Well, since curiosity is into nearing its third year, it landed on Mars in 2012, of a two year mission, I don't find wheels that are getting holes in them as ludicrous.
True, true. I'll bet by next year it will shed them and start hovering.
Incredulity is not a valid argument. You have not presented anything of substance other than your ability to deny everything. Maybe you should change your name to deniomatic?
There's many things I actually believe though. I believe that the rovers on mars are fairy stories.
You can 'believe' anything you like, but that does not alter the fact that you've NEVER ONCE provided any proof that any space mission, ever, has been faked.
The picture below is testament to the REAL and FACTUAL Apollo 11 mission conducted by NASA in 1969. Buzz Aldrin, picture taken by Neil Armstrong - it happened, get over it.