
Are you in favor of reunification?

40 (85.1%)
7 (14.9%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll

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Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« on: January 12, 2015, 12:22:19 PM »
Some time ago the Flat Earth Society became a splintered group. Some people were dissatisfied with how things were being run and a new site was created out of those concerns. This site is www.tfes.org. We are now in the process of discussing reunification. Which means, theflatearthsociety.org and tfes.org will merge userbases, mods, admins, posts, discussions, and what have you. Essentially, we will be one forum again.

For more information on the specifics, follow this link. It explains everything.

Now, Pongo has expressed a concern that members here at theflatearthsociety.org are not being heard. Your voice is important. The purpose of this thread is to gather the votes of the users here to determine whether you are in favor of reunification.

Please read the link posted above and vote accordingly. A short post explaining the reasoning for your vote would be appreciated as well. Thanks!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 12:40:03 PM by Vauxhall »
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  • 6758
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2015, 12:34:45 PM »
I have a few questions before I vote.

What assurances do we have that the results of this poll will be seen by the people in charge?

When did you, Vauxhall, become a liaison for tfes.org and what position do you hold over there that allows you to speak for the merger?

What will be the effect on the merger if this vote is in favor of the merger?  What if it is against the merger?

Is this simply a feeble and patronizing attempt to placate the good users of theflatearthsociety.org?



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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2015, 12:44:49 PM »
I have a few questions before I vote.

What assurances do we have that the results of this poll will be seen by the people in charge?

When did you, Vauxhall, become a liaison for tfes.org and what position do you hold over there that allows you to speak for the merger?

What will be the effect on the merger if this vote is in favor of the merger?  What if it is against the merger?

Is this simply a feeble and patronizing attempt to placate the good users of theflatearthsociety.org?

No, Pongo. Like I said, this is not personal. I am not a liaison for anyone, and I am certainly not a liaison for the users on this site. That's the purpose of the poll: to show what the majority of users on this site want. You expressed a concern that the voices of the users here were not heard. I told you to make a poll or simply do something about it and you refused or simply thought it was pointless. I am simply taking action. Like I said earlier, this is not personal. I have nothing against you.

I cannot answer your questions specifically. The post I linked to in the OP explains most of the things that will happen if reunification occurs.

The purpose of this poll is to determine if the members of this site are in favor of reunification. That's it. As far as how things will be run, it would be best to contact Daniel or pizaaplanet (on the other site) for more information, but the link in the OP should answer most of your basic questions.
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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2015, 12:52:13 PM »
Something I'm curious about: why did this split (It should be called "the great schism") happen in the first place?

By the way, I thinks it's cute that this society has its own internal politics and factions. It's like Monaco having a civil war.
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  • 6758
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2015, 12:56:26 PM »
No, Pongo. Like I said, this is not personal. I am not a liaison for anyone, and I am certainly not a liaison for the users on this site. That's the purpose of the poll: to show what the majority of users on this site want. You expressed a concern that the voices of the users here were not heard. I told you to make a poll or simply do something about it and you refused or simply thought it was pointless. I am simply taking action. Like I said earlier, this is not personal. I have nothing against you.

I was doing something about it.  I'm just not doing what you "told" me or what you think is best.  Turns out, two people can have an opinion on the best way to address a concern and one of them may disagree with you.

I cannot answer your questions specifically. The post I linked to in the OP explains most of the things that will happen if reunification occurs.

Cannot or will not?  Because they seem to be very simple questions.  I can answer them for you if you like.

1) No assurances whatsoever.
2) You answered this one.
3a) Nothing.
3b) Nothing.
4) Yes.

The purpose of this poll is to determine if the members of this site are in favor of reunification. That's it. As far as how things will be run, it would be best to contact Daniel or pizaaplanet (on the other site) for more information, but the link in the OP should answer most of your basic questions.

To what end?  I can poll the users on their preference for presidential election, but those votes won't be counted for anything.  The poll on tfes.org had a direct effect of the approval or rejection of the merger and when one of our members tried to vote on it, their vote was stricken from the poll. 

Basically, you get to vote on the merger and we get to vote on if we think it's a neat idea or not with no bearing on the outcome.  The reason you cannot fathom why this is even mildly upsetting is beyond me.


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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 01:03:07 PM »
Something I'm curious about: why did this split (It should be called "the great schism") happen in the first place?

By the way, I thinks it's cute that this society has its own internal politics and factions. It's like Monaco having a civil war.

A long history of poor/non-existent administration here, particularly with regard to technical matters.  The catalyst was when Daniel screwed up and lost six weeks worth of posts in a botched data transfer.



