This is a very simple thread. It's about video proof.
Does the Round Earth Horizon really exist (meaning the earth has a curvature) or does it only exist in the mind of believers?
I presented 20 videos. In none of them you can see a RE-horizon.
A few days ago, I summoned the RE-believers to show 10 or more decent videos that prove that the RE-horizon exist.
As we all know, videos that show a disappearing bottom of far away objects at sea (15-80 km) are not valid. Well, it's just the opposite. All those videos prove a flat earth as the object is for the most part still visible. It does not sink below an imaginary RE-horizon. It will be visible till the very end when suddenly the whole object will be gone completely, vanished into the mist and not below a RE-horizon that does not exist.
Until, now the RE-worshippers are repeating their empty words why my 20 videos are not solid proof. An imaginary RE-horizon is their instrument.
So, to end the discussion it's fair to ask them to show 10 or more decent videos to prove that their fantasy RE-horizon really exists.
Come on RE-guys, show us your 10 videos (or more). There must be hundreds of them on the internet if your RE-horizon really exists.
If you can't deliver, there is only one conclusion possible: your RE-horizon does not exist!