up again. However Despite the up and down you can clearly see a upward rise in the co2 concentration. and this is hard field data. Go to Galcier national park, Mount kiliminjaro, Adamello Mandron Glacier, Tschierva Glacier, Rhone Glacier and many others. If you go there and take some photographs and compare them with photographs from a couple of decades ago you will clearly see the difference. I will give the link to the source at the end.

 b. Core drills were used to analyze layers of ice which accumulated over the years. The analysis of this ice gave the data of the co2 concentration at the time which the ice corresponded to. Further analysis of the isotopes of oxygen could determine accurately the temp of year in which that snow fell. If you analyze the graphs of temp vs time and co2 con vs time. Then you will realize how well they support each other. In Antarctica if you carry out this analysis you can go far as back as 650000 years.


      You can clearly see the seven ice ages. If you compare the present levels of co2 conc. and temp you will see that nowhere before has it risen so alarmingly. In all of 650000 years co2 level had never gone above 300 ppm and this year it is above 400. In less than a century it has gone up by 100ppm. a thing which was unheard of in 650000 years. Can you grasp the severity now ?!

 c. The ten hottest years have occurred in the last few decades.

 d. The predicted and observed ocean temperatures clearly show an increasing trend. When the oceans get warmer it increases the severity of storms. All time records for storms, tornadoes and typhoons were broken. If you analyze a particular Hurricane Katrina , you will see that before it hit new orleans as it passed over warmer waters in the gulf how the size got magnified alarmingly. The premise is simple , as water temperature increases wind velocity increases.


 e. If you analyze a graph of insurance claims over time for severe waether events. You will clearly see the increasing trend.

There are several more points but I guess its becoming too lengthy so I will sum it up. If you still act ignorant and continue with your stance then I dont know what to say. Maybe these quotes will help.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." - Mark Twain

“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.” - Winston Churchill
What do you do for an occupation Jason ? Do you belong to any groups , political parties or societies ?

I think his name is Josan, and I'm pretty sure he's part of the illuminati, trying to hide the flatness of the Earth by promoting climate change.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=63853.new#new
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2015, 11:31:44 AM »
It may seem a bit hard to believe, but the belief that climate change is not real is a belief popular enough to be considered a mainstream belief.  It's what many businesses want you to believe that they have motivation to publish misleading information about climate change so the public doesn't think that it's real.  There is no motivation to fake climate change, big businesses loose money and the government looses money because they can't tax the big businesses as much.  The only beneficiary is us, the government and large corporations are working to make the Earth a cleaner place and to make our energy and gas cheaper because they will come from renewable sources.  Even if climate change were not real, these changes will be great for the general public.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2015, 11:59:17 AM »
It may seem a bit hard to believe, but the belief that climate change is not real is a belief popular enough to be considered a mainstream belief.  It's what many businesses want you to believe that they have motivation to publish misleading information about climate change so the public doesn't think that it's real.  There is no motivation to fake climate change, big businesses loose money and the government looses money because they can't tax the big businesses as much.  The only beneficiary is us, the government and large corporations are working to make the Earth a cleaner place and to make our energy and gas cheaper because they will come from renewable sources.  Even if climate change were not real, these changes will be great for the general public.
How in the hell do we benefit? We get taxed to hell on everything to do with this so called climate change. Of course the climate changes but it's been changing for long enough; backwards and forwards.

Nobody thought to tax people to death when cities were smog cities from industrial waste and smoke. Why? because it didn't change the climate, it simply changed people's lives in those cities due to choking them to death.
The climate just done it's normal thing due to mother Earth's normal progression and taking a breather now and again, over time.

The climate change we get told about is blamed on the way we live, plus animals and such. It's a crock of shit but it brings in mammoth tax money, as well as expensive newly brought in items to cater for going green.

People only have to open their eyes and use their memories to see that the Earth is still playing a fair game. The problem is, it's back to numbers and bullshit theories that there's a hole in the ozone and all the rest of the absolute utter frigging horse shit that's bandied about.

