My estimate of the re-entry force is that it will compress the space ship like a tin can being stepped on.
Hi Anders, could you explain why the re-entry force will compress the space ship like an tin can?
Thanks for asking!
The Apollo 11 capsule, like the Shuttle later, was made of thin plate/weak stiffeners and can be seen at some museum of space scrap at Washington, DC. The structural drawings and associated strenght calculations/design loads are still top secret for some strange reasons.
The internal air pressure for the crew was about 1 bar. The external pressure on the fast moving capsule, when entering at > 10 000 m/s speed the Earth atmosphere getting denser with reduced altitude, was probably >10 bar = the capsule structure would collapse into itself like a tin can being stepped on.
Stiffeners would break due to overstress, plate panels would bend/buckle and be ripped apart. But I assume the spaceship would have caught fire before that due to friction/heat, etc.
Only brain washed space nuts believing NASA science fiction nonsense believe today in re-entries. Americans are very easy to fool. They believe anything shown on TV.
Of course no re-entry has ever been shown on TV. But there are videos of the inside of American space ships while re-entering. Great fun. See them at my web site.
Rayzor asks about who started the fake space travel biz. It was comrade Nikita Chrustchev, CEO of USSR, sending comrade Gagarin into space 1961. Didn't cost anything - just propaganda.
The Americans fell for it, wetted/dirtied their pants and JFK ordered a fake Moon trip to beat the commies. Great fun! I describe it on my web site. Nothing to get upset about. Enjoy it. I am a very friendly, good looking person. Offer me a drink when you pass Freiberg i.Sa.