I will add, one of the hallmarks of stupidity in these twerps is that they accept the sin with a core of 15 million degrees Celsius warms our planet 150 million kilometres away.
And what do you think "warms our planet"?
The sun of course! But the notion there is a 'man made sun' here on Earth, more than 6 times hotter than the one 150,000,000 kilometres away and having no impact on the Earths climate is ludicrous
So you accept that, "accept the
sin . . . warms our planet 150 million kilometres away"?
Spelling misteakes
aside, why is "having no impact on the Earths climate is ludicrous"?
The "Chinese . . . 100 million degree 'sun' right here on Earth" might have an almost unbelievable temperature but that has nothing to do with the amount of
heat energy produced.
And in a thermal or nuclear power station about half of the heat generated is converted into electricity.
But the point of both fission and fusion energy production is that there are direct no CO
2 emissions.
Whereas a typical 1000 MW coal-fired powered power station might produce 6.30 million tonnes of CO
2 emissions/year.
But don't ask me if fusion generation will ever be practical - it always seems 20 years away
You can ignore the rest.On a more practical note I wonder whether Thorium reactors might end up being a solution to energy production with little or no CO
Some have said that they would have been developed years ago were it not for the Uranium based nuclear weapon development.
Thorium reactors have the advantage that they cannot produce weapons' grade nuclear material and cannot run away.
Not only that but they can "burn" 97% of the Thorium and Uranium power generation only "burns" about 3% of the Uranium unless breeder reactors are used.
USA "frowns on" breeder reactors because they produce Plutonium but China is thumbing their noses at the USA and developing them anyway.
Too much said but you don't have to read it.