To be honest; I don't give a rats arse who argues against me on this because at the end of the day, it's those people, as well as me, that get walloped in the wallet or purse, every time this garbage comes out.

The simple fact is this. For everything we do to the Earth, the Earth tidies up. Mother Earth cleans up after us. For every action there's always and equal and opposite reaction. It works for everything.

Cover your city or town in shit then expect a change in climate in your city and immediate surrounding area. Expect this until you change; but Earth will always start the replenishing process, just like it does with oil and all the rest of the stuff we get told we're running out of for the last 50 frigging years.  ;D

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #94 on: June 29, 2015, 12:05:21 PM »
What do you do for an occupation Jason ? Do you belong to any groups , political parties or societies ?

    I am a Marine Engineer. No I don't belong to any groups/ political parties/societies.

    However I am aware of, and understand Climate change. I make an effort at an individual level to reduce my Carbon Footprint. I also believe in actively spreading the understanding of Climate change. I believe that individual efforts added together can have a big impact and can go a long way in bringing about a change in political will.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”  - Mahatma Gandhi

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." - Swami Vivekananda

"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." - Swami Vivekananda



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #95 on: June 29, 2015, 12:24:52 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.



  • 2162
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #96 on: June 29, 2015, 01:40:22 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.
Absolutely correct,
Everything come from the earth, the earth is constantly changing.
Anyone who thinks that we are putting pressure on the earth and wants action taken should lead by example and go have fun.

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #97 on: June 29, 2015, 01:56:36 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.

So you believe All available resources are unlimited!! Does Burning trees give back new forest areas ?? Crap is biological waste, so mostly no harm, but that attitude of yours in this case is simply morally wrong. Try to make the world a better place for the future generations. Whether you debate flat earth or whatever earth, make your planet a better place!!

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2015, 01:59:25 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.
Absolutely correct,
Everything come from the earth, the earth is constantly changing.
Anyone who thinks that we are putting pressure on the earth and wants action taken should lead by example and go have fun.

So you think no matter whatever population growth takes place there will be unlimited resources!!! This is really ancient thinking pattern!! Everything comes from earth, you are right but it is not unlimited.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #99 on: June 29, 2015, 02:17:09 PM »
How in the hell do we benefit? We get taxed to hell on everything to do with this so called climate change. Of course the climate changes but it's been changing for long enough; backwards and forwards.

Nobody thought to tax people to death when cities were smog cities from industrial waste and smoke. Why? because it didn't change the climate, it simply changed people's lives in those cities due to choking them to death.
The climate just done it's normal thing due to mother Earth's normal progression and taking a breather now and again, over time.

The climate change we get told about is blamed on the way we live, plus animals and such. It's a crock of shit but it brings in mammoth tax money, as well as expensive newly brought in items to cater for going green.

People only have to open their eyes and use their memories to see that the Earth is still playing a fair game. The problem is, it's back to numbers and bullshit theories that there's a hole in the ozone and all the rest of the absolute utter frigging horse shit that's bandied about.

To be honest; I don't give a rats arse who argues against me on this because at the end of the day, it's those people, as well as me, that get walloped in the wallet or purse, every time this garbage comes out.

The simple fact is this. For everything we do to the Earth, the Earth tidies up. Mother Earth cleans up after us. For every action there's always and equal and opposite reaction. It works for everything.

Cover your city or town in shit then expect a change in climate in your city and immediate surrounding area. Expect this until you change; but Earth will always start the replenishing process, just like it does with oil and all the rest of the stuff we get told we're running out of for the last 50 frigging years.  ;D

Yes, Earth's climate does change naturally.  That's because before humans, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was in balance and there were no sources of it that didn't also consume it.  Animals breathe out CO2 but plants take in CO2.  The ocean releases CO2 but it also absorbs CO2.  The thing about Earth's climate is that it's a positive feedback loop.  If you can manage to warm up the Earth one degree then the oceans will release more CO2 because hotter water can hold less, ice will melt making Earth less reflective, and the air will be warmer allowing it to hold more water which is also a greenhouse gas.  All this combined means that any small change you make to Earth's climate causes the climate to rise a significant amount.

