I can fully understand why Scepti posts in the way he does. I asked a reasonable question: why is the comet not visible in the photos?
Because the comet isn't within the field of view of the photo. That's why.
Rama decides to provide a plausible reason for why the comet is not visible by posting a powerpoint slide! When I point out the absurdity of anyone accepting that as proof or even a plausible reason, he starts ranting about "idiotic hoaxes".
He never claimed it was proof. He was trying to show, in a general sense, that the three bodies weren't in a straight line. Why would they be? Orbits are never straight lines, and, yes, these are orbits. Orbital mechanics don't behave the way you seem to be demanding.
Because it's on a PowerPoint slide means it has to be implausible? Why?
Of course. That's why we never have eclipses. Oh, hold on...
Did you just imply that because there are sometimes eclipses, the lander should always be in front of the comet to "eclipse" it"?
"Orbits are never in straight lines". Get it now?
Wow! "legion" does believe eclipses are caused when the earth, moon, and sun are in a straight line! Bookmarking this!
Oh, yes, If you're going to quote me, at least get it right. What I said was "Orbits are never straight lines", not "... never
in straight lines". There's a big difference. Do you know what it is?