Care to explain it as if you're telling it to a kid. No need for equations or maths, just explain it in basic quick format.
I hope you realize that when people use equations and maths, it's not to show off their knowledge or to make you feel stupid. It's because equations and maths give us an unparalleled amount of accuracy and precision. Trying to explain physics without using math is like trying to explain sailing without wind. It's a non-starter.
The only reason that you are asking for a simple explanation of a complex theory is so you can say "that sounds dumb" or "that's too complicated" and act like you know better than the entire scientific community. Any explanation you are given will be intended for a lay person and will not accurately reflect on the actual theory.
Good point explaining string theory without math, you miss the elegance and beauty. But it can be understood at some level without maths.
In quantum string theory all vibrational modes of tiny strings coorespond to the energy levels of fundamental particles, strings can be open or closed, particles like the photon (and graviton) emerge naturally from the equations of string theory, and surprisingly Maxwells equations for electrodynamics appear from string dynamics. Since the graviton emerges naturally from string theory as well, so quantum gravity is part of string theory.
String theory equations have been refined and evolved into superstring theory, string theory allowed the existence of negative mass faster than light tachyons, superstring theory becomes supersymmetry and postulates that particles have supersymmetric equivalents, the upgrade at the LHC should reach energy levels needed to test supersymmetry.
At it's heart supersymmetry proposes that forces and particles are equivalent, M-theory combines a number of different string theories, and a theory of supergravity.
The standard model of particle physics is a beautiful thing. Six Quarks, Six Leptons, 4 forces.

That's a good place to stop. Should I go on, or are you unbiased enough to continue?