The reason the name was changed from global warming to climate change is because although the Earth as a whole will get warmer, that doesn't mean that it will be warmer in every location.  If we do nothing about it then it will make the weather a bit more intense, so it's not like it's the end of the world but we will make to make a change sooner or later and it's better for everyone involved if we do it sooner.

The truth is, the Earth does not perfectly repair it's self.  It is true that it's impossible for humans to make all life on Earth extinct even with a nuclear war, but there are a significant number of species that humans have made extinct.  Earth is far from perfect at repairing it's self, and humans work a lot faster then nature.  Earth has a finite atmosphere volume, and pumping various gasses into it will change it's composition.  It's true that life can evolve and adapt, but we are changing the environment so fast that nature can't keep up.

The main reason people want to stop climate change is because of it's effect on humans, it will make storms more common and intense which is definitely not a good thing.  We can't expect to tamper with nature without consequences.  Energy companies will loose a lot of money if the public is aware of global warming, so they are trying to get people to believe that it's a conspiracy or that scientists are mistaken.  They publish articles with misleading and incomplete information which make people believe that climate change is not real.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #100 on: June 29, 2015, 03:08:53 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.

So you believe All available resources are unlimited!! Does Burning trees give back new forest areas ?? Crap is biological waste, so mostly no harm, but that attitude of yours in this case is simply morally wrong. Try to make the world a better place for the future generations. Whether you debate flat earth or whatever earth, make your planet a better place!!
Let me try and make this easier for you to grasp.

For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. You see, this doesn't just apply to rockets or balls and skateboards. It applies to everything on Earth, no matter what the size nor the state.

If you die in a desert (assuming no insects eat you, or buzzards, etc) the heat will, in short order, evaporate all the liquid from your body and leave you like dried leather.
Over time, it will then crumble your skin to dust, or a charcoal like dust. Same with your bones, in time.

All that simply goes back into the ground and atmosphere, depending on how those elements sit.
Where is the loss?

There can be no loss. It's all in a sealed unit. It's like shaking a snow globe and watching all the fake snow scatter all over. Does it disappear?...no it doesn't. It simply lays back onto the floor until it's disturbed again.

Shake it as much as you like for as long as you like and all you do is keep the fake snow moving about...but nothing is destroyed. Nothing is lost.
It's the same here.

A large tree can be cut down and turned to saw dust and packaged into a solid dense block that appears to make it seem like a lot of it was lost. All that was lost from the dense block was liquid to the atmosphere, so in effect, it's not lost or destroyed. Neither is the saw dust of that entire tree. It's just in a more dense form.

That saw dust can be scattered into the ocean. Is it lost?....no, it's simply scattered into water to become part of whatever it gets broken down into.

Take away a rain forest and it stops raining. why?...because the forest creates its own climate along with the moving energy of the sunlight.
Take away a rain forest and you MOVE the climate of that to somewhere else, until that rain forest regrows, either naturally or by a helping hand by those that took it down in the first place.......MAN.

Mother Earth does not let piddly man just take away it's life. Man is but a small irritation. A spot or zit on mother Earth's arse. Sooner or later it will pop, then heal. Nothing gained and nothing lost.

The only thing we can possibly do to Earth, is to destroy ourselves. Mother Earth will simply carry on altering and altering to fine tune itself, whether that's with us or without us.

Mother Earth provides the life for the organisms that are grown on it. We are all food for something. Does it make sense for an apple tree to grow lovely apples that simply fall to the ground and rot?
To an animal it's their food - us included - worms or bugs included.
What is the real goal?

The apple falls and rots on the floor. The pips are eaten by birds or whatever and crapped out wherever. Earth replanting a new tree by aid of the organisms it uses to do it's work.

A climate can change if this was allowed to happen and it is allowed to happen because it cannot be stopped.

We can lash as much so called pullution into the atmosphere as we want. It will kill certain things but it will fall to the ground and be absorbed and new things will emerge.

Real climate change has been happening for as many years as you care to mention, without us and without most of not all of the things we live with right now.

