fixed, i think. i think i pasted the wrong link before.
Ok, so first off...
Your FAQ is wrong.
Second off - I will prove it right now.
"this is a sphere, and yet no flat surfaces exist on a sphere" - Because in fact on our planet no thing that "lies" on the ground is flat, it seems, but it doesn't.
"We also acknowledge the fact that all matter is accelerating. [...] If you have matter accelerating, however, it cannot form a sphere." - It's not a matter accelerating, but a space. The most basic thing you (i think) don't understand. And if it's a space accelerating, we have then no problem.
Aether thingies - you're doing it wrong, because you're supposing it on flat Earth that you haven't yet proved.
"planets look the same as stars when seen with the naked eye (absurd if they are just rock or unlit gas). The moon glows too brightly to be just a rock." - That's because of atmosphere, amount of light and materials that these objects are made of. Photons are "bouncing" off the objects and then going straight towards our eyes. If it's too distant, we can't see more than a light and it's obvious. Objects in our system aren't black holes, so they can't "eat" light. Photons just bounce off and go into our eyes. Simple. And. Moon has a little bit of a almost white dust on it, so it easily reflects light. I'm sorry to say that, but you all flat-earthers with your "proves" sound kinda like medieval priests.
"sun's rays are always facing downward" - There are no directions in space. If you turn your head you'll say that sun's rays are facing upwards.
"Around the earth is an ice wall." - Sorry, but no evidence I see for it and even no ice wall I see. I was at the south pole twice, it's not hard to go there. The thing is that actually only few want to go there, because it is... pretty boring out there. For real, the pretty only thing we had to do is to drink whisky and simply live.
"There is no such thing as air." - So if there's no air, gases like nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium and methane don't exist? Are you serious? Even the fact that we can condense the air proves the air existence.
"Fire does not require oxygen. [...] Fire requires motion, like all heat." - No. Fire requires oxygen, without it it simply doesn't shows up. If oxygen weren't needed for a fire, then it would have shown up in space.
I see that you pretty much every time put "aether" instead of "air". Why do you want to think that planes just fly to proper whirlpool instead of thinking that they're just making a lift power using an air flowing through the wings? Aircrafts are made in "air" way, not in irrational "aether" way.