Geoffrey is the lead bully. The good thing against him is, there are many people who think like him, that dislike him for being a bully.
He can't be bullied back because he runs crying to the mods, as he has done on numerous occasions when I've took him on. I've had to ignore him to save the mods the pain of having to deal with his constant complaints, or this is how it's made to appear. Who knows what is going on.
Most of the others you can debate with. My advice to you is to smile at Geoffrey or bypass his posts and keep up the good work.
Don't think people on here aren't reading your thoughts. There will be many. All people like Geoffrey are doing is trying to poison the free thinking persons minds and those who have the potential to see through the lies of what people like Geoffrey, spew.
And this proves once again my suspicion that
sceptimatic IS in fact still reading each and every one of my comments LOL.
I had him backed into so many corners that he ended up
allegedly adding me to his IGNORE listing, but it's pretty obvious that this was simply another of his many, many lies. The reason he claimed for ignoring me was in reality connected with my ripping apart every one of his absurd pseudo-scientific claims. Eventually I buried him under a sea of empirical, viable, credible scientific facts and figures.
I'm guessing the most embarrassing episode for the guy was when I kept raising the points about him being unable to define his ludicrous fairy tale about "denpressure", and he was lost for words—literally. The same for his lies about his purported thirteen academic credentials and his 12 books, and his multiple patents. All blatant lies. And whatever happened to the results of his research with the special laser and the 2km sheet of flat ice that was gonna revolutionise the way we looked at the shape of the planet? Again, the whole thing was just another blatant lie.
And it never cease to amuse me that
sceptimatic is like a moth to the flame with every whack-job—such as Björkman—who joins this forum. In fact, the more loony tunes they are, the quicker poor old
sceptimatic will endeavour to befriend them with gushing praise for their opinions, and at the same time get the boots into all the round earthers here.
Still, his comedic efforts don't go totally unwasted. His stuff is fresher than Bozo the Clown's, plus you don't have to pay for a circus entry ticket!