  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2015, 01:07:24 PM »
Basically, you get to vote on the merger and we get to vote on if we think it's a neat idea or not with no bearing on the outcome.
This is because our admins care about their community while your admins do not. Wouldn't you want to be apart of a forum where your admins will poll you on what you think is best for the site?

If your admins are fine with relinquishing forum control, why would you be against that?



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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2015, 01:07:55 PM »
The purpose of this poll is simple, Pongo.

What exactly were you doing about your concerns? It seemed like you came over to tfes.org and whined. That's it. Did you think that would accomplish something? I am actually trying to help your case here, but I am getting nothing but flak from you.
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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2015, 01:59:03 PM »
To what end?  I can poll the users on their preference for presidential election, but those votes won't be counted for anything.  The poll on tfes.org had a direct effect of the approval or rejection of the merger and when one of our members tried to vote on it, their vote was stricken from the poll. 

Basically, you get to vote on the merger and we get to vote on if we think it's a neat idea or not with no bearing on the outcome.  The reason you cannot fathom why this is even mildly upsetting is beyond me.

Damn, man, it's not as personal as you're making it out to be. I don't know about others, but I sort of expected this site's opinion to be resolved on, um, this site. If you're really that upset about it, I'll assure you that this poll will be seen by the other forum's administration. They care, even if you don't think they do because they specifically polled their own members and didn't poll another forum's members.
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  • 3926
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2015, 02:23:26 PM »
What assurances do we have that the results of this poll will be seen by the people in charge?
As an administrator of the forum at tfes.org, you have my assurance that the results of the poll will be seen. I can't promise any action based on the results, but it will at least be seen and discussed.

What will be the effect on the merger if this vote is in favor of the merger?  What if it is against the merger?
I can't say for sure. The best I can say at the moment is what I said previously.

Is this simply a feeble and patronizing attempt to placate the good users of theflatearthsociety.org?
I would say no.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2015, 02:42:41 PM »
I have a concern.
I would like a complete list of who would be moderators on the combined forum. There are a couple on this site and the other who I don't think are suitable for the role, either because they have a history of behaving like childish brats, or they are acid-spitting power-drunks like Thork.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2015, 02:49:10 PM »
I have a concern.
I would like a complete list of who would be moderators on the combined forum. There are a couple on this site and the other who I don't think are suitable for the role, either because they have a history of behaving like childish brats, or they are acid-spitting power-drunks like Thork.

Blanko, Roundy, Supertails, jroa, and Gayer are the current tfes.org mods. I assume their moderator status will carry over. Thork has never been a mod.



  • 3926
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2015, 02:49:36 PM »
I have a concern.
I would like a complete list of who would be moderators on the combined forum. There are a couple on this site and the other who I don't think are suitable for the role, either because they have a history of behaving like childish brats, or they are acid-spitting power-drunks like Thork.

The best I can give you is what Parsifal stated on the matter on tfes.org:

...we will be reviewing the moderator selection to account for reunification at some stage (possibly on tfes.org before actual reunification takes place). We will most likely keep the most active moderators from both forums, but this will be treated separately from reunification because the merged forum will be under our control.



  • 5914
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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2015, 02:50:45 PM »
I have a concern.
I would like a complete list of who would be moderators on the combined forum. There are a couple on this site and the other who I don't think are suitable for the role, either because they have a history of behaving like childish brats, or they are acid-spitting power-drunks like Thork.

I don't think much will change in this regard, but yes... there will be different mods.  You might want to ask Junker or Supertails for more information on this, since they are both mods at tfes.org.

Edit: Junker beat me to it. Disregard this.
Read the FAQS.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2015, 02:54:08 PM »
OK I'll vote yes then, although see my thread about nude mod photos  ;)
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2015, 10:04:06 PM »
I think that the merger is a great idea, it's pretty much just making 2 nearly identical websites into one.
I am having a video war with Jeranism.
See the thread about it here.



  • 1132
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #16 on: January 13, 2015, 01:10:29 AM »
The other lot have about 10% of the copulation here, pun intended, if you go look over there it is a bit boring. The politics they will bring could be a hassle. You guys pay the bills, your call. Good luck whatever you lot are entertaining. and don't forget the entertaining part. The politics from that side might make me run away if so even septic gets a thumbs up from me.
ps. A day without septic has been like a late xmass pressy.



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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2015, 05:04:56 AM »
I think the reunification would have a positive effect for everyone involved.  I'm not sure if anyone's noticed, but the forums here have had a couple technical hiccups over the years.  The tfes.org admins will be able to handle those technical problems much better than I can.  If the tfes.org forums now are any indication, things will run much faster and we'll deal with less down-time.  Plus they're more active on the forums than I generally am.  The reunification also brings a bunch of other very active users back into the unified Society.  It also brings Thork back, I guess, but we'll try to cope.