When Earth needs a rest, it will wipe out the crap and hibernate the good. The wiped out crap will be replaced with better stuff from the old crap. A different mix. A new soup.

Earth is no different to a home owner. It has to manage what's within it to keep it in balance. It has to trim the bushes and cut the grass, etc.

When Earth decides to wipe us away and go into hibernation, either run to the underground shelters designed to keep you alive for 5 to 10 years or just wave bye bye to your time on it , as you...at the time of Earth's asking. At least you get to go gracefully. Those in shelters will enjoy 5 to 10 years of underground living before stored food and breathing aids are used up. From that point you can decay under the ground and be mixed into the Earth over the next so many thousands of years until it all restarts with a new set of ideals.

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #101 on: June 29, 2015, 03:16:33 PM »
if you tear down a forest, god can create a new one instantly, that doesn't mean he would do this.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #102 on: June 29, 2015, 04:09:55 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.

So you believe All available resources are unlimited!! Does Burning trees give back new forest areas ?? Crap is biological waste, so mostly no harm, but that attitude of yours in this case is simply morally wrong. Try to make the world a better place for the future generations. Whether you debate flat earth or whatever earth, make your planet a better place!!
Let me try and make this easier for you to grasp.

For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. You see, this doesn't just apply to rockets or balls and skateboards. It applies to everything on Earth, no matter what the size nor the state.

If you die in a desert (assuming no insects eat you, or buzzards, etc) the heat will, in short order, evaporate all the liquid from your body and leave you like dried leather.
Over time, it will then crumble your skin to dust, or a charcoal like dust. Same with your bones, in time.

All that simply goes back into the ground and atmosphere, depending on how those elements sit.
Where is the loss?

There can be no loss. It's all in a sealed unit. It's like shaking a snow globe and watching all the fake snow scatter all over. Does it disappear?...no it doesn't. It simply lays back onto the floor until it's disturbed again.

Shake it as much as you like for as long as you like and all you do is keep the fake snow moving about...but nothing is destroyed. Nothing is lost.
It's the same here.

A large tree can be cut down and turned to saw dust and packaged into a solid dense block that appears to make it seem like a lot of it was lost. All that was lost from the dense block was liquid to the atmosphere, so in effect, it's not lost or destroyed. Neither is the saw dust of that entire tree. It's just in a more dense form.

That saw dust can be scattered into the ocean. Is it lost?....no, it's simply scattered into water to become part of whatever it gets broken down into.

Take away a rain forest and it stops raining. why?...because the forest creates its own climate along with the moving energy of the sunlight.
Take away a rain forest and you MOVE the climate of that to somewhere else, until that rain forest regrows, either naturally or by a helping hand by those that took it down in the first place.......MAN.

Mother Earth does not let piddly man just take away it's life. Man is but a small irritation. A spot or zit on mother Earth's arse. Sooner or later it will pop, then heal. Nothing gained and nothing lost.

The only thing we can possibly do to Earth, is to destroy ourselves. Mother Earth will simply carry on altering and altering to fine tune itself, whether that's with us or without us.

Mother Earth provides the life for the organisms that are grown on it. We are all food for something. Does it make sense for an apple tree to grow lovely apples that simply fall to the ground and rot?
To an animal it's their food - us included - worms or bugs included.
What is the real goal?

The apple falls and rots on the floor. The pips are eaten by birds or whatever and crapped out wherever. Earth replanting a new tree by aid of the organisms it uses to do it's work.

A climate can change if this was allowed to happen and it is allowed to happen because it cannot be stopped.

We can lash as much so called pullution into the atmosphere as we want. It will kill certain things but it will fall to the ground and be absorbed and new things will emerge.

Real climate change has been happening for as many years as you care to mention, without us and without most of not all of the things we live with right now.

When Earth needs a rest, it will wipe out the crap and hibernate the good. The wiped out crap will be replaced with better stuff from the old crap. A different mix. A new soup.

Earth is no different to a home owner. It has to manage what's within it to keep it in balance. It has to trim the bushes and cut the grass, etc.

