There aren't any stars in NASA's Apollo pictures, WE DIDN'T GO TO THE MOON.
There wasn't a huge 747 hull in the Pentagon, when a car crashes into a building, it's mostly intact. IT WAS A CRUISE MISSILE.
Our gut responses can fail us at times. When we see something that contradicts our ideas of correct outcomes, there are two reactions, re-visualize out idea of a correct outcome, or demand that it was a mistake/lie.
In the above, the camera settings were to take a picture of a guy dressed in white illuminated in brilliant sunlight, not of the dim stars behind them. Therefore, the stars are massively underexposed and don't show up.
A plane is not a car, a plane has much less matter per volume than a car. When a car hits a retail shop at 20 miles an hour, it smashes through the front window and stops, breaking a whole bunch of stuff, but the car itself is more or less intact. When a 747 hits a bulletproof, bombproof, reinforced concrete wall with kevlar lining at 500 miles an hour, the thin aluminum skin shatters, the engines take the path of least resistance, folding in with the wings (after they hit the wall), and smashing through the main hole that was caused by the nose and a couple of interior walls as well. The huge intakes and nozzles are ripped to shreds, and you are left with something not much bigger than a car engine, of which we have photographic evidence.