* A bright's worldview is free of supernatural and mystical elements
I still feel that there is plenty of stuff that science cannot currently explain. So until that day comes that it can, my "worldview" still contains "supernatural" elements.
So, darn. I can't be a bright.
American Heritage Dictionary:
su·per·nat·u·ral·ism (sū'pər-năch'ər-ə-lĭz'əm) n.
1. The quality of being supernatural.
2. Belief in a supernatural agency that intervenes in the course of natural laws.
nat·u·ral·ism (năch'ər-ə-lĭz'əm, năch'rə-) n.
Philosophy. The system of thought holding that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws.
No is claiming that science explains, or even can explain,