When Earth decides to wipe us away and go into hibernation, either run to the underground shelters designed to keep you alive for 5 to 10 years or just wave bye bye to your time on it , as you...at the time of Earth's asking. At least you get to go gracefully. Those in shelters will enjoy 5 to 10 years of underground living before stored food and breathing aids are used up. From that point you can decay under the ground and be mixed into the Earth over the next so many thousands of years until it all restarts with a new set of ideals.

I am fully aware that you cannot create or destroy matter, but what has that got to do with climate change?

Climate change is caused when carbon is taken from things like coal and fossil fuels, combined with oxygen (which releases useful energy), and release it into the air in the form of carbon dioxide.

You are right, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  Earth's equal and opposite reaction to us polluting it is climate change causing more violent weather, and you can't expect no negative consequences.  Taking care of Earth is like taking care of a car, it won't work as well if you do nothing and for best results you have to make sure that it's in good condition.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #103 on: June 29, 2015, 05:26:26 PM »
Crap on the land and feed the plants. Crap in the sea and feed the sea life. Burn down some trees and watch the trees elements dismantle and spread into the Earth to replenish and never be destroyed.
the only carbon footprint you will be reducing is when the Earth turns your body to charcoal, either by fire or the waste of the animals that devour you. All of it is put right back into the Earth. No wastage...ever.

So you believe All available resources are unlimited!! Does Burning trees give back new forest areas ?? Crap is biological waste, so mostly no harm, but that attitude of yours in this case is simply morally wrong. Try to make the world a better place for the future generations. Whether you debate flat earth or whatever earth, make your planet a better place!!
Let me try and make this easier for you to grasp.

For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. You see, this doesn't just apply to rockets or balls and skateboards. It applies to everything on Earth, no matter what the size nor the state.

If you die in a desert (assuming no insects eat you, or buzzards, etc) the heat will, in short order, evaporate all the liquid from your body and leave you like dried leather.
Over time, it will then crumble your skin to dust, or a charcoal like dust. Same with your bones, in time.

All that simply goes back into the ground and atmosphere, depending on how those elements sit.
Where is the loss?

There can be no loss. It's all in a sealed unit. It's like shaking a snow globe and watching all the fake snow scatter all over. Does it disappear?...no it doesn't. It simply lays back onto the floor until it's disturbed again.

Shake it as much as you like for as long as you like and all you do is keep the fake snow moving about...but nothing is destroyed. Nothing is lost.
It's the same here.

A large tree can be cut down and turned to saw dust and packaged into a solid dense block that appears to make it seem like a lot of it was lost. All that was lost from the dense block was liquid to the atmosphere, so in effect, it's not lost or destroyed. Neither is the saw dust of that entire tree. It's just in a more dense form.

That saw dust can be scattered into the ocean. Is it lost?....no, it's simply scattered into water to become part of whatever it gets broken down into.

Take away a rain forest and it stops raining. why?...because the forest creates its own climate along with the moving energy of the sunlight.
Take away a rain forest and you MOVE the climate of that to somewhere else, until that rain forest regrows, either naturally or by a helping hand by those that took it down in the first place.......MAN.

Mother Earth does not let piddly man just take away it's life. Man is but a small irritation. A spot or zit on mother Earth's arse. Sooner or later it will pop, then heal. Nothing gained and nothing lost.

The only thing we can possibly do to Earth, is to destroy ourselves. Mother Earth will simply carry on altering and altering to fine tune itself, whether that's with us or without us.

Mother Earth provides the life for the organisms that are grown on it. We are all food for something. Does it make sense for an apple tree to grow lovely apples that simply fall to the ground and rot?
To an animal it's their food - us included - worms or bugs included.
What is the real goal?

The apple falls and rots on the floor. The pips are eaten by birds or whatever and crapped out wherever. Earth replanting a new tree by aid of the organisms it uses to do it's work.

A climate can change if this was allowed to happen and it is allowed to happen because it cannot be stopped.

We can lash as much so called pullution into the atmosphere as we want. It will kill certain things but it will fall to the ground and be absorbed and new things will emerge.