Apart from the tfes.org/theflatearthsociety.org forums merger, we're also hoping to make the homepage much more active.  I've done a decent job of adding to the library and image gallery over the past year or so, but I'd love to have other people contributing to the front page as well.  I'm seeing this as an opportunity to be more inclusive all around.

Wilmore and I have been talking with the tfes.org guys and I think everyone's pretty happy to end this rift and start focusing on improving the Society, working on new FES-related projects and spreading the word about Flat Earth Theory.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2015, 05:32:21 AM »
I voted against it.

The whole schism and all  the bickering is fucking funny.

Plus this that massive bell-end, Thork, left - which was the best thing to happen to this site.
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  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2015, 05:56:24 AM »
The other lot have about 10% of the copulation here, pun intended, if you go look over there it is a bit boring. The politics they will bring could be a hassle. You guys pay the bills, your call. Good luck whatever you lot are entertaining. and don't forget the entertaining part. The politics from that side might make me run away if so even septic gets a thumbs up from me.
ps. A day without septic has been like a late xmass pressy.
The politics may not stay. The Zetetic Council is up for debate after the reunification, but even if it stays around, they don't do much and are easy to ignore.

I voted against it.

The whole schism and all  the bickering is fucking funny.

Plus this that massive bell-end, Thork, left - which was the best thing to happen to this site.
Most of the bickering comes from Thork and Pongo.



  • 6758
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2015, 06:12:51 AM »
Most of the bickering comes from Thork and Pongo.

Hrmmmm.  Must be an extremely low amount of bickering if I constitute a portion of the majority as I've only shot roughly 15 posts at the topic.  And, it would be a stretch to classify most of them as bickering.



  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2015, 06:20:43 AM »
Must be an extremely low amount of bickering if I constitute a portion of the majority as I've only shot roughly 15 posts at the topic.
You would be correct.

We don't have a whole lot of ranting on our site, mostly because we're all veterans who know each other pretty well by now. I think we bicker amongst ourselves less than what I experienced on this forum. Either way, it's really not a whole lot and almost none at all about the merger (Thork doesn't count).



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Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2015, 08:57:07 AM »
Must be an extremely low amount of bickering if I constitute a portion of the majority as I've only shot roughly 15 posts at the topic.
You would be correct.

We don't have a whole lot of ranting on our site, mostly because we're all veterans who know each other pretty well by now. I think we bicker amongst ourselves less than what I experienced on this forum. Either way, it's really not a whole lot and almost none at all about the merger (Thork doesn't count).
Wait for some more females to join, then we will see you bicker :D
God is real.                                         



  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2015, 09:22:04 AM »
I don't mind females, Gayer and I get along just fine.
Snupes just has thin skin and shouldn't be in CN, but otherwise I like her just fine too.

However, if anyone moves in on my Rushy then I will get in a cat fight.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2015, 10:56:32 AM »
The other lot have about 10% of the copulation here, pun intended, if you go look over there it is a bit boring.

While we have fewer users, we are all very active. We also have a 90 page thread about how Morrowind is the best videogame ever. How is that boring?

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2015, 11:02:15 AM »
I have a solution to the Thork problem.
Since nobody is under any illusion that this forum or the other are in any way democratic, we could just simply ban Thork permanently for no good reason. He would appeal, but just like they do now with ausGeoff, the mods could ignore his whiny ass.
Founder member of the League Of Scientific Gentlemen and Mademoiselles des Connaissances.
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  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2015, 11:04:33 AM »
I have a solution to the Thork problem.
Since nobody is under any illusion that this forum or the other are in any way democratic, we could just simply ban Thork permanently for no good reason. He would appeal, but just like they do now with ausGeoff, the mods could ignore his whiny ass.
What? tfes.org is pretty democratic and I for one would vote against this outrageous idea.

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2015, 11:05:24 AM »
Thork is an esteemed member of the society. How dare you demand his deposition?

Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2015, 11:08:28 AM »
Thork is an esteemed member of the society. How dare you demand his deposition?

Because so many people in this thread are playing the "what a shame we have to have Thork" card.
I personally have no major beef with the guy. I don't mind if he's here, I was simply making a suggestion that would solve what many people apparently seem to think is a problem.
The greater good, and all that.
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I am pompous, self-righteous, thin skinned, and smug.



  • 5669
Re: Flat Earth Society Reunification Poll
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2015, 11:12:16 AM »
Define "so many people". I said Thork doesn't count in reference to people who bicker. That's what he's good at, but I love him for it.