Poor Mr.Kelly's wife blow her brains out when she was cleaning her gun, when Mark was fucking around at Hollywood entering ... you know!
Why do you say such stupid and mean things?
Good question. Mr. Kelly, a fake US astronut, now retired, is married to Gabby, who was a US congress member until she got her brains blown out at a Tucson, AZ, shopping center some years ago by some crazy person, if you believe the media and its Fake News. On the other hand it is suggested that Gabby blew out her brains herself, while playing with the gun at home, etc, etc. It cannot be easy to be married to a fake astronut while trying to do a political career in USA, where skyscrapers become dust when Arabs land planes in their tops. The Kelly couple now make money attending TV shows, bla, bla, bla. I explain more at my website and I am neither stupid nor mean. I just report my findings and reply to all polite letters about them.