Real climate change has been happening for as many years as you care to mention, without us and without most of not all of the things we live with right now.

When Earth needs a rest, it will wipe out the crap and hibernate the good. The wiped out crap will be replaced with better stuff from the old crap. A different mix. A new soup.

Earth is no different to a home owner. It has to manage what's within it to keep it in balance. It has to trim the bushes and cut the grass, etc.

When Earth decides to wipe us away and go into hibernation, either run to the underground shelters designed to keep you alive for 5 to 10 years or just wave bye bye to your time on it , as you...at the time of Earth's asking. At least you get to go gracefully. Those in shelters will enjoy 5 to 10 years of underground living before stored food and breathing aids are used up. From that point you can decay under the ground and be mixed into the Earth over the next so many thousands of years until it all restarts with a new set of ideals.

How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=63853.new#new
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=



  • 2162
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #104 on: June 29, 2015, 10:53:20 PM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #105 on: June 29, 2015, 11:11:54 PM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

The Earth is too powerful? What in hell are you talking about? The Earth is a rock, covered in water in space.

I love how easy it is for you FE morons to straw-man the RE position, knowing full-well that your biblical and pseudo-science nonsense doesn't hold up in the real world. You are being dismissed as a troll.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=63853.new#new
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #106 on: June 29, 2015, 11:36:38 PM »
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

Climate change is not a doomsday thing, it's just something that's better for everyone involved if it doesn't happen.

It's not that people don't think that trees will grow back, it's that people are cutting down trees faster then they are growing back.  Humans work a lot faster then nature and sometimes nature can't keep up.

Earth is like a car: it does it's job well but it does it much better if it's jept in a good condition.  We can't expect to keep short sightedly abusing Earth and expect no negative consequences.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • 2162
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #107 on: June 30, 2015, 01:09:53 AM »

Earth is like a car:
This pretty much sums up RE save the planet mentality.
You are all a bunch of useful idiots!



  • 12193
  • Looking for Occam
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #108 on: June 30, 2015, 01:49:45 AM »

Earth is like a car:
This pretty much sums up RE save the planet mentality.
You are all a bunch of useful idiots!

I wonder if we can trade in our round model,  for a flat model?       Our's is heading toward cooling problems.

Conker's avatar might have a price list.   

Stop gilding the pickle, you demisexual aromantic homoflexible snowflake.

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #109 on: June 30, 2015, 07:01:30 AM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.




  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #110 on: June 30, 2015, 07:58:00 AM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.



  • 5431
  • Round Earther
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #111 on: June 30, 2015, 12:14:34 PM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.

Climate change does not predict the destruction of Earth and nature can totally handle what we throw at it, but as you say: every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and Earth's reaction to all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is climate change.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #112 on: June 30, 2015, 10:04:00 PM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.

         "Destruction" ... yes but not in an immediate and extreme way as you say but in a steady and incremental trend. There is lot of evidence. I have mentioned some in my posts, If you have failed to comprehend them here are some more :




  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #113 on: July 01, 2015, 08:57:07 AM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

Also, dumbass, trees do not grow back by themselves. Look up 'deforestation', and the traumatic effects it has on the planet. Several large areas of the US and Europe are now desert because of this.

When you remove all the trees from an area, you essentially give erosion a free pass to destroy the entire area over a period of time.

Oh, no, but God has a plan for all of it right? The Earth will provide right? Nope. You get out of the Earth what you take from it.
I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=63853.new#new
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=



  • Flat Earth Scientist
  • 30075
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #114 on: July 01, 2015, 09:57:37 AM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

Also, dumbass, trees do not grow back by themselves. Look up 'deforestation', and the traumatic effects it has on the planet. Several large areas of the US and Europe are now desert because of this.

When you remove all the trees from an area, you essentially give erosion a free pass to destroy the entire area over a period of time.

Oh, no, but God has a plan for all of it right? The Earth will provide right? Nope. You get out of the Earth what you take from it.
You can't take anything from earth. Get that into your weird shaped head and you'll learn some stuff, you backward git.



