BTW, when on the Moon, what shall you do there?
Take a selfie, obviously.
What do people do when they get to the summit of Everest? Not a whole lot. Pretty much hang for a few minutes, take in the view, relish in the accomplishment, take some photos, and get the hell back down to camp. Pretty much what astronauts did, though they also did some sciency stuff.
So what's your point? Why venture to the North or south poles? Why climb mountains? Why run a marathon? People do lots of stuff just to accomplish doing stuff. Doing it just to be able to have done it. Doing something that has never been done. Or doing something faster, better, more efficiently. Part of what makes up innovation. Are you anti-innovation? Why design your egg hull? A whole host of reasons I imagine, one of which would have been, "Yeah, I, Heiwa, designed the wildly safe and successful next-gen tanker hull that is now used throughout the world."
"Yeah, I, Neil Amstrong, was the first human to walk on the moon."
See, pretty much the same thing.
Not at all. Mount Everest is the highest mountain on Earth with its two poles, etc, but walking on the Moon??? Give me a break. Anyone can walk on Earth. Why would Neil become a hero just walking ... on the Moon?
Not anyone can walk on earth, if that part of earth is hostile to their human condition. Just drop the ridiculous non-argument that something is not worthy to do because you wouldn't do it or see no value in it. It's just ridiculous.
Case in point, I see no worth or value in you going up against the American juggernaut of rejecting your egg hull tanker design and you defending it across the web 30 years on. A Quixotic venture at best. But I still laud your ability to come up with a design and going through the machinations to try and get it approved and built. Same thing. So don't shit on someone else's achievements just because you don't align with their motivations.
And it is the Challenge/topic. How did Neil get there ... to walk?
IMHO Neil just faked it.
Yes, we're well aware of your IMHO. But here in lies the problem and one of the myriad reasons your "challenge", as you incorrectly call it, is
fake unto itself.
All of your responses to said
challenges(s) amount to "IMHO". That's not proper. What would be, when you ask for data, calculations, aka specifics, you need to respond with data, calculations, aka specifics. You need to detail, as an example, why X amount of fuel would not propel a manned spacecraft out of earth's orbit...Specifically. Not just IMHO...No.
That is not a
challenge. That's just you claiming you will give someone money for you to say No. That's what is really known as