1. Where is your evidence that objects of different mass fall at different accelerations in a vacuum? if you don't have any evidence you can't claim that as a fact.
Nor can you.
Yes I can, I showed you one experiment, I can also recall throwing rocks off a cliff into water, the bigger ones hit the water the same time as the smaller ones, Galileo climbed up the leaning tower of Pisa and proved it as well, you can prove the same with inclined planes. You could go outside right now and drop large and small rocks or ball bearings they all fall at the same rate, the only limiting factor is air resistance. By contrast, you have nothing, zip, zero zilch, no evidence at all, why, because it simply doesn't happen. Not in this world, the only place it might be true is in your imagination.
Your time has expired on this one. You lose.
2. If you contend that weight is related somehow to mass, what it the relationship, Or put it another way how do scales work?
Scales work by measuring the resistance of any matter/object that is resisting the atmosphere pushing down on it. It reads that resistance because the scale plate is designed to move under the dense object's leverage/resistance against that scale plate.
So if I put a liter of water the scales will read 1kg after allowing for the container. What is the mass, and what is the weight?
3. What is the relationship of force to acceleration and mass. More mass requires more force doesn't it. More force on the same mass gives more acceleration, Do you agree?
So what force is required to accelerate a mass of 1kg by 1 meter/sec/sec.
4. Cavendish measured the gravitational constant, which proves gravitational attraction, if you disagree you need to do more than just call it bollocks.
Cavendish can go and suck eggs. I can't be arsed arguing that silly experiment.
You lose this one as well, since you can't be arsed refuting the experiment.
Oh and there's no trap for me. I'm serious about what I say. If I make an error at any time I'll be the first to admit. I'm fine at the moment.
Good. We are almost done.