  • 165
  • Not scared of the truth
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #115 on: July 01, 2015, 10:13:53 AM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

Also, dumbass, trees do not grow back by themselves. Look up 'deforestation', and the traumatic effects it has on the planet. Several large areas of the US and Europe are now desert because of this.

When you remove all the trees from an area, you essentially give erosion a free pass to destroy the entire area over a period of time.

Oh, no, but God has a plan for all of it right? The Earth will provide right? Nope. You get out of the Earth what you take from it.
You can't take anything from earth. Get that into your weird shaped head and you'll learn some stuff, you backward git.

Do you have autism? Or downs-syndrome? I can't figure out which yet.

I can't take anything from the Earth hmm?

>I dig up a tree
>I pound that tree into paper
>That tree no longer produces oxygen by recycling carbon dioxide

I'd be an FE believer, but I'm not stupid. I have Internets.

Proof the Earth is round, not flat: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=63853.new#new
Debunking Flat Earth Theory completely: http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #116 on: July 01, 2015, 01:12:19 PM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.

Now that I have given evidence, which reason is it from 1 to 5 ?



  • 2162
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #117 on: July 01, 2015, 01:14:34 PM »
How does that long, arduous explanation help anyone understand anything? It's patently false. Mankind is not a 'zit' that will eventually pop. We're screwing up this planet one factory at a time. Do you understand how thin the atmosphere is? It's very delicate, and changing the chemical composition of it damages it permanently. There is no 'Mother Earth' like the Earth knows whats happening. This sounds like pseudo-Biblical "God made the Earth, so the Earth will provide" bullshit.
What a load of crap. I have been listening to you doomsayers my whole life.
We cannot harm the earth it is to powerful, you going on about it being delicate, just listen to yourself.
You think you are a god and you have to protect the earth because it is delicate.
Must be a lot of fun to be had in your world planting bloody trees when you are so ignorant you cannot see they would grow back by themselves.

Also, dumbass, trees do not grow back by themselves. Look up 'deforestation', and the traumatic effects it has on the planet. Several large areas of the US and Europe are now desert because of this.

When you remove all the trees from an area, you essentially give erosion a free pass to destroy the entire area over a period of time.

Oh, no, but God has a plan for all of it right? The Earth will provide right? Nope. You get out of the Earth what you take from it.
Nah, trees do grow back.
Evacuate a city and in  time nature will pull the city apart.
Chill out Mr fearmonger.



  • 2162
Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #118 on: July 01, 2015, 01:39:19 PM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.

Now that I have given evidence, which reason is it from 1 to 5 ?
5. None of the above.
You say majorty of flat earthers blah, blah. What numbers are you talking about here?

Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« Reply #119 on: July 01, 2015, 02:19:38 PM »
         It is evident from discussion so far that majority of Flat earthers deny man made climate change. They are equally dogmatic in this case as in pursuit of their Flat earth idea. Now the question is why ? Why ignore a modern day growing problem which has all signs of serious repercussions in the near future ?
         Is it one of the following reasons :
         1. General principle of Flat earther to oppose anyone outside their subset.
         2. Religion based, stemming from the belief that the fate of earth is only decided by God.
         3. Denial on the ground that such idea(s) may form evidence in favour of spherical earth.
         4. Just for fun.
         5. None of the above.

Tell me all the proofs of our destruction of this Earth?

What harm are we doing to the Earth that the Earth can't handle. Physical evidence would be good but you can name as much as you want via the media, just so we can get an idea where we are.

Now that I have given evidence, which reason is it from 1 to 5 ?
5. None of the above.
You say majorty of flat earthers blah, blah. What numbers are you talking about here?

If it is none of the above then what reason is it according to you ? As i mentioned in the OP I had been seeing most of flat earthers outside this forum to deny said topic, hence this post was an effort to gather opinion of flat earthers inside this forum. From the discussions so far in this thread no flat earther has replied in support of said topic, hence use of the term majority. However to ascertain that a poll would have to be setup.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 03:32:46 PM by josan »